the best strain of shroom

He was being half - jokey calm down. And dont be all high and mighty - " Than many of you could even imagine " Jeeeez fam, some people aye aye aye. We are all related guys, we all have stuff in common. One love, One peace.

Sure he was. I am high, but that has nothing to do with what I know about the chem race.
There is far more to it than most people know. And its not what you might think. Most people wouldnt believe how things work and wish to live in the illusion that the hustlers spoon feed em. Its profitable.
Sure he was. I am high, but that has nothing to do with what I know about the chem race.
There is far more to it than most people know. And its not what you might think. Most people wouldnt believe how things work and wish to live in the illusion that the hustlers spoon feed em. Its profitable.

Calm down sir, why are you getting defensive? i dont understand... and sorry mate

"Most people wouldnt believe how things work and wish to live in the illusion that the hustlers spoon feed em."

Shut the fuck up and speak for yourself. You aint telling me shit brother and i dont care whether your fucking high or not. Stop the high and mighty bullshit man, with the idea that you are clearly seeing people stupidity, and are so clever. Whether its true or not - no one gives a shit man.

Sorry if that came across a bit deep, but i dont know, i dont really understand what you said - it doesnt make too much sesnse either.

Fook, i need a :joint:.
Calm down? I didn't get excited.

Shut the fuck up and speak for yourself. You aint telling me shit brother and i dont care whether your fucking high or not. Stop the high and mighty bullshit man, with the idea that you are clearly seeing people stupidity, and are so clever. Whether its true or not - no one gives a shit man.

Sorry if that came across a bit deep, but i dont know, i dont really understand what you said - it doesnt make too much sesnse either.

Looks like you are the excitable one in this thread.

I only pointed out one thing.....

".....anyone, and I mean anyone that claims they know 65% of all info regarding psychedelics actually doesnt know very much at all. I have looked down the rabbit hole deeper than many of you could even imagine. It is infinite. There is no percentage of knowledge. So be a humble student and learn more. Because the more you know, the more you realize you actually do not know much at all."

Sorry if you feel inferior to my statement, but that is you own personal issue.
Style, i dont know you from shit. And i certaintly dont feel infererior to whatever you say on a fucking forum. But, if it makes you feel superior, go ahead and think that. Because, i think its pretty clear - you dont know us well - we dont know you. It makes you feel better to think that we are all idiots and that you are so much more knowledgable than all of us, and you just say stuff like i have looked so much deeper than any of us could imagine. Its one of those things, where - we cant say you havent - but you cant say we have.

And a final thing, what you have said ( thats factual ) is quite right ( but not all of it is correct ) WHen you said the more you know, the more you realise you dont know much at all is correct. Its a perfect statement in a way.

You mixing decency with a sort of smug attitude and its just not coming along so nicely or thats how im reading it.

So, please dont talk shit about humbleness.

" He who is humble is confident and wise. He who brags is insecure and lacking. "

Humbleness is a whole seperate issue, but even myself as a person who likes to say whatever the fuck he thinks, and doesnt give a flying fuck about anyones first impressions. I try my best to be humbled by things but its fucking hard. But anyway thats irrelevant.

Style, peace and love.
ok...I think it's time we all dose together. then we would realize this is pointless and maybe even learn to get along....NAH!!!

We are all, humble, confident, insecure, all inclusive, and lacking. Just in different quantities at different times.

and last point...Aren't there BETTER targets for this "knowledge" out there, where others don't have at least this in common?

Oh yeah, FUCK ME cuz I should'a just backed out of this shit storm. Peace, style, growwwwww, GGluton, Dutchy, et. al..,...
ok...I think it's time we all dose together. then we would realize this is pointless and maybe even learn to get along....NAH!!!

We are all, humble, confident, insecure, all inclusive, and lacking. Just in different quantities at different times.

and last point...Aren't there BETTER targets for this "knowledge" out there, where others don't have at least this in common?

Oh yeah, FUCK ME cuz I should'a just backed out of this shit storm. Peace, style, growwwwww, GGluton, Dutchy, et. al..,...

Hey, no fair - i want to live in dankytown :(
LMAO. This Used To Be One Of My Favorite Threads. Now It's Bummin' Me Out.

The LSA Is Going. I Plant 100 Seeds Of Every Batch I Get. And I Need A Refuel On My Lamp Fuel (ie. Naphtha).
Throughout history people that have been afraid of someone/thing that they do not understand usually try to destroy it or discredit it. Because it posses a threat to some sort of ego/power they think they have.

Thanks for the name calling and trying to paint a picture of what you want people to think I am.

An educated individual will read the entire thread before jumping onto your bandwagon of hate.