The Budologist's 2012 Outdoor Grow (TGA Forest)


Well-Known Member
Yooo bud I don't comment enough but your garden is amazing! Love the looks of that ld50 7, does she have the chem funk? Qush is looking real uniform,i assume youll be main lining those too?
Hey bro nose is clearing up this morning, went out and rubbed #7 and it DOES have that chem funk smell to it.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2198643View attachment 2198644your little girl looks alot like mine hehe

hahahah love it bro wish we lived closer we could let them chase each other around, is it a boy or girl? If I remember correctly in another thread you mentioned it was a boy.

Well its June and it's fucking raining, not really sure whats up with that but the plants don't seem to care.

Here's a few pics from this morning before the rainfall..

Romulan clone, pulled apart so she can fill out nicely.

LD50 #7, the leaves are sort of hanging down because I gave this plant "the shake" that Subcool mentions in one of the Weed Nerd episodes, can't remember exactly which one, for anyone who doesn't know, basically you grab a branch and shake it vigorously but not too hard to where it snaps, helps to strengthen the branches.

Hacked this Purple Trainwreck #2 down a bit, it's will come back nicely.

Girl Scout Cookies, topped 2 days ago. Roots Organic soil on the left, half Roots half Vermifire on the right.

Got some tomato plants in the ground.

Epic slobber!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Damn your all set with genetics. Some of the best outdoor I saw last year was some purple train wreck I was trying to track that and gsc down looks like you got both! Haha lucky man I'm sure I'll find them eventually. I'm subbin up gotta watch it all unfold. Have you run your gsc yet? Any word as to if it's the real deal yet?


Well-Known Member
....kick ass bro!.......glad to see you are hacking back some plants, and utilizing the shake.....both awesome tools to have in the nerd belt........scene looks great, good to hear you are feeling better....nugs


Well-Known Member
Damn your all set with genetics. Some of the best outdoor I saw last year was some purple train wreck I was trying to track that and gsc down looks like you got both! Haha lucky man I'm sure I'll find them eventually. I'm subbin up gotta watch it all unfold. Have you run your gsc yet? Any word as to if it's the real deal yet?
Have not ran it before, stay tuned and we'll find out together if its the real deal :)

....kick ass bro!.......glad to see you are hacking back some plants, and utilizing the shake.....both awesome tools to have in the nerd belt........scene looks great, good to hear you are feeling better....nugs
Thanks bro, still missing my vortex but looks like we got some awesome replacements to take her place.

Thanks again for all the awesome ideas and advice bro.


Well-Known Member
Everything looks awesome man :D, heard you got soaked this morning lol. I'm stoked to see that GSC! I've never had any of it, but my friend tried it (or at least was supposedly GSC) and said it was top notch


Well-Known Member
just made it start to finish on the thread...everything looks killer....cant wait to see things finish


Well-Known Member
good morning bud, hope your feeling better, garden looks killer......nugs

Thanks bro feeling better, Its hard for me to get over these damn colds because I work 8 hrs a day in a fridge, it's starting to subside now though.

Girls are loving life, Gramps next door has been calling his P.O. to make sure we can put six in the ground but she still wont answer his calls so this weeks he's gonna call her and leave a message telling her that he needs to plant his plants for his medicine at this time of year and if she has a problem with that to call him back, if she don't call back she obviously don't care :)

Wish we could have got those 6 in the ground a month ago, but hey better late than never right?



Well-Known Member
Thanks bro feeling better, Its hard for me to get over these damn colds because I work 8 hrs a day in a fridge, it's starting to subside now though.

Girls are loving life, Gramps next door has been calling his P.O. to make sure we can put six in the ground but she still wont answer his calls so this weeks he's gonna call her and leave a message telling her that he needs to plant his plants for his medicine at this time of year and if she has a problem with that to call him back, if she don't call back she obviously don't care :)

Wish we could have got those 6 in the ground a month ago, but hey better late than never right?

i am sure it is not a big deal, and that is why she is not calling back.....
.......not getting them in the ground yet is a blessing in me......all is well brother, nugs


Well-Known Member
Make sure before you view you change it to HD



Querkle x Agent Orange

Few spots of PM on the QxAO, I'll soak her with some Neem Oil tonight.



Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;vtgVuxfPygE] index=1&feature=plpp_video[/video]