The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
Nice pics Fred, whats the story with the DPQ's how long they been in flower. I want to know if mines are boys or girls before I go away!! they have only been in for a couple of days though...

Whats up with Speedyseedz dot com. Everyone keeps pming me or rep'ing me saying. come to this forum, leave the idiots behind, hahaha. SO If i stay I am an idiot then.....christ, one forum is enough, Speedyseedz will soon enough have enough idiots on it as well......

mr west

Well-Known Member
my dpq's arent as old as urs, cuz i see urs and planted mine i guess they gotta be 4-5 weeeks veg. i only flipped em on friday night so itll be a wile b4 sexy time lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
the size difrence tween the liver and jtr and the seedlings is emense might have to put em on pots on pots lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4319965]You got some lovely bushes going :)[/QUOTE]

cheers sicc, i feel i can do beter with a bit more effort lmao


Well-Known Member
i grew this skunk in 94 and i lost the strain along with the 94 champagne i had, i was young back then but i have never seen it before and looking at this thread i saw that the exodous clone looked almost identical but mine had purple hues. but i had gone 10 weeks then i stumbled on the pic where someone let it go 11 weeks and its her omg i miss her so much. cheese i believe is a skunk 1 phenom from serious, maybe they will come out with a true cheese. im gona try ghsc, the 94 cheese i had was the best smoke ive ever had and i still remember her im glad it is still around :) cheers i wish i still had her

mr west

Well-Known Member
tell ya wot. Thios la cheese is fucking nice, all the belt round the head of cheese and the full body stone of the la confidential. Fruity and skunky and vey hceesey. well worh the 66 quid or something for 6 fems.