The Big 6 (Wheezers Outdoor 2011 Grow)


I just realized looking through the thread, that I never listed my dry ammendmenta that went in to the bags, only my base mix ingredients. So, here you go:
I mixed them in 3 layers so it would be easier to mix, and I have the right nutes in the right places hopefully. The bottom layer consists of:
Humus/soil mix
Perlite (lots)
Heavy Worm castings (almost half a bag)
Phos. bat guano
Green Sand
Manna Mix
Dr. Earths Bud and Bloom booster
Second Layer:
The same with less worm castings
alf alfa meal
Nitro bat guano (little bit)
Top layer:
Humas/soil mix
Manna Mix
lots of nitro bat guano
worm castings
alf alfa meal (lots)
Composted Chicken Manure
The amounts I use are not really measured exactly, I'm one of those, a pinch of this, and hadful of that kinda green thumb growers, I don't even measure my liquid ferts most of the time.( I don't advise trying that at home boys and girls) So that's why I'm not giving you the exact amounts,....sorry.
My organic teas vary as well, I adjust it according to what I'm seeing happen, or as their needs change, but basically here goes:
During veg:
Dry ingredients:
nitro bat guano 10-6-1
organic compost (I use black cow baled compost)
worm castings
composted steer manure (I will be using some fresh horse manure this year too)
micro beasties
Liquid additives:
Bio-Link micronutrients (100% organic macro nutes, {hard to find})
Fish Emulsion
Liquid Kelp
Earth Juice catalyst
Fox Farm Big Bloom
During Flower:
Dry ammendments:
High Phosphorous bat guano
Dr. Earths Bud and Bloom Booster
Organic Compost
Worm castings
Micro beasties
Liquid additives:
Bio-link macro nutes
Bio-link liquid bloom 0-5-5
Fish Emulsion
Liquid Kelp
Earth Juice catalyst
Fox Farm Big Bloom
Iguano Juice (Twice during flower)
Last month of flower:
I cut off all nutrients even though I'm all organic, because animal based nutes still have some salt content, and you can still have macro nutrients such as Cacium and Magnesium, that like to hang on to the plant much longer than Nitro, or Phosphorous. I give them some molasses during the first 2 weeks of that last month, along with micro beasties, but I cut that off for the last 2 weeks and give CLEAN WATER ONLY!!!!!
I can't express enough the mistake people make "flushing" with molosses and other carb or sugar "finishers" that have calcium and magnesium in them. Your not "flushing if your adding nutes, think about it. It's couterproductive IMO to "feed" or "flush" using anything during those last 2 weeks but water. I have been doing this with my grows from the start, and I hate to brag, but my smoke is some of cleanest burning herb you'll ever smoke. The last hit of a bowl or joint taste as good as the first hit did.
OK, I think that's a pretty good break-down of what I'm using......PEACE!!

Awesome bro... forget my other posts... I found what I was looking for. Thank you for sharing man!


Well-Known Member
I found what I think was a little bitty, teeny tiny, praying mantis on one of my plants today. I didn't have my reading glasses with me, or my camera, but it looked like one, but I never saw one this small before. He was only like a half inch long, and skinny as hell. Has anyone seen em' that small before??


Well-Known Member
What a diff 95 days makes! Looking killer Wheezer.
I saw one about an inch long the other day. cute little thing


Well-Known Member
I found what I think was a little bitty, teeny tiny, praying mantis on one of my plants today. I didn't have my reading glasses with me, or my camera, but it looked like one, but I never saw one this small before. He was only like a half inch long, and skinny as hell. Has anyone seen em' that small before??
I opened up a canister of praying mantises at the garden center a few weeks ago, and was a bit surprised at seeing such tiny baby mantises. They're really quite small when they're young. I'd only ever seen adult ones, I guess. The young ones can be much smaller than a half-inch. No doubt yours will get long as there's plenty of food for him/her in your garden.


I found an area of my garden that the matis' like...she must have laid her eggs there. Have lot's of little one's protecting my garden...

I must say, WOW! You da man Weez... I'm just gettin' my feet wet and you have shown me how high the outdoor/organic bag has been set! You need to be teachin' some workshops! I'm keepin' my eyes on this!!



Well-Known Member
just beautiful Wheezer! Love all that sparkle. You are going to be a sticky fingered man soon.