The American farmer is waking up, but it's too late

Trump’s new immigration policy? Take only the wealthy. What good are they? They’re not going to work. They’re fucking rich. Oh wait. They’ll create jobs by depositing their money in offshore accounts and getting tax cuts here for doing it. But you won’t have them checking you out at 7-11. Yes, sir. That’s what we need. More goddamned wealthy motherfuckers.
They better save it up, because the piggy bank WILL dry up, and then they will need the social services that they disdained before.
They can go wear their MAGA hat's on the bread line.

Except problems caused by government (and/or their friends like banks) won't be solved by more government intervention like "social services".

MAFA = Make America Free Again !
“The colonists were told that if they did not generate any wealth, financial support for their efforts would end. Many of the men spent their days vainly searching for gold.

As a consequence, the colonists spent little time farming. Food supplies dwindled. MALARIA and the harsh winter besieged the colonists, as well. After the first year, only 38 of the original 144 had survived.”

Freedom! This is Jamestown we’re talking about here. Know what Jamestown was? No I’ll guarantee you know little to nothing about any of it except for the brave pioneers. This country has been owned and operated by the wealthy from the second the first Limey set foot on shore.

Many of the men searched for gold? The workers told the captain of the first resupply ship that the rich refused to do manual labor including building fortifications against Indians. They refused to garden or even hunt. The wealthy owned it from the start!!!
Please tell us when your dream was ever close to a reality? Please.

This is just a further corporate takeover of the family farm. The large farms will get the bailouts and use that money to purchase the small, bankrupt, family farms for pennies on the dollar, strengthening the corporate stranglehold BigAg has on your food system. This is nothing but a manufactured crisis using international trade, this is protectionism at work, dummies.
Trump’s new immigration policy? Take only the wealthy. What good are they? They’re not going to work. They’re fucking rich. Oh wait. They’ll create jobs by depositing their money in offshore accounts and getting tax cuts here for doing it. But you won’t have them checking you out at 7-11. Yes, sir. That’s what we need. More goddamned wealthy motherfuckers.
He is just trolling us. The racists he has might want this to be the new normal, but really it should be dismantled in the courts.

This is just a further corporate takeover of the family farm. The large farms will get the bailouts and use that money to purchase the small, bankrupt, family farms for pennies on the dollar, strengthening the corporate stranglehold BigAg has on your food system. This is nothing but a manufactured crisis using international trade, this is protectionism at work, dummies.
Good point, just one more way Trump has set it up for the common man to be screwed over.
He is just trolling us. The racists he has might want this to be the new normal, but really it should be dismantled in the courts.

Good point, just one more way Trump has set it up for the common man to be screwed over.
He’s not trolling regarding the wealth test and it’s not just him. Look at Cooch and his little ditty regarding the Statue of Liberty. Look at Stephen Miller. They’re rolling. Not trolling. Immigration laws already have fiscal requirements. Not a stretch to imagine those being strengthened. Again this is a worldwide issue presently. Rightists are emerging from the woodwork everywhere.
He’s not trolling regarding the wealth test and it’s not just him. Look at Cooch and his little ditty regarding the Statue of Liberty. Look at Stephen Miller. They’re rolling. Not trolling. Immigration laws already have fiscal requirements. Not a stretch to imagine those being strengthened. Again this is a worldwide issue presently. Rightists are emerging from the woodwork everywhere.
Yeah it is being pushed hard. And you are right, this is not them trolling us in that they actually want this stuff to go through. I mean more they know it won't make it out of the courts once they get immediately sued, but don't care about wasting American tax dollars fighting these shitty fights, kind of troll. They don't expect it to go through, they will be happy if they stacked the courts enough to get lucky, but the cruelty and hate rhetoric is the troll.
Yeah it is being pushed hard. And you are right, this is not them trolling us in that they actually want this stuff to go through. I mean more they know it won't make it out of the courts once they get immediately sued, but don't care about wasting American tax dollars fighting these shitty fights, kind of troll. They don't expect it to go through, they will be happy if they stacked the courts enough to get lucky, but the cruelty and hate rhetoric is the troll.
Feeding the red meat to their retarded base to keep them enthused for 2020.
Cargill started moving and buying land in Argentina over 70 years. My buddy used to work for them but they moved from that location in the 90's. Now they make more profit! Capitalism
Cargill started moving and buying land in Argentina over 70 years. My buddy used to work for them but they moved from that location in the 90's. Now they make more profit! Capitalism
The Republicans love Trump’s rails against globalization as they invest heavily around the world. Trump at the head of the parade of these globalists with virtually everything he or his puta hija sell or use made in China. Including all his campaign materials.
“Less than a year after JSW Steel (USA) Inc. lauded U.S. metal tariffs for aiding the steel industry, the company is suing because it’s not exempted from the levies.

The producer says the Commerce Department wrongfully denied waivers for steel-slab raw materials, forcing the steelmaker to pay tens of millions of dollars in tariffs. It relies on imports of these materials from India and Mexico because the U.S. doesn’t produce steel slab of sufficient quality or quantity, JSW said in its complaint.”

Bloomberg Business News today. They cheered him while he was lighting their asses on fire.
Or maybe Smithfield farms. US based Chinese owned. Largest pork processor in the US. Capitalism!
Josef Mengele was successful in running to Argentina and hiding after WWII. It was easier for him than most other Nazis because his family were industrialists there. Well established and very wealthy. Again I just gag hearing Trump and company screaming about globalists because, again, it wasn’t started and supported by the poor. What Chump and company cannot tolerate is any competition from outside that they don’t directly benefit from. Or against a competitor corporation about to dislodge an American corporation or etc.