The best advice I was ever given...

Guess it all perspective. The term is usually used to signify white woman of a certain age group who feel entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is normal. You are correct, also sexist. Anyway, not trying to derail you thread. It's just a term I am not a fan of.
So wait, middle aged white women are now a group that needs to be protected from bigotry?!
As much as anyone else being ignorantly grouped together using their skin color as a criteria.
I have never in my life seen an average, middle aged white woman who was minding their own business and acting like a respectable member of society get called a Karen. Seem to me the criteria for being called a Karen are entirely based on behavior and context. Also, as a white male, I can confidently say that if a white person feels they need protection from racism they should probably step up their coping skills, cause we've had it pretty easy for the entire history of the western world. Lol.
The best advises I got was:
Don't piss into the wind
Dont play leaf frog with a rhino
If you shake it more than 2xs it's considered playing with yourself.

Your welcome folks.

"Never play leapfrog with a unicorn" was my high school yearbook quote.