"The big secret"

If you don't mind this practice, You're looking at it all wrong! If the terpenes from the product that was extracted was not sufficient enough in the first place, why the fuck would I want to smoke that tasteless shit at 80 bucks a gram recreated? Adding terpenes is a bitch ass fronting move ImO! Like adding those flavor drops to your weed. Have some class and a some standards to adhere to for Christ sake! This is unacceptable, this is medicine for a lot of folks! Next step Monsanto with people who condone this crap!
IMHO I would much rather smell and taste the natural constituents of the plant than any recreation, but knowing how hard it is to find fresh clean trim to process into a flavorful concentrate I would say that this stuff is going nowhere. When it comes down to cost if a product is not 100% naturally derived but is cheap and gets you blasted then I don't see the non-concierge crowd really caring. There will always be a market for the all natural, but then again, there will be a market for the most economical product as well. That's just my two cents anyways. I think I might start another thread on infusing concentrates and maybe get some voting so we could judge how the community reacts and establish its future viability..
Imo i want my extracts pure addition of anything takes away from purity. If i had to choose between an unadulterated oil that tastes ok and an oil that tastes amazing but has additives im choosing the anadulterated one. If i only medicated for taste id only smoke my Ogiesel bud and nothing else.
Imo i want my extracts pure addition of anything takes away from purity. If i had to choose between an unadulterated oil that tastes ok and an oil that tastes amazing but has additives im choosing the anadulterated one. If i only medicated for taste id only smoke my Ogiesel bud and nothing else.

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hah! Guess which lil shit talker got Clear to admit to adding food grade flavorings? When are they coming out with "chicken and waffles" flavored dabs?

Everything about their approach to entering the mmj industry was systematically deceptive. Making flavored hash oil and calling it "solventless" and "solventfree" is borderline criminal and outright dishonest.
hah! Guess which lil shit talker got Clear to admit to adding food grade flavorings? When are they coming out with "chicken and waffles" flavored dabs?

Everything about their approach to entering the mmj industry was systematically deceptive. Making flavored hash oil and calling it "solventless" and "solventfree" is borderline criminal and outright dishonest.

Should deserve a blackballing. I've very surprised that other reputable concentrates companies followed his lead.

GJ with the call out
this week was kinda the reckoning for "solvent-free" extracts.

I kinda went a little crazy on instagram and started blasting the solvent free industry

But i did take it a little too far, I started being a asshole, I follow X_tracted and he is posting very specific hash tags.

#phytolfactory #myrecenemaster I dont know why but i read into his statuses maybe a little too much. But he was always being very specific

"i could smell the pinene as it came out of the easybake this morning. pinene is uplifting, promotes alertness and memory retention. pinene is also a bronchodilator and may be beneficial for some asthmatics."

then a comment from bret1mavrick "was it alpha pinene or beta pinene u smell? ;P"

bretts a washington dude and pretty knowledgeable , And Im pretty sure he may know those guys.

, I dont know . rookie mistake just reading and letting my mind run wild.

You can't just go around calling everybody out I guess, I just see a industry with zero regulation and I just wanted transparency.

So I flammed him with a little ignorance and I regret it, But I got his attention, he told me , "we dont add phytol , we enhance it"

So is this restricted to BAMF Extractions?
Or is EE doing this also?

If so, fuck em both.

I'll boycott!!!


HGH is definitely doing it too. I've seen it in stores.

Still seeing the BAMF in stores as solventless.

Surprising to see companies I saw as super reputable doing this.
yea i just picked up some some "solvent free" girl scout cookies today and i am very disappointed with it. they(bamf) put it in a fucking little jar and its unstable as fuck. imo its a complete scam and the guys at northstar in sacramento said they just got the drop a couple days ago so its def still being put on the shelfs by bamf
im unfortunately in a county that does want collectives and i harvest every 60 days so when i dont have the material to make my own i drive to sacramento(1 and a half hrs) or i
go to the bay(3 hrs) to get top shelf meds and im just disappointed that this would even be marketed. there was definitely something added. lemonene maybe? dont know if its artificial
or not but def lemon terpene smell more than taste. actually when i smell it i get the immediate thought of the same smell i get when rubbing the stalks of my indoor chernobyl plants.
strong sense of ground/juiced fresh leaves with a lemon under tone. its quite off putting to be honest when considering thats the smell of the oil. hope this gives you the jist of the stuff. let me know if you guys have any clubs or extract companys you like, i would love to check them out. thanks!