The Big 40

hey weez i had a set up to but ass head neighbor called fish and game so had to cancelbut its all about the square footage on the growth but sept for the grade is the only thing the square foot dont afect right yes or no
Hey there wheezer. I am considering a grow of this size come next season. Was wonderinf what the approx running costs where if u don't mind sharing. 260 yards ammended soil is a lot with the 20 truck looads of ammendments(what where they?) And such. Just trying to get an rough idea on what I am getting myself into. Thanks
then propert owner bought it all, but it was 35 bucks a yard for the soil, so 35 x 260=almost 10 grand and I went through at least $2000.00 in ammendments. wire for the bottm of the rows was 75 bucks a roll and we had 20 rolls so it was 13 grand or so to just get started. Not to mention tractor work, fencing, hoses, barrels, irrigation was a job!
Thanks 4 sharing. I was figuring closer to 20000 when all done and said. Got 2 start convincing the wife. U r an inspiration sir with 1 hell of a green thumb!
I know I'm 2 years late but I just wanted to express my generosity for you documenting this beautiful grow for all of us.

Hey wheezer great stuff man im impressed i also do outdoor in cali i have been useing 150 gall bags and mine arnt as big as your if i do a set up like yours in the ground with good soil and amendments would they get that big. i was also wondering what ratio you use for amendment to your great potting soil. And what kind to if your willing to give that up im trying to get prepd for next year. Oh ya and what to you do with your old soil reuse it? Thanks
I have my ammendment list in one of my other threads somewhere, it's been changing a little but not much. I think I have it in my indoor thread, you'll have to find it in indoor section, it's not in my sig. I do reuse my soil, I re-compost it first, but I use it under my grow bags, which I've been using the last couple years now. I'm not growing in this spot anymore. The 150 gallon bags you are using will get your plants this big, if they get enough light and water...they'll grow the roots right through to the ground if you have good soil under em'. check my big 6 grow in my's in 200 gallon bags and I think my list is there too.
This is the soil i can get in cu yards coco pumic peat base with organic compost worm castings organic fertilizer and micro nutrients, does that sound good and should i use some amendments in that. I was thinking of putting around 5 cups of diff amendments per 50 gallon trash can of dirt it takes 3 trash cans to fill one pot. How much water should i be useing a day in these pots too. Thanks for the feedback i will so search your ratio and amendments thread
It liosts on one web site for 1499.00, but I have heard from a couple grow shops that shipping was getting tough. They were having a hard time getting them, so I don't know, but I got this one for 16+ tax. I bought 2 the same day, it was 3600.oo and some change. They are listed retail at 2200.00

that's alot of money and space it uses...we rigged up a contraption to the hamsters's kinda reliable and funny as hell
that's alot of money and space it uses...we rigged up a contraption to the hamsters's kinda reliable and funny as hell

someone oughta write " The Marijuana Mechanical Engineering Manual " with all the inventions of growers over the would be classic
I just had to ask you does it work i knw ur legal but how does it u gotta pay big fines ..or its just about getting the growers cultiation papper work and ur good
To go u aint gotta report to anyone how much you got ..or have to give them a cut or ??? ..i have my rec and am seriously thinking about gettin the growers cultivation.. but not sure how it works ..i would aprecuate it if u drop a lil info on how it goes..