the chitown sourkush thread

20 gs is better than no gs 8-)
yea u got that right:)

fucking amazing bro!!! that sk is getting there!!! lemon skunk to
thanks chi yea the sk seems like its at a stand still for some reason !!! yea i have decided to give the LS till around the 12th oct & harvest cause i have a pretty good size blue cheese to go in its place and i dont want it to get as big as the LS is but it probly will be
yea u got that right:)

thanks chi yea the sk seems like its at a stand still for some reason !!! yea i have decided to give the LS till around the 12th oct & harvest cause i have a pretty good size blue cheese to go in its place and i dont want it to get as big as the LS is but it probly will be

thats cuzz the nuggets are already formed... you like me and my outdoor are at the point were your just waiting for calyxes to swell.... your about 6 weeks into bloom to right... a lil under?...
so where's the pictures of your plant?

i got yall next week..... it will look like its almost finished but will still need like another week from next week... should make for some nice pix...... i was gonna take some today but i figured it be better to wait a week....

also got the mildew problem under control... i dont see any more of it i cut all of it off i think, so its gone for now... or atleast at a very very minimal!! only got like 14-18 more days left... prolly closer to 14-16 days
ima try to take new pics today :D.

everything is bulking up faat..... the purple bubba SK's are still behind but if they flower faster than the others we'll be ok.

everything is going into the end stages. weather is still great for the next week or two at minimum.
ima try to take new pics today :D.

everything is bulking up faat..... the purple bubba SK's are still behind but if they flower faster than the others we'll be ok.

everything is going into the end stages. weather is still great for the next week or two at minimum.

fuck yeah bro!!! its starting to get chilly this way
ahh shit I totally forgot to take pics ahahahaha daamn. I'll have to do that tomorrow as long as the weather is good.

we got slight rain and winds in the future, but nothing that's gonna fuck with me. no frosts yet!
ahh shit I totally forgot to take pics ahahahaha daamn. I'll have to do that tomorrow as long as the weather is good.

we got slight rain and winds in the future, but nothing that's gonna fuck with me. no frosts yet!

i can see my breath tonight...... and its not even 9 pm yet! a lil more then 2 weeks till im cropping....
ugh fuckin wind. oh well, steaked up a branch on one of the diesel pheno's because its literally a foot and a half long BUD. straight swinging around.

supposed to rain today too but I can't protect em from it, wont be worse then what happened last time so they'll be ok:)
ugh fuckin wind. oh well, steaked up a branch on one of the diesel pheno's because its literally a foot and a half long BUD. straight swinging around.

supposed to rain today too but I can't protect em from it, wont be worse then what happened last time so they'll be ok:)

an 18 inch bud huh???? thats fucking bad ass jack!!!!! the bubba pheno is strong.... its like a steel building frame against that wind!!! dont think any branches will be breaking this way..
yeah the bubba pheno IS strong . . . all the bubba dom phenos in my garden hardly move in the wind . . . its the NL's and the 1 diesel pheno I got that are moving a lot haha.

but no breaking over here bro, I got them sheltered JUST enough so they can take it.

their branches are getting way stronger too, watered em this mornin so they'll really benefit from this.
yeah the bubba pheno IS strong . . . all the bubba dom phenos in my garden hardly move in the wind . . . its the NL's and the 1 diesel pheno I got that are moving a lot haha.

but no breaking over here bro, I got them sheltered JUST enough so they can take it.

their branches are getting way stronger too, watered em this mornin so they'll really benefit from this.

something tells me you will be fine.... hang in there though.... the season is almost over...
yeah bro I'm doin fine, no snapped branches, wind is staying at a steady rate of gusts and stops hahahahah but nothing bad enough to fuck it up. I actually welcome the rain because it'll stop the dust from being stiirred up around this area.