the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
hows it going my peoples????? its hot in the windy city today...., 90.....poplars i know you got them sk out... can i get a lil description on how there doing?


Well-Known Member
Sk aren't out yet. it's been a slow start this year because the weather has been flip-flopping. I'll probably get them out this week or next. they'll definitely be seeing the sun for sure though. gotta slowly adapt them to it, put em under a tree for a few days then they can handle direct light.


Well-Known Member
no i got a friend that runs the only head shop in and near my town!!! so i get really good deals only hade to pay $15 for this one :)
i meant to tell you that fruit kush looks dank as fuck, nice goin on the yield too. u might have to let me kno where that headshop is at so i can checc 'em out. i'm kind of a glass fiend..


Well-Known Member
Sk aren't out yet. it's been a slow start this year because the weather has been flip-flopping. I'll probably get them out this week or next. they'll definitely be seeing the sun for sure though. gotta slowly adapt them to it, put em under a tree for a few days then they can handle direct light.
they gotta be like 3.5 feet by now no????? those are gonna blow out outside. remeber to leave the soil nice and loose a and full of perlite so that already extensive and complex rootball will easily be able to spread in every wich direction.... man your on point this year.... your gonna have some huge indica trees has lawnplants!!!


Well-Known Member
they gotta be like 3.5 feet by now no????? those are gonna blow out outside. remeber to leave the soil nice and loose a and full of perlite so that already extensive and complex rootball will easily be able to spread in every wich direction.... man your on point this year.... your gonna have some huge indica trees has lawnplants!!!
yeah they're like 3 feet.

psh don't worry about that, that's noob shat hahah. my soil is perfect :)

I just did a shitload of garden prep, weedwacked everything. gonna de-root the rest of the holes then I will be ready to get those babies outside (after they get hardened up to the sun of course.)

yep yep I'm hoping they turn into fat fat trees!

as soon as they get outside you're gonna see them grow faster than you've ever seen that strain grow before . . . . outdoors is amazing.


Well-Known Member
i meant to tell you that fruit kush looks dank as fuck, nice goin on the yield too. u might have to let me kno where that headshop is at so i can checc 'em out. i'm kind of a glass fiend..
thanks for the comments yea he got a shit load of glass in there u should check iot out


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";4208105]Damn those buds are fucin fat :shock: :weed:[/QUOTE]
yea they are gettin there thanks for comment