The Art of The Auto


Aero Auto hmm. Interesting.

@FD, thats a veiw for red eyes for sure! I love the Fall. leaves changing warm days, cool nights. the over all theme of "Harvest" and hell yes Halloween!
I bet that budwider was nice! lol i love that name :bigjoint:

@Mossy, I'll try to gather all my glass and snap a pic. If the cellphone quality allows visualization.. we'll see. I only get good scenerey on vaca, or when im camping. Here my station on the couch overlooks a great view of the flat screen TV. wich is currently displaying post apocalyptic las vegas as the new fallout game hums away in my xbox.

The diesel ryder will proly get touched with some JEM pollen to make Purple Diesel.

Some Blue Cheese will cross with JEM or the Purple AK to make Purple Cheese.

I hope to continue to in-line breed them until the Purple Cheese and Pruple Diesel are stable..
Then cross with 2 select parents to create Purple Chiesel. :D


Active Member
If you go to and enter your post/zip code it will give you a forecast AND a sunrise/sunset time for your specific area.

IF I guess have Very similar conditions to me...and I have ALMOST year long grow conditions.

Gotta remember real low grow conditions will affect grow time and yield..
having Fresh yield all year long is a Blessing.

Look for girls that have been classified as Outdoor grown..or Hardy.

What did she taste like again???
First show non-af was kush dom..which is my least favourite because of the smoke smell.
The AF came straight out in strong Afghan in the Black pheno..
and the whites in Incense..
which is my Favourite from a pain-killer point of view.
(For myself..I will try to maintain Incense.) does an aero system work..?
I grow in compo and I get Good results..
my m8 outgrows me all the time with the same genetics in hydro.

AF's seem to Love hydro best..

IMO because of the increased root space.

If you don't like them, don't grow them
Well said M8.

Having grown AF for years you develop a thick skin..
but I always think..
never try to persuade a non-believer..
that way there is more of the good stuff for US to share.

Here my station on the couch overlooks a great view of the flat screen TV
Do you know....apart from not owning a mobile phone..I've never played an x-box game either...
Does that make me a Dinosaur....:lol:

:-P :-P :-P

ah..I can throw a mean cross..who cares..

to create Purple Chiesel
THAT appeals to Me.
thanxs mossy my sunrise time is 723 and my sunset time is 646 i have roughly ten hours of light more or less am i in a suitable place to grow af year round more or less and how does the cold weather effect the af's


Active Member
thanxs mossy
No is a good link.
They do a fair acurate long range..(10 DAY)detailed forecast that I find invaluable.

I would say if you are below 10 hours natural have a 4 month dead patch in your season.
Through to are gonna be under 10.

Any chance that you can get them up to sex under lights before you put them outdoor...?

I find..once they reach sex they will take anything the weather throws at them..certainly better yield..faster finish than having them completely outdoor.

If not..any chance of getting them in a greenhouse..or cold frame.

If I have an off-season grow from now..Oct to Jan..
I'll get about half of a full season yield.

On the Late Dec to March..I work on about a third.
Dec to end Feb is MY Worst natural grow time.

Are you working on own made crosses..or bought seed..?

If you have seed to play with...I would say go for it now..
If you have paid for them..proceed with Caution.


Anon..just seen a Purple Chiesel thread two below here..
Checking it out now..

Ahh yeah Chiesel from big buddah. I saw theese and on EDIT and was thinking of crossing them to auto..
asked a friend from the UK about them.. All he grows is cheese strains pretty much lol..
He reccomended passing up on the big buddah cheese/chiesle, recomended using ghs for any cheese crosses.
But I selected Blue Cheese from barneys to incorperate the purple, diesel, and auto into.

plus i'll have several generations of purple cheese and purple diesle stocked up. then the marrige of the two.. with the favorite phenos i find..

Its crazy ive been thinking of cooking up this purple cheisle for a few weeks, just put the germ'd seeds to soil, and theres Purple Chiesel! lolol maybe i should of went iwth big buddah and sought out the purple pheno.. Still, im secretly hoping for some color hue on the Blue Cheese.

And no Dino for not gaming.. lots of poeple quit when they get to old enough to leave the house lol. somthing i've always entertained myself with tho, and it seems to be getting alot more popular. with high speed net, and consoles with online gaming, its come a long way


Active Member
Its crazy ive been thinking of cooking up this purple cheisle for a few weeks, just put the germ'd seeds to soil, and theres Purple Chiesel!
Every single Good cross that you can name will have Someone working in the auto version..
you just gotta say..
I don't need to be First..I need to be BEST...:-P

Looks like you put some study you are your way to Best.

I have never grown a Cheese...are they Good...?

Have a great weekend m8's....:bigjoint:

Who ever posted me reputation on the Black pheno..and said they had one similar...

do you know what cross it is..or is it in a mixed/anonymous pack...?


Active Member does an aero system work..?
I grow in compo and I get Good results..
my m8 outgrows me all the time with the same genetics in hydro.

AF's seem to Love hydro best..

IMO because of the increased root space.

Aeroponics sprays water and nutrients onto the roots periodically, 1 min on 4 min off, throughout the entire grow. This enables the roots to use as much nutrients as they can take up without sitting in water. This helps prevent root rot, and lets the roots breathe. The roots have exceptional growth and do not get bound or oversaturated. It's debatable, but people who switch to aero say they would never go back to hydro. For more details look up "How to harvest a pound every three weeks" by stinkbud.

Based off what you said about the roots in your buddies hydro, I would have to say that AF would be a fine fit the aeroponics system. Thanks for the input.


Active Member
Wowsers..yes I get you..a passing water system...

I would Love to see that...are you documenting it...?

Cannot see enough roots..with AF's roots is where it is at.


Well-Known Member
Nice thread! :clap:
I'm 5 weeks in with a Dinafem Roadrunner. My first auto. And I have no idea what I'm doing.
(Shes teaching me. :-P)
The speed and growth rate are killing me. But, it's fun. :weed:


Just started some La Diva auto flower seeds. Only put them to germinate 2 weeks ago and they are growing fast!! Using a nft hydro setup with 250W grow CFL. Sensi seeds 2 part grow nutients.
Regarding the pump in the NFT. Should it run constently or just every so often?
From what I hear La Diva(delicious seeds) are some of the best auto flower seeds you can get for yield/smoke.
Also 2 weeks in veg stage and they stink!!!!!


Well-Known Member
thank you for the post! I have a super cali haze that is one week old, cfl (40,000 lumens) for now till I can get a 600w mh/hps system. I am running the lights on an 18/6 and currently have it in a 2.5 gallon pot. NOw could I take it outside (deep south 90 deg temps 70's 60s at night) with the current 12 hour light when I see the beginnings of flower? I have currently two Vanilla Kush (3 weeks) in the same room at the same light schedule and figure the suns light during flower would be markedly better than what I can provide. Feeding fish emulsion every other watering and super bloom too with filtered water and the just filtered water on the other days. Thanks for any help and great post.


Well-Known Member
thank you for the post! I have a super cali haze that is one week old, cfl (40,000 lumens) for now till I can get a 600w mh/hps system. I am running the lights on an 18/6 and currently have it in a 2.5 gallon pot. NOw could I take it outside (deep south 90 deg temps 70's 60s at night) with the current 12 hour light when I see the beginnings of flower? I have currently two Vanilla Kush (3 weeks) in the same room at the same light schedule and figure the suns light during flower would be markedly better than what I can provide. Feeding fish emulsion every other watering and super bloom too with filtered water and the just filtered water on the other days. Thanks for any help and great post.
If you feel like you have to put them outside, let them sit in the sun during the day and bring them inside at night. They thrive best under 20/4. 12/12 will hold them back.


Member be BEST...:-P
Yessir! I figure.. If im going to plot out the course of this journey I might aswell work towards somthing i'll be proud of.

as for cheese, if only had once (not my grow and not auto) It was very potent in smell and effect. From my research, the blue cheese will will be ideal for my breeding purposes. Only second thoughts were about the diesel.. thought of breeding the auto/purple trait into the original sour dies. but ive liked the diesel ryder ive seen lately and hope it will work with the cheese to make a truly pundgent purple.. auto!

thank you for the post! I have a super cali haze that is one week old, cfl (40,000 lumens) for now till I can get a 600w mh/hps system. I am running the lights on an 18/6 and currently have it in a 2.5 gallon pot. NOw could I take it outside (deep south 90 deg temps 70's 60s at night) with the current 12 hour light when I see the beginnings of flower? I have currently two Vanilla Kush (3 weeks) in the same room at the same light schedule and figure the suns light during flower would be markedly better than what I can provide. Feeding fish emulsion every other watering and super bloom too with filtered water and the just filtered water on the other days. Thanks for any help and great post.
Sorry if i cant answer you questions. but i wanna wish luck on the 600w, ive recently upped from a mass cfl rig, and the 400w hps has put more bud on my ladies in 1 week than my flouros grew in almost 1 month! you'll love the the strenght of a 600w hps and the floor space it can cover.

Quick question.. is taht vanilla kush auto? I was wanting to run some pollen by one in my search for a CheeseCake line.