The Art of The Auto


Active Member
Absolutely 100% NOT AUTOFLOWER...

you have to be laughing your little socks off..they are Mighty....:clap:

I told you they would be beautiful..
but they have surpassed my expectations.

Well Done m8...condition is absolutely Brilliant..well Grown...:weed: :weed: :weed:

Once you harvest that will not have to leave the house all winter...
Fill the fridge up m8..they look as if they could be Evil on the munchies.

New cup chalenge?

Great stuff! that outdoor box mossy is looking lke a happy hoe. I love the night pic.
and the pooch.. ahhh, the life of a dog.
After the drubbing he gave me in the last one...there HAS to be a re-match..Yes...?....:clap:
Are you up for it..

I know what you mean about the dogs life..
I'm running round like a loon getting chores done..and she is vegging out on the sofa with the remote controls.....
Can't even be boss in me own house when the boss is away...


Active Member
Morning m8...:bigjoint:

catching up ATM...

just been watching the new Fog..while I have me cup of Tea....:leaf:
It is hypnotising...
I just drift with it...cracking system.

GMO seeds on all commercial farming with a "terminator" gene that kills all the seeds that are produced!
That is just so bloody Scarey...:spew:

and if they get away with it in the can guarantee the rest of us will be forced into it...
can you imagine the Corprate $ Millions that are tied up in something like that.

ps - the canna-choco got me all messed up last night! big smiles! no pain! it was great!
Can't ask for anything more.

maybe start in my fogger with no root restrictions and then "GENTLY" transplant to a big pot? Of course I'm afraid of shocking themusing this method... Ideas?
I see the prob..
so you simply have to fit everything to your own conditions.
Getting a bit stop..against having a better rotation..
you take the knock.

It sure is christmass choc gran, dig in. Muhahahaha She'd love it. Old hippy she is.
Ha ha..I'll bet her pains would drop back for 3 or 4 days...
I have my mom on it.
She had a double hip transplant..and the pain is worse after than before.

Mossy, the oil i make retains the terp profiles. When you blow the smoke out you taste the flavour of the plants used
THAT sounds a lot better...
The canna vodka did retained the exact taste of the bud I used... was quite over-powering to Taste the smell of bud instead of just smoking it.

You soon get used to it though..
the Difference in effect is compulsive

I've never tried a dipped smoke..
but someone else in the house has and says it was Mad...:-P

Maaan i could do on and on..
I think you will have to start a tutorial...
well bump your team status to Soil and Oil....:clap:

I got 35g off the main cola wet, so I guess that translates to about 10g dry right?

Expect 1/4..1/5 th of cut down weight to dry harvest.
It depends on your drying.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely 100% NOT AUTOFLOWER...

so do u think they could be 6 weeks into flower as they had shown sex b4 i switched to 12/12 cos in other post i have put pics and people are saying no way can these be 4 weeks into flower

John Mondello

Active Member
so do u think they could be 6 weeks into flower as they had shown sex b4 i switched to 12/12 cos in other post i have put pics and people are saying no way can these be 4 weeks into flower
wait.... they WERE flowering before you switched the light? were you on 20/4? possibly a long (up to 90 day) starin?


thanksw again for the compliment... new vid to come as tonight I hooked up CO2 and keg system to fogger.... can't wait to see how much effect the CO2 from the solution effects growth fogged with nutrients!.... very mild nutes... FF BIG GROW 1/2 tsp per 5 gal (for foliar) ps... think sex just peeking out..... mmmmm
pix to come


Active Member
so do u think they could be 6 weeks into flower as they had shown sex b4 i switched to 12/12 cos in other post i have put pics and people are saying no way can these be 4 weeks into flower
They were pre-pistillate before the switch.
Keeping them on the high lights had their engines warmed and humming..
then the switch to 12/12 was like hitting the accelerator...

They took off..

Obviously you have given them everything they want..there isn't one leaf there showing any damage..

so they simply responded to you.

I would count flower period from after 12/12..pre-pistilate wouldn't count..
I am more used to AF' someone might like to chip in...

new vid to come as tonight I hooked up CO2 and keg system to fogger.
I like watching them shimmy..
100 proof vodka in freezer cooling! :smile:
Bloody Hell..proper Russian Rocket Fuel...

jeez FD... fianlly got that other mango ripe and now I'm afraid to try after your results! Dont really wanna feel like shit w/ no relief...
Be very afraid.......
I ate Half one..and had some mango juice drink..
so cut back the doseage from there..

Lets be Careful out there...:weed:


Active Member
The bigger ones in the onken yogurt pots are secret citrus, that would be some nice growth for 2 days lol
I was On it m8..thought you were holding out on us...
BTW..secret citrus sounds intriguing...
what is in her...or are you keeping it Secret....:-P

We have been hit by the cold blast hitting you.
I went from opening the cupboard up to avoid heat stress..
to wondering if I should have them on 24hours for the cold.
Fingers crossed it lifts..

and talking about freezing plants......... both these males are about 20 days old, the tall one was kept under the cfls untill his pollen started to fall, the smaller was put on the shelf at the back of the house with 4-5 hours sunlight and where the temp has bareley gotten over 0C and dropped well bellow that at night. apart from not growing a mm since moving him he is looking very healthy. thought this might be usefull for people wanting to do a seedrun but not wanting to keep both male and female in the same place......
Yup...his transpiration will be slow..but it is certainly keeping him in good condition.
If he went under light now..he'd be spitting balls out all over the place.

The other thing people don't think about don't need the FULL male...

just cut a couple of long stemmed flower stalks off..
bung them in a small glass of water..and they react like any other flower.
Stand the glass on a coffee filter and you have a perfect pollen collection kit for a small grower.


Well-Known Member
wait.... they WERE flowering before you switched the light? were you on 20/4? possibly a long (up to 90 day) starin?
i bought the seeds as auto blueberry. i put on 18/6 from seed and after 6 weeks just a nice healthy big plant which i could tell sex. i dont kno if this is b cos i dropped the light to 16/8 after about 4 in half weeks but soon as i switched to 12/12 4 weeks ago today and heres a few pics people are saying they look far to good and big and budy for 4 weeks of 12/12 what do yous think


John Mondello

Active Member
def not auto... i they were trying to make an auto maybe they picked up some of the speed of flowering genetics... mossy would know more on that.. toy uo m8



Active Member
There is a semi auto that comes out in a long season AF cross.
It will go pre-pistilate on 18/6 and 20/4..
I haven't had one out @ a solid 24 yet..but that doesn't mean it wont happen.

You see the sex..
But the plant just keeps getting bigger and bigger..
the bud doesn't really take off until you switch them to 12/12

The Big black DC that I say is the Non-AF..she is one.
I saw pistils on 20/4..
but she didn't bud fatten until I had to put her out the cupboard onto outdoor coz she got so big.


Well-Known Member
There is a semi auto that comes out in a long season AF cross.
It will go pre-pistilate on 18/6 and 20/4..
I haven't had one out @ a solid 24 yet..but that doesn't mean it wont happen.

You see the sex..
But the plant just keeps getting bigger and bigger..
the bud doesn't really take off until you switch them to 12/12
thats pretty like mine what you have just described


Active Member
the water..I Think it Has caused a nute lock-out..I can actually SEE the nute boost now when I feed them..
they jumped a couple of inches.
Might have held the second feed off them if I had realised they would react so strongly...hmmmm..


8 inch square topped pot..
with a 12 inch root drop.

4 plants..slight stumpy in the top right..
Good growth for 4 to an 8 inch.

Can't remember who asked..
this is the multi-pheno in a pint/half ltr pot.

I put most of the good results in this size pot down to the amended water..
as my m8's will swear..
I always say I Cannot grow well in small pots.


Active Member
thats pretty like mine what you have just described
Aye m8..I cocked a mass germ up with a Male one early on in my grow.
I can normally spot them right off now.

We had limited info when they first came out..
so I went off the flower on 18/6 info..he had balls on 18/6..

Making things even worse...they flower on the symetric..same as AF's
Most long season girls go a-symetric before they flower..

so everything checked out with the info we had at the time.. was wrong.

I Think that is what you have.

John Mondello

Active Member
Aye m8..I cocked a mass germ up with a Male one early on in my grow.
I can normally spot them right off now.

We had limited info when they first came out..
so I went off the flower on 18/6 info..he had balls on 18/6..

Making things even worse...they flower on the symetric..same as AF's
Most long season girls go a-symetric before they flower..

so everything checked out with the info we had at the time.. was wrong.

I Think that is what you have.

when you say symetric / asymetric... you mean the nodes at the budding sites?


Well-Known Member
Making things even worse...they flower on the symetric..same as AF's
Most long season girls go a-symetric before they flower..
mine did change to a-symetric just b4 flowering that was on 18/6 aswell just up near the tops of plants tho..


Active Member
JM..Yeah..obviously I haven't seen ALL AF's..
but the ones I've played with always flower with symetric/opposite bud sites.

Long season go on a-symetric..on above the other..
I think it is to do with the second veg state.

mine did change to a-symetric just b4 flowering that was on 18/6 aswell just up near the tops of plants tho..
Yeah..sounds like one.

You are gonna have a Hell of a harvest m8.....:bigjoint:

John Mondello

Active Member
Stand the glass on a coffee filter and you have a perfect pollen collection kit for a small grower
gravity drops the pollen to the coffe filter?

must be in a fairly still room? preferably also isolated from ur girls if they are in flower, I assume... just to be cear


Well-Known Member
JM..Yeah..obviously I haven't seen ALL AF's..
but the ones I've played with always flower with symetric/opposite bud sites.

Long season go on a-symetric..on above the other..
I think it is to do with the second veg state.

Yeah..sounds like one.

You are gonna have a Hell of a harvest m8.....:bigjoint:
i cant wait 2 xmas's this year