the attitude is a scam

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
retarded, never heard of mushy seeds before...what did they smell like?
if you go thru attitude to buy seeds, then they ought to be liable for them. my order from them was junk. never again! sorry if I offend ppl who deal with them, your choice. I got a bad batch of seeds that I had to eat! Nirvana is best of the best!


Well-Known Member
If your order had a problem have you tried contacting them, every post ive read where there was an issue with Attitude they went out of there way to fix the error.


Well-Known Member
It is a shame that you had a bad experience but consider something before you go on blaming Attitude. They do not personally package the beans they sell and they do not produce the beans they sell. Both are done by the beans breeder and Attitude purchases beans from breeders and resells them.

This i do not understand. Everyone praises attitudes germ rate,but if they have nothing to do with,but distribute, how can the germ rate even be attached to the distributers name.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
If your order had a problem have you tried contacting them, every post ive read where there was an issue with Attitude they went out of there way to fix the error.
I did contact them and they said it was not their responibilty to replace bad seeds or non-germ. seeds. it's up to the breeders. I'm fucked with my pants up!

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
This i do not understand. Everyone praises attitudes germ rate,but if they have nothing to do with,but distribute, how can the germ rate even be attached to the distributers name.
let me make an example, let's say I buy a car (new) and 6 months later I sell you this car (no warranty or guarantees) and 3 miles down the road it takes a shit on you, are you going to complain to the maker of the car???? No, you're gonna go to the person who sold you that car. am I right?

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
:mrgreen: Roflao :mrgreen: ok well I think you should try ordering again, I think you have kissed enough karmakiss-ass that things will be better on your Karma travels.
Oh.... I will order again, but not from attitude, and dude, I appreciate your comments. some others on this site blame me for "my stupidity" you might say. oh well, it was a learning experience and I move on!


Well-Known Member
let me make an example, let's say I buy a car (new) and 6 months later I sell you this car (no warranty or guarantees) and 3 miles down the road it takes a shit on you, are you going to complain to the maker of the car???? No, you're gonna go to the person who sold you that car. am I right?
Your wrong if you bought a NEW car with a warranty it is transfered over to the NEW owner so you have to deal with the manufacture!


Well-Known Member
ATTITUDE you will not be bashed by swim!
placed and swim recieved to cali on the 7th day.
swim bought the kiwi indoor mix from them which contained 15 perfect seeds. swim germed 6 and 5 were females which swim harvested over 7 oz from.
swim also recieved the FREE 5 Pack of G13 POWERSKUNK which he germed 2 and both were females which became monsters with my punnee 600 hps. swim harvested 3.5 oz on each POWER SKUNK.
Yes, Swim is still smokin the rewards, Thanks to the ATTITUDE!


Well-Known Member
ATTITUDE you will not be bashed by swim!
placed and swim recieved to cali on the 7th day.
swim bought the kiwi indoor mix from them which contained 15 perfect seeds. swim germed 6 and 5 were females which swim harvested over 7 oz from.
swim also recieved the FREE 5 Pack of G13 POWERSKUNK which he germed 2 and both were females which became monsters with my punnee 600 hps. swim harvested 3.5 oz on each POWER SKUNK.
Yes, Swim is still smokin the rewards, Thanks to the ATTITUDE!
Good deal Bro, Ya know swim sounds just like Duff Man:clap:


Well-Known Member
i ordered from the attitude, $500.00 worth of seeds and they sent me some bad seeds. do not order from the attitude. they are scam artist! the seeds were mushy, sickly and smelled horrible. dont let them get you like they got me!
What retard experience do you claim to have. I know tons of ppl who have ordered from there including my self with 100% germ rate with all seeds! Please dude!:finger:

It's funny how this asshole came on, started a post, and never said shit again. Fucking pussy's on there keyboards. Most be someone's competitor! Funny Shit, oh well.

Brick Top

New Member
if you go thru attitude to buy seeds, then they ought to be liable for them. my order from them was junk. never again! sorry if I offend ppl who deal with them, your choice. I got a bad batch of seeds that I had to eat! Nirvana is best of the best!

I do agree in part with what you said and believe that Attitude should replace the seeds but that is like how WalMart or wherever should replace a bad DVD they sell but the responsibility for the DVD having been bad in the first place still lies in the hands of the manufacturer and people can rightly complain about WalMart or wherever if they refuse to replace the DVD but not complain about the actual problem of the DVD being bad in the first place because the fault is not WalMart’s but instead the manufacturer of the DVD.

As for Nirvana, well over the many years since I found sites like this and seedbanks online there is not a single breeder/seedbank that I have read or heard as many complaints about than Nirvana.

At times I think I have heard or read as many horror stories about Nirvana as I heard or read about the Nazi death camps.

Based on all that I have read and heard about Nirvana over the years I would never begin to consider risking so much as one single thin dime on any product that was made by Nirvana or sold by Nirvana.

Brick Top

New Member
This i do not understand. Everyone praises attitudes germ rate,but if they have nothing to do with,but distribute, how can the germ rate even be attached to the distributers name.

The answer to that is all those people who do attribute Attitude with great germ rates are wrong in doing so. That is only related to the breeder and not the seedbank but most people NEVER begin to consider that.

I spent my life in sales and was part owner of a car dealership and a marina where along with everything else we did we sold boats. Luckily for the most part we sold high line products so there were not many real problems but when there was so many people would rant and rave as if we personally built what they purchased and were personally responsible for the problems they were then experiencing.

We would of course take care of the problems in as timely of a manner as possible but some people still had to tell people that we were crooks and we sold garbage. We were the bad guys even though we did not manufacture the items they had problems with but instead only sold them and if they had a problem stood behind them for the factory.

To many people fail to see the disconnect between a manufacturer and a sales outlet and wrongly blame or praise the outlet when things are good or bad.

They of course have every right to comment on the service they receive but if they want and need to comment on the product itself in either a positive or negative manner they should refer to the manufacturer instead of the sales outlet.