the attitude is a scam


Well-Known Member
what northen lights did you get? thats what im after.

they say on the web site that seeds over 60 days old are sold to a disscount company that sounds good the seeds should be fresh all the time.
the northern lights i'm using is the freebie that they give ya, g13 germed no problem and looks very healthy for being a freebie! yeah, nobody should ever spend 500 bucks on one order, i usually keep it at 100..


Well-Known Member
Funny instead of starting a thread to flame Attitude you have started one to praise them.


Well-Known Member
u spent $500 at once? are u serious? dam bro realy feel bad but i cant help feel u musta done something wrong ;)
smelly, mushy seeds? i didnt even think thats possible!

CHeers :)


Well-Known Member
what northen lights did you get? thats what im after.

they say on the web site that seeds over 60 days old are sold to a disscount company that sounds good the seeds should be fresh all the time.

See I would assume the "Discount company" is just the freebies they give away because they must have a ton seeds left over from seeds that were never bought.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
every time someone's order has issues, you see one of these type of threads. sometimes orders don't get delivered for any number of reasons. work with the company to work out the problem. making the rounds at forums, slinging shit, isn't the answer.

Brick Top

New Member
i ordered from the attitude, $500.00 worth of seeds and they sent me some bad seeds. do not order from the attitude. they are scam artist! the seeds were mushy, sickly and smelled horrible. dont let them get you like they got me!

It is a shame that you had a bad experience but consider something before you go on blaming Attitude. They do not personally package the beans they sell and they do not produce the beans they sell. Both are done by the beans breeder and Attitude purchases beans from breeders and resells them. They, nor any other seedbank, open the packages from the breeders and then sniff and examine the beans and test them and only then sell them. So if you want and need to blast someone it would be best to pick the responsible party and go after the breeder and not the business that buys wholesale and then sells what they have purchased, similar to how you then purchased, retail.

I always find it amazing how someone will purchase beans from a seedbank and then blame the seedbank for some problem with the beans when they were only the store that resold them and not the ones who made the beans. It is somewhat a case of killing the messenger rather than killing the one who sent the message.


Well-Known Member
He's Full of shit, Look at all the responses Here, I have ordered only once and that's all it took to realize The tude is the shit. My only order was almost $200 and I got it in the Eastern US in 6 days! Look at my jounrnal of how the freebes worked out 100% germ rate for even the smallest seeds. I have Barneys farm G13xHaze for my next adventure and I'm sure they will last and sprout after say 6 or so months. Your full of shit or have no idea what your talking about, Trying to get publicity and look at this thread it worked:finger: I just wanted to do that:lol:


Well-Known Member
Bullshit this dude is not for real!! I have not had any issues with the tude that havent been resolved! As far as the germ rate I am man enough to say it was my fault so for the third time ordering and receiveing I've gotta say the attitude rocks!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, also what moron spends $500?

I have a feeling this is some 13 year old kid who thinks he is funny.
I don't undertsand that statement at all, what's wrong with spending $500 ? If shipping is the same price why not order everything at once ? Why order a few times with $30 shipping ? it adds up fast ? why not order everything at once ? You either get everything or you get snagged. Order it all at once and if you get it you don't have to worry any more. If you order several times you have to worry each time.

Tell me why getting it all at one time is such a bad idea ?


Well-Known Member
I don't undertsand that statement at all, what's wrong with spending $500 ? If shipping is the same price why not order everything at once ? Why order a few times with $30 shipping ? it adds up fast ? why not order everything at once ? You either get everything or you get snagged. Order it all at once and if you get it you don't have to worry any more. If you order several times you have to worry each time.

Tell me why getting it all at one time is such a bad idea ?
you have great points la9. but there is also room for the "dont put all your eggs in one basket" argument. its just like when you and your friends used to run from the scattered because there was less chance of everyone getting caught. you would probably rather be running with your boys, but alone is safer.

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
I don't undertsand that statement at all, what's wrong with spending $500 ? If shipping is the same price why not order everything at once ? Why order a few times with $30 shipping ? it adds up fast ? why not order everything at once ? You either get everything or you get snagged. Order it all at once and if you get it you don't have to worry any more. If you order several times you have to worry each time.

Tell me why getting it all at one time is such a bad idea ?
i was thinking along the lines of hes had $500 worth off seeds and not 1 seed germanated for $500 he must have had a few strains and not one cracked? come on that stinks of bull shit to high heaven and back.


Well-Known Member
you have great points la9. but there is also room for the "dont put all your eggs in one basket" argument. its just like when you and your friends used to run from the scattered because there was less chance of everyone getting caught. you would probably rather be running with your boys, but alone is safer.

I understand now, I have been known to make a small order and then if it worked out to go ahead and get the rest of what I wanted.

We're all on the same page just a different paragraph, right boys ?


Well-Known Member
Speaking of the Attitude, I'll chime in and say how excited I am because I placed an order for Lowryder 1 And Lowryder 2 and for AK47 x Lowryder and it was supposed to be shipped today so now I wait......