THC immune suppression

I don't know if Rosemary is good for all types of cancer but it certainly appears to be good for some. Cannabis is the same, to my knowledge. I haven't read anything about Rosemary being immunosuppressive though, except one guy on a forum thought carnosic acid would be, based on its structure. That was just some guy though and I couldn't find anything else like that from actual scientists. You obviously haven't bothered to read anything about Rosemary compounds and cancer. Might not be a bad idea before you comment on it.

About my tooth, there's actually no pain involved, just swelling. It was painful the first time it got infected but I guess the nerve must have died. I got an x-ray once and there's apparently a bunch of bone eaten away around it. Doesn't flop around or anything though. Suppose it will fall out at some point. Holding up surprisingly well though all things considered. But the good thing about it is that it gave me a very good reason to quit smoking dope and drinking coffee. Hard to quit dope otherwise, being so enjoyable for the most part.
yeah, whatever

Go to the dentist and get that tooth fixed. Dummy
Anecdotally, nearly everything can kill you, including dying of a 'broken heart''.

That doesn't mean everyone will. I once thought the fact that the lying unindicted criminal, hilary clinton, will be our next COC would kill me. But I fully expect to survive.

A Primo Sativa, with strong THC content, could very well put paid to my short existence and render me extinct. Or not.

Age old wisdom lends me to this statement i learned in college
"The only difference between a medicine and a poison is the dosage"

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says 60 milligrams of nicotine is enough to kill a 150-pound adult. That's alarming! Because some e-cigarette "juice" formulas pack as much as 72 milligrams per refill.
Im pretty sure my bedside buddy thc had no role in this.
Oh, sounds nasty. I figured it might move up and infect my brain but didn't know about the heart infection. I'll see if it flares up again without THC and caffeine and if so I guess I'll have to get it yanked. Not a good thing for a front tooth but beats infected heart. Thanks for the info.
i figure it already has infected your brain
Absolutely true.
You're a sucker for punishment I'll give you that much. If you'd read one of my initial posts you'd know that I've already beaten cancer, after a stage 4 diagnosis and given 6-12 months to live... 6 1/2 years ago. No Rosemary involved, all I take is MJ, mainly edibles, no pharma crap. I've also helped and treated others who have stayed cancer free using nothing but MJ. Could be a really weird coincidence I suppose but I think there's more to it.

Is it a miracle drug? Will it cure every cancer? No, I'm not that stupid to think that. But having gone through it myself I'm pretty sure it helps and can probably cure some forms of it altogether.

So, when I see someone trying to put out misinformation, I question it and their intentions/drivers. From what I've read so far, you're just misinformed and stubborn about it.

If you read through this whole thread, I don't think I saw anyone agree with you. One rule/check I try and use for myself is when everyone else is wrong and I'm right, I'm probably wrong and being an asshole. You may want to consider applying that rule here.