The cheapest grow ever?

It just test the ph you still need the up and down solution to adjust the ph and you need calibration fluid if using a pen. Seeing as how your low on cash and a decent pen is about $40 if it's two point 4 & 7 probably not the best for you atm. I would just get the ph kit if you don't have one

That being said once you do have some cash I would get a two point PH Meter and PPM Meter
1. How is it that I am watching this thread I started but I never receive alerts. I get alerts for all the other threads I am watching.
2. Based on my start time is it realistic to expect I could be harvesting around July.
3. I am correct in believing I will not be able to determine gender until I turn the light cycle to 12/12
4. I am just using 24/0 lighting right now, I still have to buy a timer. I see no indication this is bad.
5. I was planing to put a few plants outside end of May. Is it best to start new for that or is acclimatizing indoor plants easy?

Lets go with that for now. Thanks so much to everyone for all the help and tips. The sum total of all the wisdom and experience you bring to the table leaves me feeling very confident that I will finally have a successful grow for change. :-D
It just test the ph you still need the up and down solution to adjust the ph and you need calibration fluid if using a pen. Seeing as how your low on cash and a decent pen is about $40 if it's two point 4 & 7 probably not the best for you atm. I would just get the ph kit if you don't have one

That being said once you do have some cash I would get a two point PH Meter and PPM Meter

Thanks. I was thinking of just buying some litmus paper to start ($2.50 for 160 strips). Money situation is improving enough that I can spend a few bucks now. Just need to prioritize what and when. I quit buying cigarettes about a week ago so there is some savings there. A pouch of tobacco is $25.00 and last 3-4 weeks.
4. 18/6 saves on energy costs and plant stess

3. Cut a clone and flower it, if the donor plant is 8 weeks mature.

5. Start them inside will be a bonus.

1. You unwatched it?

2. Uh...
Thanks much. See now that timer just got bumped to the top of the list, LOL. Brilliant idea on cloning and flowering. I have not reached a full 2 weeks yet so there is time to
Alerts are working today, yeah.
1. No Clue would need to ask a mod
2. figure 60 day veg ( from seed sprouting) 58-75 day flower (cookies is 9-10 weeks flower) 3 days dry then up to 8 weeks cure depending on how you do it. Process is allot longer than most assume
3.No they can start to show gender around 60 days or less even if at 18/6 (can not will)
4. Not bad but the plants will say screw you and go to sleep anyways so your just wasting power would do something more like 18/6 unless you just cant afford a timer atm.
5. No clue don't do outdoors
Im all about the budget hobby grow !! :)

In total my cupboard cost me around £150 and gives me an excellent learning curve before splashing out on everything I now want lol it's addicting !!

If funds aren't available yet start small with as many CFL's as you can afford and place them round the plant :)
About lime. Has anyone used bone meal. It is also used to raise soil alkalinity and I have some on hand. My wife puts some in the soil every time we plant or transplant something in the garden. Her thumb is greener than a shamrock. Regrettably, she has never grown cannabis before.
2. figure 60 day veg ( from seed sprouting) 58-75 day flower (cookies is 9-10 weeks flower) 3 days dry then up to 8 weeks cure depending on how you do it. Process is allot longer than most assume
3.No they can start to show gender around 60 days or less even if at 18/6 (can not will)
4. Not bad but the plants will say screw you and go to sleep anyways so your just wasting power would do something more like 18/6 unless you just cant afford a timer atm.

Thanks Morth. Timer and litmus strips are top of the list now. I am all for saving six hours of hydro which will eventually pay for the timer. I just know without doubt I would be continually fucking up if I had to manually switch on/ff the lights. So based on your approximations late July is a real possibility. OK, I best not get ahead of myself here.

Is there any benefit in lining my closet with tinfoil?
Tinfoil no as it gets hotspots and will probably do more bad than good. Two options some type of mylar (just for example could find it cheaper elsewhere) you can alternately just paint the area white as that seems to have good results (have never done it myself)

Bone meal or egg shells is just an alternative was to get organic calcium. My mom puts egg shells in rain water and uses that for her peppers and tomatoes it works but you never know exactly how much calcium your applying. I use CalMag for that but in soil no clue i'm not much help if going for no till organic guess the bonemeal would be a good option? no clue there really
Thanks Morth. Timer and litmus strips are top of the list now. I am all for saving six hours of hydro which will eventually pay for the timer. I just know without doubt I would be continually fucking up if I had to manually switch on/ff the lights. So based on your approximations late July is a real possibility. OK, I best not get ahead of myself here.

Is there any benefit in lining my closet with tinfoil?
tin foil will help get light to the lower parts of the is worth the trouble and not very expensive.survival blankets are mylar and are inexpensive and work well too. I have used both I have been using these on my lights for 2 years with no problems you do not need to be rich or have a lot of fancy equipment to grow good plants. but it will take time to learn to listen to your plants and learn how to grow. I started growing again when I became an mmj patient but I also grew with T12s back in the 70's and this is a whole new game today.spend the money to get good feminized seeds when you can afford it. you will be well rewarded
nice sprouts so far... you know if you have an extra closet you can build a setup for under $100 US with cfl's and drops, just fyi. I've done it.
Is there any benefit in lining my closet with tinfoil?
A lot of people will warn you away from it (needlessly IMHO), with claims of "hot spots" - maybe that's true with HPS lighting, but I'm using it with COB LEDs and it works just fine.
<waiting for the knives to come out>
A lot of people will warn you away from it (needlessly IMHO), with claims of "hot spots" - maybe that's true with HPS lighting, but I'm using it with COB LEDs and it works just fine.
<waiting for the knives to come out>

No knives but it's proven to cause hotspots because the crinkles you make wile installing it bounce the light in random directions. and even if you install it perfectly no crinkles it's still the least effective at reflecting light! Even flat white paint is better at reflecting light than tinfoil.
A lot of people will warn you away from it (needlessly IMHO), with claims of "hot spots" - maybe that's true with HPS lighting, but I'm using it with COB LEDs and it works just fine.
<waiting for the knives to come out>
I agree..."tin foil creates hot-spots" is just another old hippy myth, but yet people still quote it as gospel truth

the report posted by @Morth does indicate tin foil as a weak performing option, but it will not burn hot spots on your gals