Post #1
Guess I better get off my ass.
Big shout out to our host with the most , thanks again SoCalRob! I would also like to thank our sponsors but I'm not sure who they are but something tells me they're out there so I'll thank them anywayz! And for this comp I'm dedicating my grow to
@mc130p, (Miracle Grow in da house champ), and to my ace
@Chronikool who I hope is chillin' butt-ass-naked with the latest Mrs. all the whilst munching on some sweet honey-glazed barbecued penguin scrotum. Yum! And of course Best Of Luck to all my fellow competitors! Uhmm except that fuckin' guy. And that one too.
So we got two ladies going:
#1 is a a mystery seed but I'm leaning toward a F2 Black Widow. Started in recycled potting mix on Wed, that little lady popped on Friday and hasn't slowed down since. Probably be my entrant. She'll be fed the full line of Blue Mountain Organics and maybe a touch of Plant Tone.
#2 is another F2 mystery seed. It's either a Goji OG or a Cali Co OSDxSOG that were lying around. It was started last Sunday but took forever to get going and was moved from paper to it's own Miracle Grow Perlite Hempy cup on Friday. The perlite was soaked in water and aerated for 4 days and was fortified with 100mg gentle iron, 2000mg red algae, 50mg food grade bone-meal, 2 ounces of Super Plant Tonic, 1 ounce of Grow It Green and 1 small pinch of epsom and and a smaller pinch of soil acidifier. The cup is modified to retain about 5 ounces of liquid and I used grouped pin-holes instead of putting some big hole in it. Hopefully it will retain enough liquid for the plant to thrive but I don't have a lot of hope since I've never grown anything this way. She's off to a slow start but after growing some Afghan Kush recently I never sneeze at a shrimp in veg

. If she even needs food this round it will probably be Plant Tone only.

Lights will be 6 x Gen 1 Vero18 3000Ks, 20 x Illumitex F3s and 2 x Luminus Devices CXM Gen1 Xnova COBs @ 4000K. Sadly no 730nm because Rapid doesn't know the difference between 660nm and 730nm. Grrrr. And thanks for the bent stars assholes! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
Cups are 16 oz Solo cups. Bought a bag of $1 cups with that in- store "Essential" brand on the label and they turned out to be Solo cups. There's a story there about economics and how weasley America is but I can't be bothered with that shit atm.
Did i miss anything. Oh yeah PSU I know about that gaining on you stuff. Learned that when I was a frosh in high school. I was running away from security and I turned my head to see what was behind me and a senior who I was running with slapped me in said head and said "don't fuckin' worry what's behind you, worry about what's ahead of you"! Tru dat.
Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you.
Leroy Robert "Satchel" Paige
Best of Luck Everyone and Please Be Safe!