That's the prob w/conservatism; it's complicated.


New Member
I've not proclaimed or inferred that I'm intelligent, yet. My SAT, GMAT, and LSAT scores do that for me. Okay, now I have. When have you not been able to understand what I'm saying?
One look at the $700,000,000,000 bailout will tell you where "The Smart" guys have gotten us. :roll:



New Member
ccodiane, I was glad to hear from you and to let everyone know you have are voting for Obama....I knew you would come around, what was it that made you change your mind?


Well-Known Member
It was the PotRoast banning that did it for me, Bongie. I realized after the first Obama induced targeting, months ago, that these liberal freaks, (not of nature; liberalism, being so simple in its practices, is totally natural, for weaklings and freaks) needed to be defeated. So, after he/she banned me for disparaging Obama, I realized that in order to destroy Obama, I needed, on the surface, to seemingly support Obama.
I must say you've done an absolutely bang up job of "destroying" Obama. Please continue the good work!