The Art of The Auto

hello all happy new year! im hopeing to get a few answers as im new to any sort of forum and growing so im sorry if any of my questions have been asked or just sound daft,

i have a small grow tent 400w light and good air circulation temp is around 60-65 when off and 70-80 on humidity is around 40%

floorspace 80cm x80cm 150 high 4 35 cm pots

i have some feminized sagarmatha seeds ak 48 auto and i would like to know what the diffrence is with ak 47?

any personel experince with theese?

what is the best light schedule?

what size up and across do they grow to?

should i top them?

should i cut off the lower branches and when so to concentrat on the main bud and will this improve or lower yeild and thc?

what strain would be a good male to add if i want to harvest seeds? can i cross them with another auto?

any other info tips or hints appreciated.


Man those girls are so damn vigorous Mossy. Looks like a jungle in a pot
Cheers HBS..just got back to your post.
There are 6 girls in that 25 ltr pot..4 ltrs each...
and they are outdoor on less than 10 hours natural light..
cold cover at night..
and they have hardly been fed...

I am More than Happy.
mornin mossy the girls are looking good i sees a bit of burn it looks like ya pointed out FD is gonna be upset. Im glad ya like the yoda i looked like hell for the dragon that kinda fit in with the style of the yoda i enjoy doing to work i havent done it for a few years im happy you guys like them oh and im working on one for FD i have a concept in my head its gonna be a bitch to put it into motion thou. is Most appreciated ENCOUNTERZERO...I Love has made me smile all morning....kiss-ass

I slapped you with some rep...I'm Stoked. have talked another couple of pages while I was rolling.....:roll:

you lot could talk the hind legs off a Donkey...:mrgreen:

Thanks again. I am an insomniac myself. It is a horrible curse./QUOTE]
I Think if you asked would find a Lot of us are...
I Think it is Why we smoke canna..all part and parcel....


Cheers...I use heavy indy.
I find the satis Doms are the ones that make your mind race and keep you awake with Thoughts..
I'm Ultra Indy..Ultra Greedy..:roll:

Morning JM..cheers is a joy to get up in the morning to gaze at them.
I gave into temptation yesterday..
gave them a Sugar feed...thought they might appreciate the lift.

And..cheers..I never thought about having to have paper work for a copywrite symbol..
Damn..I'll stick to my @ symbol....:mrgreen:

I just realised what an asset it is adding the names for Myself too...
I have over 20,000 sometimes I forget who is who..
if I add the name somewhere prominent...
I'm never gonna forget when I get my Craft moments....
(Can't remember a f-ing thing....:roll:...Craft)
I Think that runs with the lack of sleep too...

I hear all that... I tend to like the satys cuz I like to get creative and design and build and shit... but the indies def help my chronic back pain and other medical issues.

you can still use the copywright symbol... just need paperwork to be official... but most importantly... protect yourself from ass holes!

made 72 chocos last night... well this morning... silver haze... nice change of buzz...

and in regards to your photos tracking... do this like i do...
mossy directory structure.jpg

and may i say thats some damn fine color ya got there... amkin me envious... .. btw FD is really comin to Spain to confiscate your camera... we're working in conjunction... i disract you and he zooms in for the kill... :)

welcme rob.. mossy you have a prefab basic template for him to get started with?
glad ya enjoy it i was just checking that site out i posted i think there smoking crack or someone need to up date there shit cause no matter what you click on the side bar you get the same damn page
JM..just been back for me Fix....they is looking Fine m8...fine...
got yourself one ultra sati in there...she should keep you buzzing.

How long do you think you have now for first harvest...?
Thank you for the compiment.., it means a lot coming from you.

Well... according to the calendar about 10-14 days... I think a couple may be done in 7 or so... which means I'm all flush from here on out on those...
what are your thoughts on that?

I know I know... check the trichs! lol
I know I know... check the trichs! lol

Gotta Tip you might like to try next grow IF you have a flash on your camera.
As soon as the girls start to sex.
Turn off the need it DARK..

Flash them....noooooo....not like that m8...oh too Late.....:roll:
With the camera...
they will be bright white..reflective

Flash them once a week from them..and you will actually SEE the reflective quality change as they start to go over..
less reflection as the trics milky out.
Store them together..then you can look at them and compare.

Every little helps....:mrgreen:

Lady in Red.....
the heavy Red bias rather than the purple is why the aghan hound/Bobbys Girl will be a true Black..(coal black..)
rather than a Botanic Black..(deep purple...)

.... hmmmm one snall conversation with you and 2 moments of epiphany! lol

and OIC!

and... yes too late... cant help but flash such sexy girls! lol

I caught a little bit about the flash thing you guys mentined but didn't have the whole story... was expecting higher reflectivity as older... mmmmm ur a good man mossy... a good man!

thank you very much for the info
Heeeyyy...small Fonz moment.....thumbs in air....

one snall conversation with you and 2 moments of epiphany! lol

There is nothing like a Mossys KISS first thing in the morning Bro...

I wake up with Super Models every morning....Lucky.....lucky..lucky...:fire:

lol... never thought I'd enjoy being kissed by another man so much first thing in the morning... or for that matter anytime! lol

I'm glad to wake up with Super-models -to-be every morning! :)
btw FD is really comin to Spain to confiscate your camera... we're working in conjunction... i disract you and he zooms in for the kill... :smile:

JM...lean in closer...


it's alright..I'm not gonna KISS you again.....:mrgreen:

THAT is the Cover story m8...
Don't say anything BUT.....

He's coming over for a Planning meeting...mmm...
Once we get this med license..
him and BH are moving over to take command of security...for the Girls..

We are gonna build a watch-tower and take it in 8 hour shifts.

He is over so we get the tower in the right location.

HHH is coming over as Stealth security..he is trained with a bow and arrow..
for Ultra Stealth..

Don't say a word to the others though...;-)



had me worried on the kiss again! actually wasnt sure WHERE that was going! lol

..2...1..... Disarmed!

Did I mention I'm a hella hacker?


now... about security... you want security... I got that! You should see some of the stuff I design!
