The American farmer is waking up, but it's too late

Josef Mengele was successful in running to Argentina and hiding after WWII. It was easier for him than most other Nazis because his family were industrialists there. Well established and very wealthy. Again I just gag hearing Trump and company screaming about globalists because, again, it wasn’t started and supported by the poor. What Chump and company cannot tolerate is any competition from outside that they don’t directly benefit from. Or against a competitor corporation about to dislodge an American corporation or etc.
Imho at present a race is on around the world by our businesses for new consumers as well as resources and cheap labor. Africa is under siege from Russia and China. Our present gop leaders are mostly Jesus freaks. They align with Putin and the church. So they are allowing Russia to have it's way in certain areas. Drumpf and Putin are dividing the world while acting tough with each other. Since the break up of the Soviet Union the Jesus freaks have been working the Russians. Billy Graham and many others. They pretty much have control of the middle age and above Russians. The younger ones are more concerned with more earthly things. But the Jesus freaks started back in 1934 in Washington state. The founder of the salvation army. The first government prayer breakfast was held their. Now they are used in Washington to control the world. Eventually. Jesus plus zero equals Jesus. That's who they are working for.
Imho at present a race is on around the world by our businesses for new consumers as well as resources and cheap labor. Africa is under siege from Russia and China. Our present gop leaders are mostly Jesus freaks. They align with Putin and the church. So they are allowing Russia to have it's way in certain areas. Drumpf and Putin are dividing the world while acting tough with each other. Since the break up of the Soviet Union the Jesus freaks have been working the Russians. Billy Graham and many others. They pretty much have control of the middle age and above Russians. The younger ones are more concerned with more earthly things. But the Jesus freaks started back in 1934 in Washington state. The founder of the salvation army. The first government prayer breakfast was held their. Now they are used in Washington to control the world. Eventually. Jesus plus zero equals Jesus. That's who they are working for.
Religion came about when the first con man met the first fool. Those zealots are just more tools carrying a Bible.

There is nothing disqualifying about spreading the actual message of Jesus -welcome the foreigner, feed the poor, do unto others, etc

The mental disorder comes from trumptards like you whose actions differ completely from his words while calling yourselves christians
There’s certifiable nuttiness with them. That nutcake television preacher from Dallas saying something about God sent him and they’re okay with it if nuclear war breaks out. That’s what the bastards want done unto others.
Religion came about when the first con man met the first fool. Those zealots are just more tools carrying a Bible.
I think of it more like earliest form of government...

How can we get males in our spread out society that may only see people once a year or so from killing people they find and stealing their women and stuff....

I know, say there is this guy in the sky that will punish the shit out of them if they do bad things. Say He can see all so that even if nobody is around, they will still be caught...

Before that I think religion was more like a folksy warning system, 'don't eat that berry, it has a evil god in them that will kill you if you do!'

There is nothing disqualifying about spreading the actual message of Jesus -welcome the foreigner, feed the poor, do unto others, etc

The mental disorder comes from trumptards like you whose actions differ completely from his words while calling yourselves christians
I hate religion in gubment. But they are madrassas taught and schooled. I feel people can believe or do as they wish unless it directly affects me. Their choice in how the world is run wouldn't include my smoking weed or being gay if I so choose. Liberal churches aren't motivated like the Jesus groups and some Jewish groups. World control is why they follow jeebus. Just about done. The Jews will have to accept jeebus as their Messiah. It's 2019 and we're still believing this stuff.
I think of it more like earliest form of government...

How can we get males in our spread out society that may only see people once a year or so from killing people they find and stealing their women and stuff....

I know, say there is this guy in the sky that will punish the shit out of them if they do bad things. Say He can see all so that even if nobody is around, they will still be caught...

Before that I think religion was more like a folksy warning system, 'don't eat that berry, it has a evil god in them that will kill you if you do!'
Actually belief in a deity or deities has been around since early man. Some interesting documentaries have been done about studies in the god center of the brain. The survivers of early man were either the lucky ones or the smart ones we'd like to think. But in reality those that work together tend to move forward. Religion was a perfect fit in the explanation for not understanding something. Try to talk to a religious person about these things and they will be offended. Taught very early it's tough to become rational.
Or maybe Smithfield farms. US based Chinese owned. Largest pork processor in the US. Capitalism!

While you are correct to be wary of crony capitalism, you seem to fail to recognize the existence of government is what makes it so ominous. Government !
I hate religion in gubment. But they are madrassas taught and schooled. I feel people can believe or do as they wish unless it directly affects me. Their choice in how the world is run wouldn't include my smoking weed or being gay if I so choose. Liberal churches aren't motivated like the Jesus groups and some Jewish groups. World control is why they follow jeebus. Just about done. The Jews will have to accept jeebus as their Messiah. It's 2019 and we're still believing this stuff.

Except belief in government IS a religion.
While you are correct to be wary of crony capitalism, you seem to fail to recognize the existence of government is what makes it so ominous. Government !
Actually it’s wealth and the power it brings. You’re too immersed in it enjoying the money to admit it. Or actually even realize it.
Actually it’s wealth and the power it brings. You’re too immersed in it enjoying the money to admit it. Or actually even realize it.

Isn't "government" the single greatest exercise of coercion based power over individuals ? I'd dare say it's supplanted religion as the biggest superstition.

You're too immersed in the false dichotomies to even realize it.
Isn't "government" the single greatest exercise of coercion based power over individuals ? I'd dare say it's supplanted religion as the biggest superstition.

You're too immersed in the false dichotomies to even realize it.
The rule of law is necessary for a civilization to survive. Praying to God is not. The “government” you rail against is probably the only reason you are still alive but you’re too immersed in abject stupidity to even understand that. Schmuck.

I can see you breaking out of your house under cover of darkness and armed to the teeth to go get enough food to survive another few days. You, the superman, ably defending your family and what’s yours against all comers.
The rule of law is necessary for a civilization to survive. Praying to God is not. The “government” you rail against is probably the only reason you are still alive but you’re too immersed in abject stupidity to even understand that. Schmuck.

Manmade laws which coincide with natural laws are redundant and used as a trap to make people believe arbitrary victimless crime laws are necessary and justified.

Manmade laws which oppose natural law are unnatural. Why do you worship unnatural acts ?

You conflate coercion based government with "civilization", when the evidence leads elsewhere, Dupe.
Actually it’s wealth and the power it brings. You’re too immersed in it enjoying the money to admit it. Or actually even realize it.
The followers I know have no money. They are committed to jeebus. It's amazing. They truly believe the rapture, speak in tongues, and are mostly very conservative. They are country music fans. Older country. Above 50. Love racing. It's only about 20% of christians that are this extreme but they are motivated. And nobody speaks Ill of their own religion. Until the nuts are in control then they can get rid of false religions. I'll be visiting some local fall festivals here that have been going on for a couple hundred years. I'll see the old town's run down and falling in. They will have the parade with tractors etc. Don't forget tractor pulls. Lots of politicians. GOP Not much sense for demoncats to show up. My wife still works part time in a doctor's office in the sticks. Some 12 year olds on birth control.