The Art of The Auto

Morning JM...
your girls could give mine a run for their money any day...
I have already seen them this morning and the look like broody hens..
all ruffled out and brooding...ready to accelerate.

Today I think I saw two that might have pistils..
but I need to back and photo check..

ah..#2..the one on the right in photo 5..and #6 of course.

(Keep an eye on the shape length depth of colour on can tell a lot about a girl by her pistils.)

Hopefully you have a full set by tomorrow morning...and I think they are gonna woof when they do.

Will check the Ph of the soil tomorrow. Thanks for your help. Glad I found this thread.
No probs..I borrowed my m8's swimming pool test kit for my water.

Anon..wey hey m8...Love the canna seed art.....:leaf:

yeah man, im dieing to share pic of my current grow, but the camera phone just dosnt do justice unde the hps. new cam is on my xmas list :grin:
Fingers crossed for you m8...
I share your frustration..coz I'm dying to see.

NICE collection of seed...pocket full of dreams...:leaf:
BTW m8..if you have taken them through to f3 IBL..
have you noticed a big white leggy female starting to step out...
I Think one is trying to turn back to the Originals..

Glad I could help....Save where you can to spend where you need!!!

I have never done this before so any pointers would be greatly appreciated....
We'll take you through it when you get there.
Well thanks for the good words of encouragement mr mosser.. I'm excited too! I doubt they'd give yours a run for their money... but they'd be happy to represent yours in the event that they were unable to attend... :)

yes, they are a bit broody this morning... lil smell smacked me in the face when i opened... as much as can be expected with an ionizer in there 24/7.... but def a difference in smell and I def noticed the pistils this morning... they are happy i flushed themmm.. loving me back! best girlfirends I've had ever yet... hands down!

I will watch the pistils... anything sepcific I should look for?

Also, got a 3lb batch of canna-butter rollin right now to make choco with !... Today is last (official) day of canna-vodka making... had some bout an hour ago... trippin in a lil... burned a lil too.. :)

mor pics to come soon

but they'd be happy to represent yours in the event that they were unable to attend... :smile:
Cannabis Cup...2012..AF catagory..Amsterdam....
I'll see you in one of the Cafes....make it a date...............:clap:

lil smell smacked me in the face when i opened...
There is nothing like the smell of warm wet sex in the morning....:weed:
best girlfirends I've had ever yet... hands down!
LMHO......:-P :-P :-P

you don't have to buy them christmas presents either...
they don't hog the TV remote...

Also, got a 3lb batch of canna-butter rollin right now to make choco with !...
We need your recipie m8....
can't keep coming in here Happy as an Old Hippys Cat...and not let us in on it...
but they'd be happy to represent yours in the event that they were unable to attend... :smile:
Cannabis Cup...2012..AF catagory..Amsterdam....
I'll see you in one of the Cafes....make it a date...............:clap:

you got a deal.. hope I can make it by Nov 2012... yeah I guess thats pretty easy actually...

lil smell smacked me in the face when i opened...

There is nothing like the smell of warm wet sex in the morning....:weed:


best girlfirends I've had ever yet... hands down!

LMHO......:razz: :razz: :razz:

you don't have to buy them christmas presents either...
they don't hog the TV remote...
and dont bitch when you go out late or sleep in or dont help with "chores"

Also, got a 3lb batch of canna-butter rollin right now to make choco with !...

We need your recipie m8....
can't keep coming in here Happy as an Old Hippys Cat...and not let us in on it...

Gladly... still refining t actually tho... but gladly...

currently 10 oz leaf trimmings, 3 lbs butter... in pan water to prevent burn... simmer on low for 3 hours

then remove leaf matter (squeez, strainya know) then let cool...(fridge temps) butter clumps back up on top.... remove butter from water.... then...
for choco.... mix butter and choco together and simmer (very very low temp...) just enough to melt the butter and choc... mix thouroghly... then pour into molds (if you hav) or onto alimunm sheet and put in freezer.... 20 min to 1/2 hr and your good to go!

Oh..we have some experimenting to do m8....roll on spring....:leaf::leaf::leaf:

I think that we may already have what we need. Remember the "air cup" cup girl
the one that stayed completely uniformed but on a tiny scale like your Ogun?
She is a prime example of this. Her roots were stopped as they progressed to the outside
and to the bottom. As a result we had a tiny version of a well balanced female.

Her head formed fast and her side branches stopped growing out the day the head pistils were emerging
so im really starting to believe that depth and intensity play key roles in the sex to bloom stages.
its had enough light to start into maturity and then it needs the room to stretch its legs to grow out.

Like you said its like a teenager, one day they have no care in the world then the hormones kick in
and everything starts going crazy.
Cannabis Cup...2012..AF catagory..Amsterdam....
I'll see you in one of the Cafes....make it a date...............:clap:

I would LOVE to see this. I dont think that there could be anything to put a bigger smile on my face
unless one of my gals is in the cup of course :) but i dont think i have a chance against the Wizard

So a little bit of news this morning the rest of the lot decided to show
I had one more Male and 2 more females grand total of 4 :leaf:
3 ICU females and 1 BB female. The other 2 males were both BB
Now the interesting thing about this was the fact that both BB
that were male were the ones that i turned around. The ones
that decided to grow up side down at first.

I think that id i had left them alone i may have had 2 more females to grow out
but who knows. I think the stress at that age could have very well caused the
males to show in the group as all the other seeds were all untouched and fem

So i think that i am going to take your advice in the future my friend
and let them fix them selves, as i may, just may have had a 100% fem on this one

So due to the loss of two i decided to start 4 more :)
I have dropped 4 of my F1's from the PJ breeding experiment

Fingers crossed :joint:

Also i remember you asking about the Trainwreck as meds and it is a great asset in the headache department
has a fast upbeat high for me. I think it will have a nice meld with BW i think it would help on the paranoia side
kinda balance it out bringing out the strong stone of BW
Well.. more pics... closeups and such... plus my 3-in-1 pot finally germed out today!



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Why do you say that?

Last time I accidentally heat stressed a plant it stopped all vertical growth and just bushed out. It was an easyryder and finished less than 10" tall.

OK, well I have to remember I'm running CO2 enrichment... but I'm consistently in the 87-92 range and no stunting here... although maybe if they didn't get the CO2 and also if they weren't used to those temps...

Maybe I'm wrong on this... anyone else thoughts?
look at those fine little bitches you got there John
looks like you re going to have quite a harvest once all of those little whores fill in
keep up the good work on that my man
making us proud
FD... in regards to the cup... I say we say screw it... lets kick their ass in the "any" category... and then when we win a prize.... tell them its an auto... :)
look at those fine little bitches you got there John
looks like you re going to have quite a harvest once all of those little whores fill in
keep up the good work on that my man
making us proud

thanks man... glad to be livin up to u guys standards! lol
yes, its more exciting every day... over 40% complete now!
thanks for the good words of encouragement man!

have a stubborn snowryder that has fought through LST and is still stretching upwards. what do you guys think about intentionally heat stressing her to get her stubborn bitch ass to settle down on a height? I still have my old CFL rubbermaid setup, so I think if I throw one of my 150w HPS' in there for a day it'll cook around 93-96*. If I sustain that for 12-18 hours you think it will be enough to stunt her vertical growth?

The heat stress might get it to throw some nanners. I have trying to breed out the nanners from my SR's, F4 has been the best run for me.
I find them to be stretchy as well, as far as autos go anyways. They do stop though. I crossed some SR pollen to the SFV ogkush cutting. I should just START them with tomato cages, lol they are going to grow like bloody grape vines.

ok so i got a question for the fokes with a little more experience with autos, ok so my Diesel Ryders are about 47 days in, and im noticing roots are starting to come out of the bottom of the this stage in tha game would transplanting do more harm than good?
I transplant after sexing, i mean RIGHT after. I don't get stunted autos. To be honest i didn't like my runs where i planted right into the 2 gal bag. They seemed to take an extra week before they started to "bang". I am sure it was the roots taking all the energy and growing into the bags. For the lost week i didn't see much gain to behonest. I see lots of good results from direct planting, but i just can't justify the waste of time and dirt on sexing males.

For me it's party cup until sexed then into the final container.

If you transplant at all durring flower you are screwed.

Cannabis Cup...2012..AF catagory..Amsterdam....
I'll see you in one of the Cafes....make it a date...............:clap:

Is this a done deal? I tried to find your post about it but, to no avail. Maybe i'll have to google it when i have a moment. That is almost do-able for me. Kinda falls into place as far as time line :D
I was reading that the city council in dam is trying to shut out forign tokers. requiring cafe goes to show thier ID's. Would kiind of stifle the cup IMO. They'll just have to move it to cali or some thing. Same council stopped giving out licences for new cafe's. :(

JM: The girls are looking good mate :D

The heat stress might get it to throw some nanners. I have trying to breed out the nanners from my SR's, F4 has been the best run for me.
I find them to be stretchy as well, as far as autos go anyways. They do stop though. I crossed some SR pollen to the SFV ogkush cutting. I should just START them with tomato cages, lol they are going to grow like bloody grape vines.

I transplant after sexing, i mean RIGHT after. I don't get stunted autos. To be honest i didn't like my runs where i planted right into the 2 gal bag. They seemed to take an extra week before they started to "bang". I am sure it was the roots taking all the energy and growing into the bags. For the lost week i didn't see much gain to behonest. I see lots of good results from direct planting, but i just can't justify the waste of time and dirt on sexing males.

For me it's party cup until sexed then into the final container.

If you transplant at all durring flower you are screwed.

Is this a done deal? I tried to find your post about it but, to no avail. Maybe i'll have to google it when i have a moment. That is almost do-able for me. Kinda falls into place as far as time line :D
I was reading that the city council in dam is trying to shut out forign tokers. requiring cafe goes to show thier ID's. Would kiind of stifle the cup IMO. They'll just have to move it to cali or some thing. Same council stopped giving out licences for new cafe's. :(

JM: The girls are looking good mate :D

thanks man on the compliment!
right on the same tiiming chain my friend! This part about the cannbis cup sux the big dingaling....

but maybe we can legalize here by then and have the Canna-B-US cup here stateside!

although I've always wanted to see damsterman..

Thanks for the help. Not got a magnifyer. Any suggestions on a cheap one?

I use a $12 pocket microscope from radio shack. 60-100x magnification really lets you get a close look at the trichomes. Kind of hard to keep steady on a plant though, so I usually clip a small piece of a bud to check them.
I've been using a 30x microscope from radio shack too I tink... (older model prob) but I also find its a little tricky in ow light and also tough to steady... find myself clipping to the bud too... we used to use a jeqwelers loupe back in the day... and Im def gonna get one of those... the price is right, thats for sure!

All 21 overhead shots...
