The Art of The Auto


Active Member
Endorium..those girls are looking stunning...
they are obviously really enjoying everything you are doing for them..
so why change a Thing..?

Everybody has a different take on things like this...
look at your results.

Follow what works for you..and stick to it...
or you..and the girls will get double confused..

If it ain't Broke..don't Fix it.


Active Member
To HBS ill be lookin for you grow with those DDs as my whole 5pak did not auto. Sagarmatha NEVER again!! They all showed sex "on time" at each node but that was it contiuned to grow at this point they were @2nhalf ft tall they got the yank as i need the room.. But kept the smallest on thats just a little over 2ft now been on 12/12 for about 2weeks now and loving it. Good luck to your DDs bro. And btw all five my beans were big and brown VERY fast germ n sprout..


Well-Known Member
FD im doing a Psiren f3 grow (beans germinating now) do you mind if I periodicaly add photos of the grow to this thread. il start a thread on Psiren when we get a auto forum here ;)
You bet id love to watch them grow:) I have special interest in them ;)
You can post anything here that you want any time my friend
i think that this will be a fantastic addition to the thread
watching as you roll them to full auto


Well-Known Member
Aaiyyeeee..tell the whole thread my dirty little secrets...
Sorry about that one my friend LOL:-P
I couldn't help it :leaf:

FullD...I got a mango......:clap:
WOOOHoooo ........Now i cant wait to hear your results

dargo's comment is Right.
I didn't get male dom in those pots because they had little ferts and they had been well flushed..
when I germed into pre-fert compo I got 90% male dom..over 5 pots..and different genetics.
Oh i believe Dargo but again i though you were defying nature again.
Seems you and that wand have a special touch over there
and thought that even though it was old compo and ferted
you still got all those females.

So i know to deff stay away from preferted, then again i may want to as i have so much luck with finding your females :)


Well-Known Member
May switch to 20/4 then. They do seem to be doing fine but if 20/4 makes that better........... :)

I have to agree with Mossy on this one Endorium,
If its not broke dont fix it especially after looking over your girls
i would not change a thing as they look FANTASTIC!
They love what you are doing to them and there environment.

The buds will thicken up i still see lots and lots of white hairs
that look new. You still have a good bit of time before you take her down
You are in good hands here will help you let you know when :)


Just a quick question, do u think that GuanoKalong soil is a good medium/base soil for soil recipes or should i pick something of BioBizz, BioNova for that???


Active Member
I have been following the thread and find it very informative and entertaining.
But I need help please, I have three autos in the grow box together with a blueberry gum, I threw the lights to 12/12 four days ago to try and force the Blueberry gum into flower and now I've been reading in the thread that I've probably halted the progress of my auto's DAMN IT, DAMN IT TO HECK!!!!

Should I resort back to 20/4 as before?




Active Member

Reply in your MAILS M8...

FullD..Nice height to head-spread ratio...Tufty.

No signs of sex yet..I can normally Smell when they are gonna go in the grow cupboard..
I'm sniffing nothing yet.

I've got me eye on the big one..something about her is reminding me of the accelerated budder I had last season...
and I would love to see her again. gotta try the know my opinion..
the better we ALL grow them..the faster they will take over the growing world..

What is the Sponge...?

Harry Bald Sack

Active Member
To HBS ill be lookin for you grow with those DDs as my whole 5pak did not auto. Sagarmatha NEVER again!! They all showed sex "on time" at each node but that was it contiuned to grow at this point they were @2nhalf ft tall they got the yank as i need the room.. But kept the smallest on thats just a little over 2ft now been on 12/12 for about 2weeks now and loving it. Good luck to your DDs bro. And btw all five my beans were big and brown VERY fast germ n sprout..
This is something that I did not want to hear. I was reading about this problem that people were having with the DDR's not flowering. (after I ordered the seeds). The problem started over a year ago so we all were thinking that the problem had been corrected. I am going to be very angry if and when mine do not auto. The only seeds I have left are 4 DDR's and 1 Easy Ryder. The Plan was to start 3 DDR's before the 1st batch finishes. (that is if my 1st DDR does what it is advertised to do). I don't know what I will do if the 1st one doesn't start flowering on time. I only have 1 ER seed left and I feel that if I just run 1 it will be a real waste of electricity.

Did you look into getting comped from whoever sold you the seeds? I would be happy if they replaced my DDR's with a strain that actually does what is advertised. Is this something Attitude would do? Does anyone know?

I would love to see some pics of your DDR girlie if possible.


Active Member
I got them from attitude as well. And I wasnt aware of the problem either untill after i orderd as well as my 3pak of afghan kush ryders from WOS they can go suck a dick aswell. I feel its my fault as well as the breeders mine for not doung my homework on the strains i was buying but theres for not being what they were suppost to be. And i doubt if attitude will do anything about it as they are clear about what they sell they are not responsible for germination. I guess if we want a refund we would have to contact them and say we recievd a bunch of smashed beans HAHA. But im an honest guy so i will be goin with joint doc,lowlife and I want to try flash just waiting to see what deals they going to have for dec... My advice for everyone do your homework on the strains your buying.!!!


Active Member
Cheers HBS...

They seem to like the vinegar..

I hope one is male..I think I will have problems trying to bring 2 girls up in that is only about 1 pint size..


Active Member
Oh and sorry i think I said aswell 100xs in my last post. HAHA this afghan goo has me gone!! And btw mossy nice new avatar!! And sorry guys if my spellIng is not always accurate im on my phone i try.. Oh well

Harry Bald Sack

Active Member
I got them from attitude as well. And I wasnt aware of the problem either untill after i orderd as well as my 3pak of afghan kush ryders from WOS they can go suck a dick aswell. I feel its my fault as well as the breeders mine for not doung my homework on the strains i was buying but theres for not being what they were suppost to be. And i doubt if attitude will do anything about it as they are clear about what they sell they are not responsible for germination. I guess if we want a refund we would have to contact them and say we recievd a bunch of smashed beans HAHA. But im an honest guy so i will be goin with joint doc,lowlife and I want to try flash just waiting to see what deals they going to have for dec... My advice for everyone do your homework on the strains your buying.!!!
Well that is just horse shit! I was going back and fourth in my head between the Afghan Kush Ryders and the Joint doctors ER's. I am glad I went with the tried and true and thanks for mentioning the crap ACR's I probably would have got those with my next order.


Active Member
No problem man. how tall are those easy ryders ranging in what pots?? Ill prob be getting some of those with joint docs diesrl ryders while there IN STOCK , prob acouple hindu kush from lowlife and give flash a try that cobra looking great..SoAs did atleast. Wish PJ was actually purple.!! Whats up with that mossy seems like every PJ grow i see none are purp they look fantastic dont get me wrong they just not purp unless its yours haha. Oh well and why not the option to buy feminized??


Well-Known Member
FullD..Nice height to head-spread ratio...Tufty.
I've got me eye on the big one
Indeed my friend healthy looking as well as stout. The stem on the left plant is quite nice too for its size, looks as she is shucking her outer layer. She wants to be a thick little bitch.

Remember we talked about bud hangers? Maybe shes putting on the extra structure for something nice :)

normally Smell when they are gonna go in the grow cupboard..
I hear ya, i go by the same thing when it comes to mixing my soil. The nose Knows when its ready gotta try the know my opinion..
the better we ALL grow them..the faster they will take over the growing world..

What is the Sponge...?
This is true, if we all can do it the same well all be pleased with what we get in the end. So now i have to try the vinegar and actually cant wait to do so. I am lucky with tap out of the gate at 7 and it doesn't have many extra deposits. Now the rain water will not need buffering as much or if any. So my main tests will be for the tap h2o. i only use it when im out of rain water. but that rarely happens :)

Now about the sponge method. its more theory ive seen/read and put together in my head. I want to apply direct o2 to the roots and by doing so im hoping for a larger plant in the same size container. Ill need a sponge to do so with an air line. I know its a bit over the top but its easy to do and cheep and takes up no more room:)

Harry Bald Sack

Active Member
I have just started mine in a 1.5-2.0g pot yesterday. From the pictures I have seen and what I have read, they are fairly small plants with big dense buds. All depends on the pheno also. I don't think that I have seen any that were 2 feet tall though.