the chitown sourkush thread

i would like to thank yall kindly on behaf of brother ditty... your generosity is what makes this world a great place.... can i getta hallajullah!!!
ay i just though of something for ya doc.... if im the chitownexpress.... then you can be the pineappleexpress, coconuttexpress, or bannanaexpress... lol
cool windy day in the go today.. went to go check on my sk... the bitch is doing well...... she said she would like me to take some naughty pix of her in about a week to show yall... she an attention whore like that...... she get it fom her momma... miss pre 98 bubba kush!!!

howak good luck on your conquest of the purple nyc diesel......... chi chiggity chooo choooo!!!
Got a new video loading up but its goin to take a fucking hour to load it up!!!! I hate this why the fuck does it take so long ...maybe i need a faster computer the videos like 5 minutes long
Yeah Its pure MDMA, shit is bomb too, havent done any in a while tho.
My homie slangs boats of Ex, i used to pop that shit like crazy, shit kidna got old. I just did too much haha