The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
yeah it does wile its on but soon passes after its gone off lol dunno how to gauge if its working or not but it wont hurt i dunt think.

mr west

Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4305151]How things going westy?[/QUOTE]

things are going good, im giving the tents 30 mins twice a day of ozone lol. dunno wot the best way to kill pm using my ozone geenerator lol. I htink i got bout two or three weeks left on the clone tent so that should be fun lol. How u doin Sicc? Thought u was busy elsewere if u kow wot i man. Id come ovver there too but i aint got the energy for two of these, something this is too uch.


Well-Known Member
It's going good, im getting ready to flower in a couple weeks.
Im active here and there, i kno what you mean tho, it is alot trying to keep up at different places.
i didnt kno you were still dealing with that PM, i hope things get better.

mr west

Well-Known Member
I aint anywhere difrent im jus a slack stoner lol thgats the only reason its quiet here and the fact that ppl are bored with my shits now lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
dude whut! peeps aint bored seeing your sweet sensi, just thought peeps had jumped over to speedys site!?

whats going on in the tents then bro you still trying to work your way through all the clone onlies and bitching crosses from over the pond?

mr west

Well-Known Member
well i planted two of each and so far i think i see hairs on a psycho purple, gonna take more clones laters lol