The Bubblehead Showcase


Elite Rolling Society

I was reading my biggest grow book last night, getting ready for my harvest. It said there is a two sided arguement to trimming close and not trimming close and the book discussed pros and cons over 4 pages.
It said
Leaving some trim leaves also leaves trichomes, which help protect the bud from insects and fungus. But leaving leaves is where the bad taste of nutrients remain too. You also risk bud mold by leaving larger trim leaves and drying and curing takes longer too. Drying and curing is more risky with leaves still on the buds.

Closely manicuring will leave tasier buds, or sweeter tasting buds, since nutes were strored in the leaves. But close manicuring is less weight and those trim leaves do contain a high percent of THC if covered in trichomes. And Trimming close gives better looking buds, and less drying and curing time too. Trimming close is less risky.

There's two sides to everything I guess.

I have often told people I do not flush my grows and my buds taste sweet and do not have any fertilizer taste. I am learning it might be because I trim so close, I cut every bit of leaf off becuase I want to make hash.


Active Member

I was reading my biggest grow book last night, getting ready for my harvest. It said there is a two sided arguement to trimming close and not trimming close and the book discussed pros and cons over 4 pages.
It said
Leaving some trim leaves also leaves trichomes, which help protect the bud from insects and fungus. But leaving leaves is where the bad taste of nutrients remain too. You also risk bud mold by leaving larger trim leaves and drying and curing takes longer too. Drying and curing is more risky with leaves still on the buds.

Closely manicuring will leave tasier buds, or sweeter tasting buds, since nutes were strored in the leaves. But close manicuring is less weight and those trim leaves do contain a high percent of THC if covered in trichomes. And Trimming close gives better looking buds, and less drying and curing time too. Trimming close is less risky.

There's two sides to everything I guess.

I have often told people I do not flush my grows and my buds taste sweet and do not have any fertilizer taste. I am learning it might be because I trim so close, I cut every bit of leaf off becuase I want to make hash.
Good info! Next plant (tomorrow or next day) I have another plant (or 2) that s/b finished. I think I will try to trim close and do a comparison


Well-Known Member
sux it'll be 2 months before i something worth showing again...since i only like showing flowering pic


Well-Known Member
wow, lt. shiny sides... those buds are beautiful... slight mag. deficiency but thats normal this close...


Elite Rolling Society
LT Shiny,

are you going to flush those the next week or for two weeks?
Are they on full nutes now? They look good, but with a little nute burn I think.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Actually, it's Ms. Buba, but you're most welcome!
Haha my bad. Thanks for the complements everyone! They did get a little nute burn a couple weeks ago because I over fed them but they are still developing nicely. I will do a res change tonight when light come back on and refill with plain pHed water to flush until they finish.


Well-Known Member
Here are my dumpster clones at 40 days of flowering.

this shows what kind of lighting im using
5-150w CFL SW
5-100w CFL SW
2-100w CFL D

This is some growth near the bottom,
I think these are coming in so well because I added a little grow nutes like roseman did.

Here is one of the colas to see some detail

Here are the rest of them

let me know what you guys think.

when you click on the picture to enlarge them, you can click on them again to make them even bigger once on imageshacks website. just a little fyi if you wanted to see detail.


Well-Known Member
Here are my dumpster clones at 40 days of flowering.

this shows what kind of lighting im using
5-150w CFL SW
5-100w CFL SW
2-100w CFL D

This is some growth near the bottom,
I think these are coming in so well because I added a little grow nutes like roseman did.

Here is one of the colas to see some detail

Here are the rest of them

let me know what you guys think.

when you click on the picture to enlarge them, you can click on them again to make them even bigger once on imageshacks website. just a little fyi if you wanted to see detail.

looking good man, plz learn to copy the image link while posting pics.... helps everyone

like this


Well-Known Member
looking good man, plz learn to copy the image link while posting pics.... helps everyone
No it doesn't. Post i the way you did. Posting your way takes up the entire fucking page. All you do is criticize people here wtf is your deal. You hide it your backhanded compliments like looks good but... its like in every post you make really its not all about you. I see it time and time again from you here. plus his way of posting the pics doesnt help everyone it actually sucks for me so let it be.


Well-Known Member
wow thanks dude... just trying to help. sounds like problem is small monitor... hence, "takes up the whole page".. you mean the resolution of my pic is higher than the resolution your monitor runs... you probably got a 15"


Well-Known Member
I know your trying to help but you come off as a know it all. And no one likes a know it all. I use a laptop like lots and lots of people. No big thing I didnt mean to come down on you so hard.


Well-Known Member
I know your trying to help but you come off as a know it all. And no one likes a know it all. I use a laptop like lots and lots of people. No big thing I didnt mean to come down on you so hard.
its cool man...I guess you say i give constructive criticism because thats what i want and thats what helped me be able to grow. but I in no way claim to no it all...