Well-Known Member
*To address, I made an order the other day and i used there Debit card payment method. And i check my url and all, made sure it was https:// the ssl, but ya it checked out and i typed in my info. I was told that i would have to sign up for the Verified For Visa and was asked to put in more personal info, etc. The site was linked over and when it refreshed it had missing info and logos etc. This is of course so they can take your info and charge the hell out of it.
No, The Attitude is not attempting a phishing scam" neither is the company that charges your card.
The Verified By Visa is now to prevent unauthorized use of credit cards so the company that charges your card was telling you that you need to sign up for this, however when you refreshed the page that can explain the issue with the website because sometimes when you refresh a website like that weird things can happen to it.