THC Degradation...


Master of Mayhem
buds are UNedible. they have those pointy hairs on them and oils. it irritates the throat. i tried to eat a gram nugget one day. i chewed it up and as soon as i tried to swallow it my throat locked up and i started gagging. i wouldn't eat raw bud. :evil:
LMAO...I don't blame you man, I tried to eat raw bud several times when I was a teenager....... It never turned out well. Always ended up gagging and spitting it out. Even tried washing it down with soda....same results.


Well-Known Member
LMAO...I don't blame you man, I tried to eat raw bud several times when I was a teenager....... It never turned out well. Always ended up gagging and spitting it out. Even tried washing it down with soda....same results.

yet animals love it.......:roll::confused:


Well-Known Member
it might be a little "tart" but then there's the potential to use a warmed mandarin walnut seasame vinegarette...then that would heat treat the leaves....'n ur good to go!


Well-Known Member
Since most of us know better, you go grab that bud and coat it in horseradish for all I care, but you are not getting high from it. I have eaten the highest grade bud around and NOTHING.....NADA, and even ZILCH. I will call an expert today and finally end this argument once and for all....even if I am wrong.


Active Member
When you heat it, the rate of reaction speeds up so the THC gets activated faster because the particles are moving about faster, therefore there is a higher chance they will collide and with the right force and shape to activate the THC.

et al.

The truth is that THC is stored inside the cellulose (green stuff) of the plant as well as the trichomes. Compare weed to celery; when you eat celery, your body cannot digest it because it is mostly cellulose, which humans cannot digest. The THC is stored inside this cellulose, and therefore cannot escape the cellulose walls by digestion, and go to waste. Trichomes have a waxy covering on them, which is something else that us humans can't digest. THC however is fat and alcohol soluble (anything non-polar), which is why green dragon and edibles are made using oil (fat) or alcohol. THC IS NOT HEAT ACTIVATED. Heating the butter while the weed sits in it simply speeds up the rate that the butter absorbs the THC from the weed. If you try to dissolve one teaspoon of salt in a cup of water at room temp it will take a lot longer for the salt to dissolve than if the water was near boiling point. Think of the water as the oil and the salt as the THC. Anytime that people claim to get high by eating pure weed, it is all placebo effect.


Well-Known Member
The best way to store marijuana and prevent weed degradation is by using a weed jar from Herb Preserve. Their jars keep herb fresh for six months or longer. They have special deep violet glass that refracts UV rays which damage weed and are airtight. Once I tried one for my personal stash, I was hooked: Herb Preserve weed jars
thanks for the lame attempt at advertisement.

but if you want to achieve this, get mason jars and put them in big brown paper bags, voila, UV ray proof.