Thatsmessedup's Blackstar 500 LED, LST Grow #2


Well-Known Member
Day 7 of Flower:
So just a little update. Not much to say. Just chugging along waiting for them to get into the stretch. The foliage is very dense!

Day 7 of Flower Pictures:


Well-Known Member
Day 12 of Flower:
Been steady. Temps are about 70f - 80f, humidity about 45%. Feeding with foxfarm nutes about 850ppm every other watering. They look healthy but I hope that they get bigger and the shoots start to pop out above the canopy. Iv got them positioned right under the light at about 12 inches.

Day 12 of Flower Pictures:



Well-Known Member
Day 15 of Flower:
So far so good. Still watering with 850ppm tiger bloom big bloom and open sesame. They are still very short and bushy. BTW: the one in the back was by my windows for a while. decided since Iv got the room ill throw her in. Iv got it pushed back as to not disturb the other two that I care about.

Day 15 of Flower Pictures:


Well-Known Member
Day 20 of Flower:
Summer temps are getting hot! My tent is about 75-85. Iv still been watering with about 850ppm. All is looking good. I was hoping for more calyx to form by now but what can you do. I'm pretty sure its just the strain and not the light. Iv got a feeling this is a 10 week'er. They look to be filling out quite nice though.

Day 20 of Flower Pictures:



Well-Known Member
Day 25 of Flower:
Things are doing well I think. I re-tied all the flowers so they each get maximum light. Iv also pinched off a lot of the popcorn buds from under the canopy. Temps are good at about 80f and Iv been watering with 950ppm grow big, tiger bloom, big bloom and beasty blooms.

Day 25 of Flower Pictures:


Well-Known Member
Day 27 Of Flower:
They are starting to throw out some pistils and trics so I figured Id post some close ups.

Day 27 Of Flower Pictures:


Well-Known Member


Active Member
looks great man, im also doing a led only cycle minus the cfl for veg. I hope mine can come out as nice as yours.


Well-Known Member
Day 30 of Flower:
So Thanks all of you who are so supportive and actually give valuable information. They are a bit behind my last grow. Id say about a week. I take it as a strain dependent thing and not my lights or setup (Hopefully). Today I watered with 1200PPM and as you can see the one on the right was a little thirsty. I usually feed them every 4-5 days or so with a little over 1 gallons each. I also do plain water every other watering. The one on the right is just barely starting trich production while the one on the left started about 5 days ago. I need to tie down in a few more places but I ran out of safety pins.

Day 30 of Flower Pictures:
