Well-Known Member
Listen, I don't give a crap whether you believe or agree with what I posted. Any questions? I almost got killed by THC. Think that was fun?
Funny you'd mention this............I was sitting behind an individual on the public bus today who qualified for that title as well.......i went home and promptly puked my intestines out......but felt much better..........that would be wonderful torture likes to ignore lol
Thc didn't cause your problems, hygiene did.
People don't want to hear it but soda is the leading cause for tooth decay. Soda can dissolve a nail in four days. No way it harms the teeth right?How is you dental health in the first place? Do you floss or use a water pix twice a day? Any use of mouth washes that contain fluoride or/and an anti-bacterial wash containing H202? Just asking if it could another issue? I've had some periodontal issues and since moving to the water pix my mouth is coming alone fine for an old geezer.
Bullshit. THC almost killed you.Listen, I don't give a crap whether you believe or agree with what I posted. Any questions? I almost got killed by THC. Think that was fun?
Agree about THC causing sleep issues. Does for me too. I don't smoke or consume several hours before bed time. Other people report it helps. It might also depend on the variety and strength of the pot too.You people can draw your conclusions and I'll draw mine. It's pretty obvious that THC is far from benign. After I stopped using it I gradually returned to normal sleep, with dreams. On THC I didn't actually have any dreams. It was considered for use as a sleep aid decades ago but rejected because it did not produce normal restful sleep. The body requires sleep to stay healthy. Not having a dream state just can't be healthy. How is never having restful and effective sleep a good thing? Do you remember what you dreamed last night? No, you don't. That's because you didn't.
Regarding use for treating cancer, as I said early in the thread, Rosemary is better and safer. Why use an inferior medicine, which also interferes with normal sleep? What's the selling point there? Scientists have just been neglecting Rosemary compounds while focusing on the much more headline getting Cannabis. Besides that, which would you rather pay the going price for, Cannabis or Rosemary? Not everyone wants to grow it in their home. If they don't, they'd have to be independently wealthy to buy their "medicine".
My bad tooth was caused by a combination of two immunosuppressants, THC and caffeine. Apparently not a great combination. And no, I won't go to a doctor or dentist, because they are all money grubbing muffukkas. I'll just avoid immunosuppressants. I cured myself by quitting immunosuppressants and poking a needle in that puss on my gum. Doctors would have given me antibiotics, which damage the liver. Doctors will kill yo ass, son.
It's pretty obvious that THC is far from benign.
On THC I didn't actually have any dreams. Do you remember what you dreamed last night? No, you don't. That's because you didn't.
Regarding use for treating cancer, as I said early in the thread, Rosemary is better and safer.
My bad tooth was caused by a combination of two immunosuppressants, THC and caffeine.
Oh, sounds nasty. I figured it might move up and infect my brain but didn't know about the heart infection. I'll see if it flares up again without THC and caffeine and if so I guess I'll have to get it yanked. Not a good thing for a front tooth but beats infected heart. Thanks for the info.Chronic tooth infections, different than periodontal disease, causes a stream of bacteria to enter the blood stream. This bacterial leads to risk of a heart infection better know as bacterial endocarditis.
I don't know if Rosemary is good for all types of cancer but it certainly appears to be good for some. Cannabis is the same, to my knowledge. I haven't read anything about Rosemary being immunosuppressive though, except one guy on a forum thought carnosic acid would be, based on its structure. That was just some guy though and I couldn't find anything else like that from actual scientists. You obviously haven't bothered to read anything about Rosemary compounds and cancer. Might not be a bad idea before you comment on it.Agree about THC causing sleep issues. Does for me too. I don't smoke or consume several hours before bed time. Other people report it helps. It might also depend on the variety and strength of the pot too.
You can't be serious that Rosemary is some cure all for cancer. There are too many types of cancer for such a sweeping statement.
An inflamed abscessed tooth really hurts. Sounds like you have high tolerance to pain. Most wouldn't be willing to do your home remedy. If it becomes inflamed and you have a fever, don't wait around to get it looked at. You'll probably lose the tooth but some people manage a good smile even so.
If you are determined to continue to diagnose and treat yourself, you have a fool for a doctor, good luck.