Update 9 - Where's the Peng-wine?
Fuckin' A it's been brutal week for me but the bride of Frankenstein continues to ride on. She just got a big helping of worm shite and at this point I don't think there's a thing I could do to her she won't
survive. Well except maybe if I had invited the 4 cops, 1 Marshal, 3 NYFD and some family services women who besieged my next door neighbor's unit this week, into my grow room. Mothefuckin' drunk ass bitch, who lives with her Mom, (the actual owner of the unit and who of course went away this week

), gets into a fight with her probably equally useless ex-boyfriend who calls 911 and says his "son", (yeah,right), might be in danger. So of course when the cops show up they start pounding on every fuckin' door including mine and then start climbing on our roof and fire-escape trying to talk/see my idiot neighbor who won't open her door and show them that her kid is OK. That action woke me up from a dead sleep and put me straight into panic mode cause at this point I have no fucking idea what's going on, just that there are cops outside my door. Was ready to start flushing clones and moms when I realized they weren't there for me. So after almost 2 hours the NYFD shows up with whatever they use to pop open doors and start to open the door. Finally the stoopid fuck realizes that they're coming in no matter what and tells them she'll open the door. Maaaan, all I gotta say is
Do Not Piss Off NYC Cops, they will fuck you up if you don't come correct. They had her out of the unit, on the ground, and cuffed so fast I couldn't comprehend it. I mean scary fast. Guess the boys must get a shit-load of practice here in the capital of Assholedom

. But on the bright side, maybe they'll be one less alky fuck in the world and I got a free hot test of the venting system (and the old spincter muscles too

). Laters.
PS Maybe we should email Guinness Records and see if we can get an entry in the book? You know, "Biggest Plant in a Party Cup". LOL Yup, I'm stoned again. How'dja know

PPS And some of you folks really are rockin' those cups btw. You're gonna make voting really tough for people like me who hate making decisions

PPPS How the fuck is it that a camera can take such awesome outside shots and be borderline useless indoors
