Well-Known Member getting really sick of everybody bagging on my cultural heritage of smashing pengiuns with rocks and chewing on their webbed feetYou sick fuck!!!! Making penguins fry your chickens. ANIMAL!!! MONSTER!!! Does Amnesty International know abooot you? Or PETA? There's a special place in hell for you sir and it probably comes with a really nice view of the Bellagio Hotel and free re-fills
itz just the way my country does thingz...and sometimes there is more then one opinion in this world. So just accept i am in the right and go back to bribing the long island (i heard it was quite short...typical exaggeration tacticz) police force.
And what is that photo...showing off your wealth again..? Solid gold is it..? pfffft...
Didnt you 'Mericanz hunt Indians and eat them...? Dont you eat Turkey on thanksgiving... (which i heard was invented because you are so impatient you couldnt wait for Christmas) But i better be careful in what i say....there could suddenly be sanctionz against our penguin exportz put in place...
Good day to you sir...

PS watch out for @PSUAGRO...he is a troll from way back...