Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
What does a felon who got raped in prison do for money once he gets out?
Mooches off taxpayers
I sell treadmills. Lol.
What does a felon who got raped in prison do for money once he gets out?
Mooches off taxpayers
Again you run your mouth surrounded by all the trappings of this horrible society while being robbed by taxes. All mouth. 100%. Fat girl.Actually food, air and shelter etc. keep me alive. You keep me amused though slowpoke.
Yack yack yack, gordo.So are you saying you need other people who use offensive force (that's what government is, at it's core...offensive force) to show you proper ways to relate to other people ?
Without people who use offensive force to maintain control over you, you would run around committing mayhem ?
Again you run your mouth surrounded by all the trappings of this horrible society while being robbed by taxes. All mouth. 100%. Fat girl.
Yack yack yack. And with global warming going on we don’t need more hot air.Robbery is when property is transferred without the consent of the owner. Would you agree or can you offer another definition ?
Pay to Caesar what is Caesar's...Jesus was a real Anarchist too, so he had that going for him.
Pay to Caesar what is Caesar's...
Rob, capitalism and anarchism are mutually exclusive and anarchism is a phase that angry, disillusioned political neophytes go through to figure out what they support in real-politic. That you're still stuck on childish notions only lends yet more credence to the widely disseminated agreement on this site that you are likely still attracted to adolescents though you have not been one for several decades.
It's probably time for you to get a job, loser.
The basis of voluntaryism:Render unto Caesar the things which are Caear's etc. Was a pretty adept answer under the circumstances, Neophyte.
If it belongs to Caesar, give it to him....The corollary...if it doesn't belong to Caesar...don't give it to him. Jesus was an anti-authoritarian, with one obvious major exception, the invisible guy in the sky.
Moving along, Free markets and voluntaryism are not incompatible. Both spring from the idea that you own yourself, but you don't own other people. Which is consistent with my beliefs. Where would anybody get the right to own other people? Can you explain where that comes from? It's probably time for you to explain why you think you can own other people and why you worship government so much.
The basis of voluntaryism:
“The non-aggression principle (NAP), also called the non-aggression axiom, the anti-coercion, zero aggression principle, or non-initiation of force, is an ethical stance asserting that aggression is inherently wrong. In this context, aggression is defined as initiating or threatening any forceful interference with an individual or their property.[1] In contrast to pacifism, it does not forbid forceful defense.
The NAP is considered by some to be a defining principle of libertarianism. [2] It is also a prominent idea in anarcho-capitalism, classical liberalism and minarchism.[3][4][5][6]”
It doesn’t work. Anyone thinking it would without some means of enforcement is a fool. 25,000,000 individual voluntaryism zealots but nobody would be an offender of psychopath or schizophrenic who hears “Kill them. Kill them all.”
Some shit is just talk. Fit for late night bullshit sessions amongst stoned or drunk bozos.
To refute please post details of some country or even large area where voluntaryism is the main operating principle. Otherwise I hear flatus from both ends of the hairball.
That’s why cops and courts exist in the first place. Huge numbers of motherfuckers who simply won’t go along voluntarily.
The resident pedophile thinks thebarter system and signing legal contracts every time you buy a snickers bar are smart ideas
The smell is from your upper lip. The natural result of eating shit.Voluntaryism is only opposed to individual and systemic OFFENSIVE FORCE. it doesn't remove or malign the use of DEFENSIVE force. NAP = Non INITIATION of force, which means don't use OFFENSIVE FORCE. Do you know the difference between the two kinds of force?
Countries which rely on offensive force (that would be all of them) as a foundation of their being / business model can't claim to be an institution which protects people from offensive force, if their business model at it's core uses offensive force.
If it can please name a country or large political area that can protect you from offensive force while perpetually committing offensive force against you... otherwise, "hey what's that smell" ?
i made a post about a pedophile without directing it to anyone and rob roy replied
I didn't read his post but I'm going to assume it is about something that he has already written about a hundred dozen times so I have likely been bored half to death by it before.The resident pedophile thinks thebarter system and signing legal contracts every time you buy a snickers bar are smart ideas