Thatsmessedup's Blackstar 500 LED, LST Grow #2


Well-Known Member
Day 39 Of Flower:
They are starting to show some good progress in trich production :weed::hump:. Oddly enough the little one in the back that I have done no lst to has the least trich production.

Day 39 Of Flower Pictures:

Left Plant:
Right Plant:
Plant in back:


Active Member
Thats some serious good sharp pictures of some beautiful plants.
The number of frosty trich on some of the pictures got my Mr. Spock eyebrow moving upwards, that's for sure.

I'm Looking forward to see the result, especially if they are going to be portrayed in this quality.


Well-Known Member
Day 42 Of Flower:
They are both taking off! Space between nodes are getting filled in and trich production is still going strong. The buds are also getting noticeably fatter. The left plant is still about a week ahead of the right. I took shots of different buds around the plant to give a broad overview.

Day 42 Of Flower Pictures:

Left Plant:

Right Plant:

Both Plants:


Well-Known Member
Day 44 Of Flower:
Today I have run out of space in my veg box and I must begin flowering my next batch. So Iv made some room and hoping for the best. I still want to see how the Blackstar performs so Iv moved the Great White Shark's over to the right and moved the LED along with them. On the left are 5 X fem Special Kush #1 and 1 X fem Afghani Milk all in 2 gallon smart pots with FFOF soil. Its a bit crowded so I had to remove the flowering GWS in the back. It was quite far behind anyway so I don't care all that much. I'm sure it will be crazy overcrowded in about a month, but what can you do.

The new guys were vegged for 31 days, with about 170 watts of mixed spectrum cfl. They have all been topped as well. They are now under 270 watts of cfl. It would be 252 watts but I busted a 42 watter and had to replace it with a bigger hotter 64 watt cfl.

Temps with the new setup are about 88f which is not too bad considering its about 94f outside and just about 80 in the room. Iv had to crack the tent open a bit. I really want to get another LED but right now I just cant afford it, so this will have to do.

The pic on the left is my homemade veg box with the girls inside before I moved them to the flower tent. It worked surprisingly well! I thought they would be in there longer... that is why I started them so early. Guess I know now for the future that 30 days is all I can get before they outgrow the box.

Day 44 Of Flower Pictures:


Well-Known Member
The plant I had in the back would not fit in the tent with all the other so I took it out. It was not as far along (not showing very many trichs) and I kinda just threw it in there. I was going to toss it so I decided to give it a 10 min shave. It was probably still many weeks from being finished.



Well-Known Member
Day 45 Of Flower:
BAD NEWS! My Blackstar 500 is busted! 3 rows of lights have gone out. Iv decided to replace the whole light setup with a 400 watt hps system. Sorry to all those who where following this grow to see how the Blackstar 500 fairs. Now you know it doesn't fair well! What good is this light if it wont even last 1 year!:cuss:. The temps with the hps light are actually about the same as running the led, so thats good.

Day 45 Of Flower Pictures:
Broken led panel:

New 400watt HPS setup:


Well-Known Member
Oh man! Sorry to hear about the broken panel man! That sucks.

Were there any signs that it was on its way out? Melting diode? discolored glass panel? Or did you remove the panel?


Well-Known Member
^^ ya the center diode was brown and burnt for a while.
View attachment 2233854
Shit. Same thing I have going on with my 180w.


I just sent it back to Lighthouse to get that diode replaced so I could avoid entire row going out.

Is having the glass panel off enough to void your warranty? If it less than a year old I'd fucking silicone that bitch right back on and send it in for repair.