No offense but I really hope you don't, any genetic engineering should be done by someone that is trained and fully understands it. Messing with the DNA of any living thing should not be done unless you have a background with biochemistry, and I am not just talking about high school biology, I mean read multiple books and papers on biology and chemistry, have put in the lab work learning the techniques, and have understand the risk associated with it. You will also need to acquire many of the tools which they use to even come close to being able to duplicate it. Just the grow chamber that he uses is a extremely expensive instrument. I would not be surprised if it cost him a few thousand. In my old lab we had one that was a few years old, work well but my prof said it was just to expensive to buy another one. This guy has funding from the Clinton foundation. Also bacteria lines are really expensive, you also have to store them in a -80C freezer, costing tens of thousands, with liquid nitrogen or you cannot use them for more then 24 hrs. And creating enough bacteria to run a series of experiments can take a few days.
If you are truly interested in this I do suggest you put in the time understanding the science and ask around if you can work in a lab if you have the qualifications to learn the skills. I have been working in a lab for 2 years, and I did some genetic engineering and organic chemistry, and I know that I would not be able to duplicate his experiments properly. Not just because I still need to learn more, also because I do not have the funds to even dream about doing this.