The Art of The Auto

Looking very good and healthy BOMB was that you that transplanted your ak? Many many pgs back by now lol? If so looks likes shes really turned around for ya. If not sorry this thread is so fast. And that one plant looks like a lil cal/mag imo from pics others will help ya out.. Anyways catch ya guys later its COLTS time DO OR DIE time baby!!!
I seriously doubt if you will ever see pure Ruderalis beans for sale. It's a nasty smoke. Better to smoke industrial hemp! The only reason people have taken an interest in them is for their AF traits. ...!

I forgot to mention there are a couple of local breeders here in Colorado that are experimenting with Ruderalis - not for the AF trait but to aid in increasing CBD levels & decrease THC levels in their strains. Their goal is to get a 1:2 ratio between CBD & THC. Something high in CBD but low in THC is not a fun high at all. THC seems to take the edge off a CBD high but it's hard to find a strain high in CBD (which in case you didn't know is very good for medicinal purposes, and new evidence is showing cancer fighting properties) and also high in THC. Most strains around are recreational strains hence the breeding for high THC levels and low virtually nonexistent CBD levels.
Thai you mentioned your from colorado you wouldnt happen to know of the john doe radio show would you?Just wondering if you might be someone i know from there. I dont flame people less they really need the additude adjustment but everything heres to chill for that.(im not screwing with the good vibe here thats askin for bad karma) Mossy did you get to see that site i put up lastnight with all the purples on it cause some of them look like color beasts.
maybe someone could please help me! I got some automatic blueberrys that have had pre-flowers on them for about 3 weeks now but still are not flowering what should i do? also its was only suppossed to get 10-14" tall and my shortest is 20" do you think it might not be a auto?
Wake i been hearing some stories you my have to induce it by going 12/12 for a few days.Mossy and the other guys would be able to give you a more accurate answer then me as i just started autos myself but from what ive read on my research.Some say there not true autos and some breeders are just trying to pass semi autos off as full autos and others say its just left over photo traits that have yet to be weened out.
I went with lowlife cause there crossed with lowryder so i thought they would be good but this is a learning exp I guess so any and all advice on autos or this strain is appreciated!!!
I went with lowlife cause there crossed with lowryder so i thought they would be good but this is a learning exp I guess so any and all advice on autos or this strain is appreciated!!!
ok i went with lowlife bb aswell as i thaught thay would be stable but did not autio 4 me switched to 12/12 at 49 days done at day 84 80%milky 20%amber dried and into cure weighing 70 grams atm and i recon 56 grams in 2 weeks when im gona say its ready im inpatient lol
ok pics for ya of me lowlife (auto?) blueberry339.jpg1293734566350.jpg251.jpg176.jpg1293991557205.jpg1293701588075.jpg1293991539380.jpg1293229302685.jpg259.jpg
ok so i was only feeding plant magic oldtimers low n/p/k but at full streinth and a lil over somtimes and not the slightest sign of burn (yellowing pics are her finishing) pm me if ya want more pics or info