the chitown sourkush thread

yep I'v ebeen a believer ever since I saw those hawaii pics from doc .. . . now this just makes my whole reality feel like a surreal dream.

and I haven't even BLAZED IT YET!
fuck yeah poplars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! some of those are getting close... lettem all grow out has long has mother nature allows.... let everything go amber has fuck!!!!! you will be glued to your couch all winter!!!!

im gonna let them go as long as the season will allow . . . when seems to be pretty damn good this year!!!!!

its hella best to let it go as long as its gonna go, the ratios go crazy in a way that it makes the high way more unique and amazing . . . . people who harvest merely for THC count are missing out on a whole other world .. ..

poplars i have to give it to you to, payin close attention n shit. and u gon have some bomb edibles

hell yeah bro, I knew it would pay off. it's nerve-wracking as fuck to do it like I do for a while tho, worrying about shit all the time.

but eventually you get a hold over it to the point where you have an elegant connection to the plant . . . . then its easy and fun....

and dude the Sk edibles are gonna be off the fuckin hook, TRICHOMES UNDER THE LEAVES !!!!
lol, i sense no more doubt in ya typing pops..
chi it's lovely watchin ya babies grow up huh ?


lol i have never met anyone of theese people a day in my life..... they got no reason to lie or make me look good... but we close knit around here though... and its all cuzz one strain... sourkush... enjoy my folks!
im gonna let them go as long as the season will allow . . . when seems to be pretty damn good this year!!!!!

its hella best to let it go as long as its gonna go, the ratios go crazy in a way that it makes the high way more unique and amazing . . . . people who harvest merely for THC count are missing out on a whole other world .. ..

hell yeah bro, I knew it would pay off. it's nerve-wracking as fuck to do it like I do for a while tho, worrying about shit all the time.

but eventually you get a hold over it to the point where you have an elegant connection to the plant . . . . then its easy and fun....

and dude the Sk edibles are gonna be off the fuckin hook, TRICHOMES UNDER THE LEAVES !!!!

you got the right idea!!! you kniow what u doing!
so do you bro. you definitely got the right idea with this shit!!!!

keep it up man I'll be stoked to grow whatever the fuck you come up with in the future!!!

thank you... and ther will be many new creations in the future.. all choice da fucked out.... can ya dig.. im still young has fuck and i found a lifetime hobby... once i get that house i was talkin bout..... its over ... the cakes been baked!

and im already 10 years breeding experiance alone!!!!! even more growing!!!! i started young... my love affair with cannabiss... and i was like man i could grow this!!
I know you're gonna keep doing it for t he uniqueness and for something that simply stands alone, something th at makes whatever part of the day you blaze it in something in its own.
I know you're gonna keep doing it for t he uniqueness and for something that simply stands alone, something th at makes whatever part of the day you blaze it in something in its own.

yeah thats what ima always try and end up with bro...... it takes time... and i have got the time lol
here we go again!

make sure you click on the thumbs, and then after that loads click it again to zoom!
Sweet Godddddddd!!!

Sour Kush Bubba:

THC Bomb x Bubblegum!:

Sour Kush Bubba green:

Sour Kush Diesel:

Northern Lights!: YUM!

The Church:


Northern LIGHTS!!!:

Sour Kush Bubba green:

Sour Kush Bubba:

Sour Kush Diesel:


and if you look you can see the purple calyxes in the sour kush diesels and some of hte bubba too...
looking dank bro! nice..
hell yea poplars all that looks fucking dank !!! really like how the sk with the purple on it looks !! great job i would rep u if i could