THC Garden #2 New and improved


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Lets start with the equipment im running.
1000w and 600w HPS lighting - budding
8 bulb and 6 bulb t5 Lighting - veg and mothers
2 85w 65k CFL Lighting - Cloning

Mothers are kept in advanced sunshine mix under the 8 bulb t5
Cloning in rooting cubes with the plastic humidity dome under the 2 cfls
Veg is done in felt grow bags with coco medium in a 2x4 flood table under the 6 bulb t5
Budding is done in 5 separate 2x4 flood tables under the 600 and 1000w hps lighting.

using iconic nutrients for veg and bud.
using mother plant nutrients for the mothers.
using clonex gel and solution for the clones.

Strains are : AK47-serious seeds, Querkle-TGA subcool, Dairy Queen-TGA subcool, Iced grapefruit-Female seed co., White widow x Big bud-Female seed co.

I started by planting 3 of each they should be big enough to clone and test sex withing 2 more weeks.

Photos to come when something worth photographing is happening.

Additional equipment- 4" inline fan, 6" inline fan, 4x12 carbon filter (phresh), 6x16 carbon filter(phresh), 600Gph air pump w/ 12 outlet divider, 12 4" oxystones, 6 250 Gph water pumps, dehumidifier, 2 12" ocilating fans, 2 6" ocialting fans, 1 20 " box fan, Ceiling fan in bud room.

I am geting everything set up to keep a consistant flow of meds to my patients. I plan to start 3 plants per week veg for 2 weeks and have 10 weeks for flowering.
I know that flowering dont always take 10 weeks sometimes longer sometimes shorter. so these times can change by simpily not taking clones and leting some plants veg longer. not a big deal.

I will add more as i think of it also I will start adding photos once I sex the plants and get some accualy progress made.


Active Member
Watering today and doing my daily inspection. I had 5 plants show sex today all female 3 ak47 1 iced grapefruit 1 querkle. The others still show nothing. I am pretty happy thou that all 3 ak47 turned up female.


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Yesterday I cut a clone from each of my plants so I can sex them and toss the males. Today the clones arent looking so hot they are all laying down. In an effort to bring them back i closed the vents on the dome. misted the leafs and misted the dome interior. I think the humidity was to low from them so this might bring them back. we will see in a few hours if its helping. my first time cloning so if i fail its not that big of a deal.

as of 5 pm the clones seem to be looking better some fully erect and some are still saggy. I think giving them a mist was what they needed.

Back in action today they are looking good. now just waiting for roots.


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Still no roots but they are looking good. I think that all of my qurkle and dairy queens are males. no to sure since ive never seen male preflowers.


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clones rooted nice. I ended up with 3 ak47 1 querkle 1 dairy queen 1 wwxbb and 1 iced grapefruit being female. not bad got at least 1 of each of the strains i planted. now i just gotta flower them out and see which plants i wanna keep. then i will plant the other strains i have waiting.


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ill be putting a clone from each female into my veg table tomorrow and that should kick off the start of my grow. O yeah thought i would mention that anyone who hates carrying buckets of water should invest in a fish tank gravel vacuum that hooks up to the sink that thing is a god send. for the last year ive been killing my back every week carrying bucket after bucket this thing fills my tanks and emptys my tanks all i have to move is a hose.


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yesterday was my first encounter with the coco block. I accauly like the texture of it. going to take 3 more clones today. I figure since my clones like to take 2 weeks to fully root i will just do 3 a week and be a week behind. which is alright since i have 7 clones in veg now.


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Today I was finnaly pulling the males from my mother plant stock and lone behold one of the querkles i thought was male turn out to be female. So now i have 2 querkle females. Now i am deciding on which of the freebies i have im going to flower thinking between the vintage 2006 or the jack 33 both are ch9 seeds.


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Cut 4 new clones today so with the new ones from last sunday I have 2 iced grapefruit 2 wwxbb 2 dairy queen 2 ak47 the wwxbb and ak47 was this weeks cut. that was based on the plants i have in veg now i piced the best growing and strongest looking ones. The plants in veg have gained about an inch from last week. Not the growth i was expecting but hopfully this week will do better. next sunday all 8 of the plants in veg are going into my flowering room. I am also starting to realize its unrealistic to maintain 8 mothers to only takje 4 clones a week. I need to flower these plants out to pick my favs and keep those mothers. The other mothers will most likly be set in my flower room off to one side of my flood table and flower them out. the light may be far from the plants around 3 ft but its better to try and fail then to just ditch these monsterous plants into the trash. Ive been keeping my ppm for my mothers at around 800 and the ppm for my veg table around 1100. ph is ussualy 5.8 -6.0 in my veg res and i bump it up to 6.5-6.8 for my mothers since they are in soil.


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I also looking forward to that. I have two different phenos. one is real bushy and compact the other is tall and strechy. Interested in seeing if the bud from each smokes differently.


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Couple new photos today. I lifted the lights so I could get better photos. My clones in the veg table arent doing that well they look as if they have nitrogen def. They are growing slow and have extremely purple stems and branches. I am keeping their EC near 1.8. Maybe they will darken up when i put them into flowering. I might also be over watering them. I flood my table 3 times daily, Ive never used coco and was told it drains very well and 3-4 times daily is needed. Ive been feeding them with Ionic grow. I considered adding some floralisious plus to my res to bump up the nitro a little and give them some carbs. If anyone reading this has some sugestions please tell me so I dont continue doing what ever im doing to cause this. The heat vent in this room is directly on my mother plants so ive had it closed but I might open it and see if it will harm them warm air blowing on them shouldnt hurt them or stress them to much i would think.



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Well just to be safe I opened the heat vent. I also lowered my res ph from 6.2 to 5.7. I also added some water with a tiny bit of floralisious plus and that lowered my ppm to 800 from 1100. I also reduced the watering intervals from 4 times daily to 2 times daily. With these added things I hope the plants are happier.


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Things are looking up today. I also moved my light a little further away from the plants they was geting some heat stress. Im still in the begining stages of this new systems so i guess a few bugs to work out is ok. Watered the mothers today after today im no longer going to fertalize every watering Im going to start every other watering. these are just geting to big and i havnt the capacity to take enough clones to keep them in check.


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Everything is looking A-OK Been keeping my PH in check. 5.5-6.0 is standard for coco fiber I am told and its actually helping them so I believe it. I was keeping it around 6.5. Clones are doing good They are all rooted and ready to be put into veg this Sunday. I will be moving the 8 plants in veg into flower this Sunday. I know they are small yet but im not going to huge yeilds just a consistant weekly harvest of around 2 ounces. I should be able to get that from 4 plants that veg for 2 weeks. I am very unimpressed with ionic nutrients. Once I gain some money I plan to swap back to floranova I had much better results with that. I misread some of my labels when i was looking at my plants I thought i had 2 Querkles when I actually have 2 Dairy Queen and 1 Querkle. Anyhow thats all the news I have for know.


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nothing new really I put 4 of those plants into flower and left the others to grow a bit more. put 4 more into veg. just running along no hickups right this moment.


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gotta go out a purchase 4 new flood trays today. These four I drilled my fill and overflow holes in a odd place now they are all leaking. The ones I drilled in the center are not leaking so I need to drill the new ones in the center. considering my grow room is on wood floors i dont want to rot them out.


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Everything is business as usual. Its taken me a while but I think I have gotten things tuned in for now. I had some plants having nitrogen burns and some nutrient lockout. But once i started keeping my pH between 5.5-6.0 and my ppm below 800 everything has been looking and growing wonderful. A few photos today of the plants in veg and flower. I was lucky enough to have an extra tray so I am using that and I plan to replace the others when I get paid from work. Have a look.



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I have been given a dwc setup from a freind. I cleaned it out and am now using it. I put one of my ak47s into it. I am going to veg it under a 85watt cfl untill its tall enought to sit under my t5s. I will flower in the flowering room the lights in there should be plenty to flower it. also picked up some diamond nectar and some super thrive today to help give my plants a boost and make their roots strong.