The AeroGarden

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also can i use the master garden nutes supplied by AG for the duration of my plant ?and what are some causes of leaves yellowing over watering?to much nutes? thankx
also can i use the master garden nutes supplied by AG for the duration of my plant ?and what are some causes of leaves yellowing over watering?to much nutes? thankx

Not too sure on your light problem. I have hardly any experience at all with cfl's. What I do know is that they take less energy to achieve the same wattage... but i'm not sure wheether or how this applies to you.

Where are the yellow leaves? Have you got any purpling/red leaf stems?:mrgreen:
Just poppin' in to ask if anyone uses Hydrogen peroxide in their system at all
was reading an aeroponic website and mentioned it for killing off bacteria naturally as well as how they would mix it.

Aeroponic Supersonic
again though somebody help me on this even though my lamp says "to reduce risk of fire use no more than 60 watts" and i'm using 150 cfls is there a stronger more industrial lamp availible preferibly cheap.
what is topping does it mean to cut off the main stem at a certain point i did this on my first try and it actually grew very fast and tall but i was very new to it and had heard from a friend to ad a little amonia to start budding did'nt know yet it take 12/12 lights and it died but now my plant is 3 weeks and only 5 inches tall any comments.
I've never read much about it... but it doesn't seem very logical to put ammonia in your feed. i don't understand all this bleach talk either... could somebody enlighten me as to how adding chemicals like this can be beneficial to the plants?

I'm not an electrician... if I were you, I'd buy a ballast and at least a 400w HPS.

Can you show me a pic' of your yellowing leaves, please?
I definitly agree about the chemicals now with first hand expierience not good for water medium grows.If their is any possible advantage it may only be with soil or most likely none at all.killed a 3'' plant in sad!!!!!!!!
And i'll probably get better lamps and lights when affordable
have you got a good idea on which is better hps,or metal halide or is cfl good enough, what im using...
I definitly agree about the chemicals now with first hand excpierience not good for water medium grows.If their is any possible advadtage it may only be with soil or most likely none at all.killed a 3'' plant in sad!!!!!!!!
And i'll probably get better lamps and lights when affordle
have you got a good idea on which is better hps,or metal halide or is cfl good enough what im using...

If you're just going to use one light, they say HPS is best. Personally i wouldn't bother with cfl's. They take too long... they're just... not very good. Use them as side lighting...

Have you got a pic' of your yellowing leaves? Have you got red/purpling leaf stems?
not sending pics no digital cam or web cam also untrusting as of yet all iv'e doon is use my right to free speech but im willing to answer any questions that id be able to give info about.
the 150 cfl and the aerogarden hood will be fine for what you got going on, with the watt problem, the 150 watt cfl only uses 42 watts, so it doesn't go over the 60 watt max. good thing about cfl's, they use SOOO much less electricity that if u have a couple of those running you will be saving money that you would be spending if you had a 400 watt set up with hps.
skunkushybrid, the only reason i usually have two instead of one in the aerogarden is because most of use veg a few plants and if we have two females we aren't just gonna throw one away, we are gonna try to get them both to flower, we don't have multiple set ups for that kind of stuff, like i said most people picking up the aerogarden are only using it for small personal stuff, we aren't that worried about huge yeild's, btw 30 would be if u just had one plant in there. not all of us are lucky enough to be in the Netherlands.:mrgreen:
i just got a sweet ass cfl 105 watt 600watt eq full spectrum with standard base

i am on my second aerogarden go round with purple shiva seeds already sprouted at one week old
thanx nekroman that makes sense I knew about the wattage convertage being better I just had never thought about it being the energy used to output the light energy being the factor for the light.are you using the ag to if so results, harvests yet, yeild size just for an estimate for myself apprieciate it ......
I just ordered an AeroGarden...

I wanted this to be able to smoke my own buds without the stress of having to find it elsewhere. I would like some advice and recommendations to get started....

Setting? What setting is ideal for bud?
Nutrients? Do i need to buy anymore than just what comes in the kit?
Lighting? I see some people have found ways to use better stronger lights. Is the lighting system provided enough to grow decent plants?
I know fair knowledge of growing but are unexperience with the AeroGarden.

Any information will be greatly appreciated..
I only got one seed to take in my Aerogarden… Well two, but I planted one upside down. And it’s dead now. Arggg!!!

Anyway, I’m planning on transferring to a larger hydroponic system during flowering. I’m all out of seeds, and all out of weed too… So this little baby is real important to me… (Please Santa, I know I keep asking for this, but I’d really appreciate a female.)

My question is that the root is extending past the foam about an inch (it’s almost touching the water.) I’ve no idea how long the stem is because it hasn’t surfaced yet… but since I’m planning on shifting to a larger system, I’d really like this in some rockwool. If I try to transfer to a different medium now will I kill it?

Thanks in advance for your advice.

P.S. FrootyNuggets. Read the entire thread. It took 3 days but it's the only way. Also if you can return the AeroGarden, you might want to think about it. Ultimately when I get up and runing I'll probably only use it as a cloner. Check out AsianKate's grow thread, I think she might have the right system for a newbie. Get her number too ;-)
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