THC, CBD, Terpene test results – UVA vs UVB vs none

omnidirectional bulb output in a reflector shouldn't be considered a single point light source imo.
such a bulb is prob softer light then one think on the first thought.
have no hps cmh, how hard or soft a light is can be easily checked by the outline of the shadow,
sharp outline, its hard, soft or almost non existent shadow, soft to very soft.
well every one have sawn this,right, haha.

(i fear it derail the thread, topic isnt UV related but i like to read the discussion).
glad to see this lol! got my hands on a intense reptile bulb for UVB, and a mini blacklight torch for UVA- should be enough for a mild thc enhancement for 2x quick one autos hopefully. we'll see!
such a bulb is prob softer light then one think on the first thought.
have no hps cmh, how hard or soft a light is can be easily checked by the outline of the shadow,
sharp outline, its hard, soft or almost non existent shadow, soft to very soft.
well every one have sawn this,right, haha.

(i fear it derail the thread, topic isnt UV related but i like to read the discussion).

Probably derailing, but gla will forgive us......... I'm playing a devil's advocate here with diffusion from the source not wall reflection!; always worth that.

In greenhouse (sun) trials the science is there for certain crops, but not for our beloved high dli,/c3 plant yet;-). Btw they still build clear low iron glass houses today..

We've had some heated arguments in the past over this and an riu member who was starting r&d @ clw stated about finding the best led protective coverings....pmma, glass, etc. Pmma would start to cloud within 6/8 months and created an unexpected "diffusion" so to speak...... Guess what happened? Lower yield every time with Cannabis. Clw chose glass in the end.

Sun results doesn't equal artificial lighting results, shocker
i wont diffuse my leds neither by a covering, simply for the reason that it cost quite some percentage of the photons.
in a greenhouse the outdoor sun provides prob often more then needed light so it can be benefical to diffuse it.
our beloved c3 plant is not a c4 plant, yes taking way more light then a basil but its far away from beeing corn or anything else pervert.
tomatos f.e. can take way more light also then our 5+ blader and theyre benefiting from using diffusion in greenhouses.
the effect should be pretty much the same with most leafy green and its not hard to get why, but i would agree that one should see what one is doing with his expensive indoor photons.
best bet for me is fixture size, spread and of course using lots of diodes.
cant offer you something for corn, not very popular in the greenhouse neither or?

best study ive found.
Key results: The highest degree of light diffuseness (71 %) increased the calculated crop photosynthesis by 7·2 %. This effect was mainly attributed to a more uniform horizontal (33 % of the total effect) and vertical PPFD distribution (21 %) in the crop. In addition, plants acclimated to the high level of diffuseness by gaining a higher photosynthetic capacity of leaves in the middle of the crop and a higher LAI, which contributed 23 and 13 %, respectively, to the total increase in crop photosynthesis in diffuse light. Moreover, diffuse light resulted in lower leaf temperatures and less photoinhibition at the top of the canopy when global irradiance was high.
(thats an interesting point)

Conclusions: Diffuse light enhanced crop photosynthesis. A more uniform horizontal PPFD distribution played the most important role in this enhancement, and a more uniform vertical PPFD distribution and higher leaf photosynthetic capacity contributed more to the enhancement of crop photosynthesis than did higher values of LAI.

oh i hope i havent got that wrong, but i was senconding your thesis that a bulb cant be seens as a point light source, leds are way more pointy but we can use more of them, so idk, cant compare anything myself there.

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There are just too many different phenomenae described of what will happen to different colors of light once they hit a leaf, blue/red gets absorbed rather quickly, and if one goes overboard with it will quickly lead to photoinhibition or heat damage while the rest of the plant is still light hungry in a shade.
Antenna systems can store much light energy but what happens when a 660nm photon hits a chlorophyl that already is in an excitated state? that 660nm photon is going to be converted fully to heat, it's lost.
Same situation, just take an orange 630nm photon: can either reach a higher excitated stationary state (a chl-molecule can have several excitation states... "tripletts") or it can initiate chlorophyl-fluorescence, then the previous 630nm photons gets absorbed & swiftly send out as 662nm photon to be available somewhere else.
That is, orange can reach deeper into the leaf/micro-tubuli/canopy as can green, UVA, FR, although each of these colours can use additional mechanism to do so. While FR can't use 662nm-fluorescence, not even a 660nm photon has the surplus energy required to initiate that.
Green bounces off alot to be assimilated at the 10th incident grossly estimated
FR just shines through

Scientifically speaking green has a high level of deflection, FR high transmittance, if you compare absorption charts you'll see how different these lightcolors are in their reaction with a leaf. Yet, some of these colors still reach much deeper down than red & blue.
UV can initiate even more fluorescence, you all know that black-light effect.

Very good link Cobshop that study explains alot. The problem of indoor light is some of the current LED spectra are too swiftly absorbed and that creates too much heat stress (= photon loss) on the leaves having direct light contact.

Outdoor we have 1700umol but
- much FR/IR
- heavy green & orange
(together forming green-darkred shadelight)
- diffuse blue-shifted skylight 30% of total irradiance
- not so high red peaks than ur LEDs have
- clouds giving leaves time to remedy some consequences of photo-inhibition of direct leaves
- wind
- moving sun
- almost no abrupt changes
- physics on our side

So many differences to what a plant is used to... some can be easily remedied by plant training, increase access to direct light.
Some are more & more discovered by science & followed slowly by the industry, e.g. lenses that create diffuse light.

It all comes at a cost - hardware plus higher maint/electricity. If that pays off is surely situational, but the science of it being beneficial for plants is already there, and still increasingly mounting up.