The 12-12 From Seed Thread

then again it could of been one of those (not really auto) autos ... the 1st set of autos that came out where hit and miss , some auto flowered some had to be triggered by light scedule , but if that was the case it wasnt a true auto lol ....

anyway WHO CARES ABOUT AUTOS .... 12/12 from seed is basicly the same except better .. why are people even going on about autos in here lol
i thought that aswell...

how did you put her into a long veg amber if it was a auto ... Autos use 1 light scedule and the veg/flower times are pre determined as far as im aware or do you know something the rest of us dont ;)

hahah, im sure delboy dont mind us chatting bout autos cuz hes a cool cat.
Robbie, my auto blue were def autoblues from LowLife seeds gifted to me in the origianl package by the late great "Stoner Barbie". No mistake there.
My intentions were to grow the autoblue as its sopposed to be grown BUT things changed for me and i had to put her in my tent with a 18/6 light schedule for 5 weeks.
I forced her to do what i wanted her to do with amazing results. I think eveyone was pleasantly surprised.
Here is a blast from the past,a post from an old journal of mine with pictures of 2 of my auto blues that i vegged for over 5 weeks..flowered for 8. I believe if i took a clone from this photoperiod bitch it would have taken successfully.
have a wonderful day and happy gardening.
hahah, im sure delboy dont mind us chatting bout autos cuz hes a cool cat.
Robbie, my auto blue were def autoblues from LowLife seeds gifted to me in the origianl package by the late great "Stoner Barbie". No mistake there.
My intentions were to grow the autoblue as its sopposed to be grown BUT things changed for me and i had to put her in my tent with a 18/6 light schedule for 5 weeks.
I forced her to do what i wanted her to do with amazing results. I think eveyone was pleasantly surprised.
Here is a blast from the past,a post from an old journal of mine with pictures of 2 of my auto blues that i vegged for over 5 weeks..flowered for 8. I believe if i took a clone from this photoperiod bitch it would have taken successfully.
have a wonderful day and happy gardening.

yes but what im saying amber is a TRUE auto flower does not care about light scedules , you could run it 1/23 and it would still veg / flower at the same time , if you stuck it into a 18/6 light scedule AND it was a true auto flower it would not care it would still veg/flower the same as if on 12/12 from start to finish or on 24/0 start to finish ...
a TRUE auto flower will flip itself into flower automaticly based on the amount of time it has been alive not based on light scedule ....
autos are cool i got one seed left i found in a bud that im going to do 12/12 at some point.
One of my 12/12 exodus cheese backcross girls went really cheezey on me and got super yellow at the top.. check it out.. this is most likely a magnesium deficency. So i feed her some extra mag. last night.. as of this morning she looks better. cheers, Ambz
Amber I would love to see your waterfarm 12/12 from seed! You ever think about flipping it now? :)

hahah, yo funny man! my waterfarm is a fukin joke right now.. its been like 2 weeks and shes tiny! bearly shooting her 2nd set of true leaves..
i really fuked that one up.. but im hoping for the best. Snipping off the end of her tap root and drowining her on a daily basis ah you live and learn..
Im going to be watching you grow yours out BT! and then i will go for it..i would love to do a 12/12 waterfarm the money savings is really imporant to me.
right now i think she needs all the light she can get.
here's my 12/12'vers... nom nom
blueberry gum and pineapple express..



i'm quite surprised at just how big they got 12/12.. guess its the pot size though.. they're in 6L airpots that i've converted into to about 4L
still seems perfect though as they have stopped stretching now and the light is at just the right height.

picked up some calmag and hammerhead yesterday and gave them a full feed..
iv never used calmag , suppose i should get some lol .. im just looking at canna aqua for my waterfarm ... think i best invest , even though this vitalink coco veg nutes seem to be working fine lol ...
Much obliged. They look wonderful for being of that age! I currently run autos. They take 9-10 weeks from seed to chop, but I wouldnt mind waiting a week or two longer to save on electricity in the long run, as long as yields remain consistent.
yeh.. i been thinking about it.. most people only veg for like 2-3 weeks then flip anyway..
the 12/12 seems to show sex after 2-3 weeks.. so what's the difference apart from burning an extra 6 hours leccy a day..

i would think fast finishers would be around 10 weeks .. normal about 12 and slow finisher about 14 weeks

i ran a few auto's too.. but burning 18 hours a day for 10 weeks is a bit much unless you running cfl's or led's
Sounds Perfect! Now the only problem I have are temperature issues! I like auto's because I can leave them on 24/7 with auto's, supplying them with enough warmth. This time of year, the ambient temp in my room/tent are around 55*F! A little too chilly for these plants, so I think I'll try to find a better location for my tent

Thanks for the help mantiszn, I've just started a few Aurora Indica. Should pop out of soil tomorrow! I appreciate the help