The Big 40

How much did you get in total. Im thinking I want to do something like that. Basically cause i have the land for it. And you did a great job on this grow.
Don't really know yet. Only 18 plants were mine, and I know we got 3-5 lbs off the Jacks, Goo, and Romulan. I got pound and a half off 1 small Blue Dream of mine. It's really not that hard to do if you have the space and the money to do it. We put alot of money in the dirt alone. 30 bucks a yrd, and 260 yrds, the math, it wasn't cheap!
Hey wheezer, awesome grow man. U literally showed me the dream garden. I was jus wandering if u ever got a chance to throw up any smoke reports of the strains u got to keep. And u def got me looking into some teas for this upcoming season. Smoke good man
Well, it's been a long winter, and it's not quite over yet, but its getting close! Its almost that time to start up again. I got some seedlings and some clones going that are going in this year, and some that I still have to get together.I will announce what will be grown this year in the new thread, that will be started very soon. I am going to put a few pics up here of the buds that we are smoking steadily on and loving. It all came out very good, good solid buds,with a nice coating of crystal, but the most important thing, it is very smooth with complex flavors from the organic feedings, and a nice clean white-grey ash. I have an indoor room we are setting up my little bros house this next week, and I'll put up a thread on it in the indoor grow section.
I wanted to thank everyone for reps, and they're interest in the thread last year, and hope to see you all on this years grow as well. It will be called the Big 50, even though it will actually be 48 plants. I'll see ya all real soon. PEACE!!
Great to hear from you Brother Wheez! Your 2010 grow was simply epic, I am ready for the "Big 50", (actually 48, but who the hell cares, LOL). Good luck & good grow my friend.......BB
Thanks Boss! Things are kinda up in the arir now. The property owner there is having second thoughts about doing it again. I hope she comes around and we get goin'. I do have a 6 plant grow, I'm doin' for sure, and the other one I should know one way or the other by this weekend.
I'll be putting the indoor I mentioned before in to flower this coming week, so those are coming soon, I promise. It will be a thread in the indoor section of course.
Well, some people you just can't please I guess. It turns out my silent (property owner) partner, is not gonna do a garden this year again. There are alot of reasons that I'm glad, and only a few reasons I was hoping to do 1 more year with her.Obviously, It was 18 plants for me, and everything pretty much ready to go. On the upside, I don't have to grow 25 plants for someone else.
I am doing 6 plants at my old place with my old land lord, which lives just a couple hills over from where I grew last year, so I have the same climate, and good sun all day.. He has well water, so I don't have to worry about that, it's good water no issues there at all. He only has room for me to do my 1 prescription,= 6 plants, and I'll be doing them in containers. I'm gonna have 200 gallon smart pots, and I'm doing a Humus, cocoa mix this year, all organic and basically the same as last year, only a 50/50 mix for a base for better oxygen to my roots. All my time will be directed to these 6 plants, so they're gonna get a lot of love. I'm setting up my organic tea brewing stuff again and going 100% true living organics all the way. Because I will only have 6 this year, I decided to grow 5 Romulans, and 1 Blue Dream. The Romulans were the best outta the bunch last year all the way around. It yielded great, no bugs, no mildew no mold, it was the easiest to trim, and the best to look at and smoke. Why grow anything else?!? I'm doing the 1 Blue Dream, cause I got a cut, the gy said will be as big and trouble free as my Rommy, and so far it's taking off and gonna turn into a monster by planting time!
Because my little brother moved out here now, and got his and his wifes scripts, we have a 8x8 4000 watt room going, I can play in and do all my strain variety I like to have around, so that frees me up to make the 6 outdoor count for all it's worth. I think I'm gonna call the thread "The Big 6" haha, but, they will be BIG 6 for sure! I know I keep sayin it, but be lookin for that 8x8 grow to pop up in the indoor threads here soon!
Thanks for the update Wheez. As much as we'd love to see a monster field of 40 plants again, all of that extra weight is now off your shoulders and being turned into positive attention for your 6 plants. Can't wait to see it as ever. RDG
Well, Here's a couple pics of the 6 plants that I'll be using this year. The one outside is the Blue Dream cut, the one in the middle in the last pic, is the Rommy Mommy, and the other is a group of Romulan babies which 4 of will go in a s well. The rest of these are will flowered in an indoor room.
I'm gonna repost these plant pics along with some new ones on the new thread that will start this week, along with first site pics as I have a little work prep work to do on the site. The new thread will be called "The big 40,minus 34" or "The Big 6 how much can I get?"
looking good. wish i could grow legally as well. oh well, ill be watching the legal grows instead ;)
These were topped everal times while they were small(first month), and then they just turn into bushes instead of trees. The thickness in general is, lots of sun, lots of water, and lots of root space, and most importantly....lots of love! Where I see most people make mistakes on their babies, is they try to grow them too big too fast, and don't top em', and they have these tall beanpoles to start out with. I have a couple plants I got from someone else as replacements that were grown like that, and they are bear for the first 2-3 ft. My plants are bud from the ground up. I had to prop the bottom branched up to keep them out of the dirt. Those rows are 10ft. wide+ and most are filling that up!

How many nodes do you have when you make your 1st top? How many nodes remain after you make your 1st top?
I top my babies between the 4th and 5th node, only taking out 1 node.Then I do it again 3-4 nodes up from there, and that's usually enough to have a nice full bush.
haha pulled up this ol thing huh! most of the plants that were in those pools were bad genetics for the most part, and the soil didn't get as much perlite and stuff, we kinda threw those together at the last minute. My first year in Cali, and my first real grow, I pulled a 3 pound Jack Herer x Trainwreck in one of those pools.
haha pulled up this ol thing huh! most of the plants that were in those pools were bad genetics for the most part, and the soil didn't get as much perlite and stuff, we kinda threw those together at the last minute. My first year in Cali, and my first real grow, I pulled a 3 pound Jack Herer x Trainwreck in one of those pools.

Right on! That's cool as hell.
i subbed. the kiddie pool thing, well great minds think alike.
i got a two kiddie pools in my back yard. there not growing marijuana since i live in tx and this is NOT the state you want to grow outside and infront of people. but im growing tomatoes peppers onions and a wide assortment of herbs. culinary herbs, again NOT mary. but they work wonders, i got them both from the dumpster across the ways cause the had cracked on the bottm and im assuming wouldnt hold water, i thought "perfect". found em while walking my dog, smoking a spliiff. im sure it was funny to watch me stoned @ 9pm alking down the street with two tore up kiddie pools and a dog, but hey, im not one thats gives a shit about what others think.
i subbed. the kiddie pool thing, well great minds think alike.
i got a two kiddie pools in my back yard. there not growing marijuana since i live in tx and this is NOT the state you want to grow outside and infront of people. but im growing tomatoes peppers onions and a wide assortment of herbs. culinary herbs, again NOT mary. but they work wonders, i got them both from the dumpster across the ways cause the had cracked on the bottm and im assuming wouldnt hold water, i thought "perfect". found em while walking my dog, smoking a spliiff. im sure it was funny to watch me stoned @ 9pm alking down the street with two tore up kiddie pools and a dog, but hey, im not one thats gives a shit about what others think.

Frickin' hilarious mental picture freeman!
im sure my neighbors thought so too. i live in apartments in a "nicer" neighborhood i guess. most people work at the naval base, so once something gets slightly used they throw it out. so far ive collect a nice ass dresser, 2 kiidie pools, a table and tv stand, a coffe table, and a bike. lol
all sitting in my garage, all nice, just minor scrapes or defects, but people around here dont believe in reuse or recycling so i collect. im sure people view me a certain way because of this but i got to boys,3 and 1, and i dont give a fuck how people view me. saving money is saving money, and honestly if you come into my house and sat on my couch, you wouldnt know that almost nothing was bought from a store. all garage sales, hand me downs, or "im too good for this put it out by the street so that wierd pothead with the dog can come pick it up". lol.