The Art of The Auto

when I first got JEM..25% AF...that trait was in about 1 in 20 plants.
I Thought it was a slight long season girl trait poking through..
AF's flower on the symetric..long season on the a-symetric...

Haven't seen it for any of them..or the JEM crosses.
Never seems to bother the tends to be a Taller pheno.

So You do have a Mossy Wiggle in your grow room....:clap:

Also..the White Russian carries it...
But....I haven't seen that in a while either.

Girls are looking Mature M8..Sexy....
Bet there is a Scent of Woman in the grow room...mmmm.....:weed:

Nah..I was thinking of it when Hitman sorted your badge out last time...
but he did it so fast..:clap:
I didn't get a chance to mention it..

I seem to be lucky when it comes to getting the strange traits...
I like the way the plant looks, The main cola looks like it'll be long.

The girls are getting thicker and stinkier everyday, I think I'll get to chop the ALF#3 in about 15-20 days...
out of curiosity... anyone know where to get straight ruderalis genetics?

mossy must be right... I could talk the legs off a donkey!

a choco shot 4 ya all

I'm thinkin peanut butter next... already started researching it... wanna do a reese's stoner cups sorta thing

I seem to be lucky when it comes to getting the strange traits...
I like the way the plant looks, The main cola looks like it'll be long.

The girls are getting thicker and stinkier everyday, I think I'll get to chop the ALF#3 in about 15-20 days...

My girls are getting stinkier every day too... starting to be concerned because I haven't gotten the $$ for my air ionizer yet... and I need it now! aghhhh!

I'm 10-14 days from the big chop myself
when the pioneers were going west they put their silver coins in the bottom of their water barrels... to kill bacteria and viruses in the water and therefore make it safe to drink... :smile:
Silver is anti-bacterial...
I bought special PJ's for my step-father when he went into hospital..
the insides were woven silver combat hospital borne bugs..
My girls are getting stinkier every day too... starting to be concerned because I haven't gotten the $$ for my air ionizer yet... and I need it now! aghhhh!

I'm 10-14 days from the big chop myself
I found odor absorbing gels at lowes for 4 bucks. they seem to work pretty good. I keep one in the room and a couple in rooms near my space.
Silver is anti-bacterial...
I bought special PJ's for my step-father when he went into hospital..
the insides were woven silver combat hospital borne bugs..

wow... thats cool shit... didn't know they made such a thing... were they expensive? ("Mornin doc... trade ya my PJ tops for a sneak outside for a smoke... ounce o silver in there , ya know!")
I found odor absorbing gels at lowes for 4 bucks. they seem to work pretty good. I keep one in the room and a couple in rooms near my space.

At lowes? no shit! hadn't thought to look THERE... lol

my problem mostly is my exhaust... goes into a sorta-alley way... and then the air is trapped to go one direction or another dep on the wind... one direcion is right toward people who dont need to know... ya know? I do have an ionizer in the room... but as the ladies are fully ettin their pubes and tits... they are overcoming the small ozonator I have in the room and I need the xhaust setup... cant find a good carbon filter for my setup any cheaper than I could get a good ozonator... big blue... 4" exhaust style... handles some 400 CFM... for $300 shipped or thereabouts... I'm rambling again... sorry :)

interesting article on rooting cuttings!

Hey JM have you checked htgsupply?? They have good deals.. And im thinking lowryder #1 is going to be the closest to a "pure" ruderail as I think it was the first AF?? Just my .02cents
Pssttt m8's...
I forgot to mention..
I have Purple AK-47's..
Purple Heart
Purple Russian x DC..

ALL put to germ New Years Eve for Luck..all showing through the soil today...

Looks like it will be another year Plagued by Purples...damn....:fire: :fire: :fire:
Hey JM have you checked htgsupply?? They have good deals.. And im thinking lowryder #1 is going to be the closest to a "pure" ruderail as I think it was the first AF?? Just my .02cents

HTG is on my shitlist... I'm not sure if you're kidding with me or serious... lol
either way... I just need someone to pay me back like they were supposed to 2 weeks ago.. lol

Pssttt m8's...
I forgot to mention..
I have Purple AK-47's..
Purple Heart
Purple Russian x DC..
ALL put to germ New Years Eve for Luck..all showing through the soil today...
Looks like it will be another year Plagued by Purples...damn....

Good karma sent mossy! and glad to hear you have new babies breakin through too! that means we have "headers" together ! lol

and damn those look sexy! damn you and the cann-porn... I'll forever be "cansterbating" with you around! love it keep em commin! :)
Oh sorry bro care to share?? Ive heard nothing but good things from them and was planning on using them for my new setup.. I think FD has there 250 w/ no probs.. But antway your saying you cant find a carbon filter cheaper than 300$ correct?
Mossy OMG everyday you make my mouth drop as im sure many others aswell you da MAN bro!!!!! When will you be on the attitude??LOL but seriously....
that work joker? if not i can re design it

I got a suggestion - how about you start a thread where you can better showcase your talent instead of filling up this Auto thread with avatars you have created for people. Very nice of you to do so, but let's try and somewhat keep this thread on topic. We all are get sidetracked from time to time, but people come to this thread looking for answers and insight into growing Autos. Thread moves fast enough without needless banter about avatars and other ramblings...

Sorry for being an @ss but it's either speak up now or I can just move on. Getting tired of the pointless drivel being thrown about - the main reason I stopped visiting RIU in the first place and it's one of the reasons many long time growers have stopped visiting. I want to share & help others but I find it hard to help others when their questions are getting lost in the mess.

FYI - this isn't directed just at you, there are definitely others who could use a bit more sense when it comes to posting in this thread. I'm all for socializing a bit but when it starts to distract from the main focus of the thread. It's time to move on. Like I said before, nice avatars and nice of you to share your talents & skills but would be better served in a different thread.

<takes cover and prepares for the onslaught of flaming to begin>
I totally agree. And very well said Thai. There shouldnt be any flaming beginning as this is and HAS been a good chill and good vibe thread. Back to autos fellas..
out of curiosity... anyone know where to get straight ruderalis genetics?

I seriously doubt if you will ever see pure Ruderalis beans for sale. It's a nasty smoke. Better to smoke industrial hemp! The only reason people have taken an interest in them is for their AF traits. Most breeders & seed banks don't want to waste time trying to sell something that's just awful to smoke. If you really want to search out Ruderalis, take a trip to Estonia (that's where I tried it - and will never try it again!) or other parts of Eastern Europe. Can also be found in some parts of China & Russia too. But basically it's very similar to industrial hemp. I don't know if all Ruderalis are AF as all the ones I've seen are decent size plants which makes me wonder why so many AFs are so short. I can only guess that it's due to breeders wanting something small for pc case cab grows or something!
WSUP All....and HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Im a lil late but had to here are my gyrls for bigger Auto AK seems to be gettin better she pushed up another 3 in since i repotted her 4days ago..buds still small...she is big..31in now but I think whatever her prob was Im not sure she will produce to the effect of how big she is dont know can only wait n she is. you can see on pic 4 i have some leaf blades pointin up and some leaf curlin..dont know if its from the transplant, heat or a about to water them and would like to know if i should give her some epsom...?





she is gettin transplanted now...







Iwould like to pollinate this branch and you think its a good time or wait a lil bit longer she is in her 3rd week of flowering>>>?




I have this lil prob on 2 leaves think its nute burn or??? I love LA BLANCA's leaf structure....nice saw blades...and 11 and 13 fingers....ready to caress me the right way...
I'm thinkin peanut butter next... already started researching it... wanna do a reese's stoner cups sorta thing

Many of the dispensaries here in Colorado carry a Reese's Cup like product. It's not bad. My personal favorite mass produced edible has been Cheeba Chews. A buddy of mine makes these Rice Krispie treats out of Fruity Pebbles that knock me on my butt every time - I can only consume a quarter of one at a time or it's couchlock city!
If you're going to start getting into edibles & tinctures - I recommend getting some bubble bags. I personally like Sprung & Payload (Sprung is cheaper but still good quality). It's much easier to use bubble hash when making edibles & tinctures as you can accurately measure it out. There's a ton of info out there already on the subject but if you need more guidance - feel free to pm me. I've cooked with cannabis every which way! Make a killer lasagna with canna-sausage, canna-tomato sauce, and canna-cheese!