the chitown sourkush thread

The same way i think it is to ask someone for the last bean they have at least 9 is more than one.But like i said before im cut from a different cloth if i say im going to do something im gonna do it im not gonna take months to do it no matter if im down to my last 5 beans if i made a trade and it didnt get there then i would try a different method not say well wait a couple more months i got you when i know you were waiting months already.IF i would have kept my pms you would see what the fuss is aabout.
This is all new to me.At first he said he would overnight the clones if the seeds didnt make it because after a week of him sending it i still didnt receive nothing he also said he got a buddy holding down the bubba pheno.So go get a clone and get the sending.NOw im getting told wait till he moves to colorado to start them then he will overnight clones to new york.HE said he would do that already why a extra 2 month wait?
Yes shit happens and thats when you see true colors like im seeing right now.
AS in matter of facts i can pull up posts from the other site Club speedy where chi is telling me his boy got the bubba clones and he will ovewrnight it out of his pocket a month ago.DO you wnt a link poplars since you want to be right guard?

He also admitted the way he shipped it was iffy and he should have sent it in a make shift envelope so you cant feel the pen and tht he will plug me with one of the 8 sk beans he has..ON club speedy he said he had 8 left not 9.Dont know where the extra 1 came from


Well-Known Member
all that shit is irrelevent now. all that matters is if you get anything in the end... I seriously suggest you chill the fuck out... but if you wanna stay mad I'm gonna just ignore this. its not worth it. I've told you I agree its fucked up, but this is also unreasonable.
I was just shedding some light to you on this situation since you only know one half of it but trust me im cool...
Howak apoligies for all this chatter on your thread...


Well-Known Member
well you know how we do..... from chicago to colorado.... chi chiggity choo choo....

also since im the breeder i can do this.. im changeing the name from sourkush=sourcush....... the c=chitown, colorado.. also not to be confused with that bullshit dna is peddling has "sourkush".... abreviation=s.c. i dig has a spanish cobra... can you feel me??? s.c.=sourcush.. real ass sourcush.... <c>hit town sourcush... <c>olorado sourcush
lol, yea i like da C's better.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";5026391]Lol them bear's are getting whooped Chi[/QUOTE]

man we got man handled!!! wtf happend?? this was posed to be chicago style football.. we got a chicago style ass whoopin lol..... our d was tough has fuck the whole year but fell apart the other day..


Well-Known Member
AS in matter of facts i can pull up posts from the other site Club speedy where chi is telling me his boy got the bubba clones and he will ovewrnight it out of his pocket a month ago.DO you wnt a link poplars since you want to be right guard?

He also admitted the way he shipped it was iffy and he should have sent it in a make shift envelope so you cant feel the pen and tht he will plug me with one of the 8 sk beans he has..ON club speedy he said he had 8 left not 9.Dont know where the extra 1 came from

wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT YOU TO UNDERSTAND ME CLEARLY NOW.... REAL FUCKING CLEAR OPEN YOUR EARS TO THIS.... you sent me one fucking slh bean.... i sent out 2 sk beans... sk=much better then slh...... i only traded you because my partner wanted that bullshit sooo fucking bad.... he has germed it.. its like 3-4 inches now its vegging... i dont even fuckin like sativa... everybody that knows me knows this.... im moving to colorado in like 3 weeks to become legal and chase my dreams... ya see i can just go to the dispenry and pick up has many fucking clones of super lemon haze that i want... how many dispenseries you know that carry chitowns sourcush???? like i said i would have never sent first... and what i should have done was get a prepaid credit card and orderd that shit myself from g.h.s. it would have avoided all this lil kid shit, and i wouldnt be out 2 fucking sourcush f4 beans...... forget the stable s.c. clones then... ima send you one bean.. wether its male, female, hermi... idc you gotta deal with it.. it would have been much wiser to let me grow them all and keep the non hermi bubba and send you clones of that.... but have it ur way.. ima send you one more... your 3 beans into me for on e fucking flakkey ass sativa strain.... and yes i misscounted i had 9... now i have 8.... now no more wil be dished out cuzz of you... so STOP ASKING ME FOR SOURCUSH@EVERYBODY... i sghouldnt have to go threw shit like this esp. when there is ZERO financial gain!!!!! well pm oyour addy, and you ruined this for everybody!!!!!!! and yeah i did say i was gonna send you some the bubba x sk.../ but i only got 4... your out your fucking mind if you think your gonna grow this shit before me.... they were a gift from a dear friend to me.. not a dear friend to you.. sorry i dont have enough.... AND YOU BETTER GET THIS FUCKING BEAN!!!!! EVEN IF YOU DONT YOU BETTER TELL ME YOU DID!!!!! CUZZ IM SICK AND TIRED OF WASTING S.C. BEANS.... 7-8 GOT CRUSHED IN ROUTE TO HAWAII...
Chi dont try to put blame on me..YOur words exactly were "did you get it yet..I will plug you with 1 again since its only right but damn i cant believe it didnt reach you first time it ever happened"."i Have a buddy with the bubba pheno holding down the lab i will overnight clones to you out of my pocket to make it right"end quote..So im not the one being a lil kid about the situation i just want what we originally agreed on.
So dont try to make it seem like im doing all this for nothing im just going by your words if you want i can pull up your posts so you can remember what you said?Because i sure didnt forget hint me telling you im still waiting after 2 months..


Well-Known Member
wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT YOU TO UNDERSTAND ME CLEARLY NOW.... REAL FUCKING CLEAR OPEN YOUR EARS TO THIS.... you sent me one fucking slh bean.... i sent out 2 sk beans... sk=much better then slh...... i only traded you because my partner wanted that bullshit sooo fucking bad.... he has germed it.. its like 3-4 inches now its vegging... i dont even fuckin like sativa... everybody that knows me knows this.... im moving to colorado in like 3 weeks to become legal and chase my dreams... ya see i can just go to the dispenry and pick up has many fucking clones of super lemon haze that i want... how many dispenseries you know that carry chitowns sourcush???? like i said i would have never sent first... and what i should have done was get a prepaid credit card and orderd that shit myself from g.h.s. it would have avoided all this lil kid shit, and i wouldnt be out 2 fucking sourcush f4 beans...... forget the stable s.c. clones then... ima send you one bean.. wether its male, female, hermi... idc you gotta deal with it.. it would have been much wiser to let me grow them all and keep the non hermi bubba and send you clones of that.... but have it ur way.. ima send you one more... your 3 beans into me for on e fucking flakkey ass sativa strain.... and yes i misscounted i had 9... now i have 8.... now no more wil be dished out cuzz of you... so STOP ASKING ME FOR SOURCUSH@EVERYBODY... i sghouldnt have to go threw shit like this esp. when there is ZERO financial gain!!!!! well pm oyour addy, and you ruined this for everybody!!!!!!! and yeah i did say i was gonna send you some the bubba x sk.../ but i only got 4... your out your fucking mind if you think your gonna grow this shit before me.... they were a gift from a dear friend to me.. not a dear friend to you.. sorry i dont have enough.... AND YOU BETTER GET THIS FUCKING BEAN!!!!! EVEN IF YOU DONT YOU BETTER TELL ME YOU DID!!!!! CUZZ IM SICK AND TIRED OF WASTING S.C. BEANS.... 7-8 GOT CRUSHED IN ROUTE TO HAWAII...
haha damn this post made my day....

I tried to tell him.


Well-Known Member
wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT YOU TO UNDERSTAND ME CLEARLY NOW.... REAL FUCKING CLEAR OPEN YOUR EARS TO THIS.... you sent me one fucking slh bean.... i sent out 2 sk beans... sk=much better then slh...... i only traded you because my partner wanted that bullshit sooo fucking bad.... he has germed it.. its like 3-4 inches now its vegging... i dont even fuckin like sativa... everybody that knows me knows this.... im moving to colorado in like 3 weeks to become legal and chase my dreams... ya see i can just go to the dispenry and pick up has many fucking clones of super lemon haze that i want... how many dispenseries you know that carry chitowns sourcush???? like i said i would have never sent first... and what i should have done was get a prepaid credit card and orderd that shit myself from g.h.s. it would have avoided all this lil kid shit, and i wouldnt be out 2 fucking sourcush f4 beans...... forget the stable s.c. clones then... ima send you one bean.. wether its male, female, hermi... idc you gotta deal with it.. it would have been much wiser to let me grow them all and keep the non hermi bubba and send you clones of that.... but have it ur way.. ima send you one more... your 3 beans into me for on e fucking flakkey ass sativa strain.... and yes i misscounted i had 9... now i have 8.... now no more wil be dished out cuzz of you... so STOP ASKING ME FOR SOURCUSH@EVERYBODY... i sghouldnt have to go threw shit like this esp. when there is ZERO financial gain!!!!! well pm oyour addy, and you ruined this for everybody!!!!!!! and yeah i did say i was gonna send you some the bubba x sk.../ but i only got 4... your out your fucking mind if you think your gonna grow this shit before me.... they were a gift from a dear friend to me.. not a dear friend to you.. sorry i dont have enough.... AND YOU BETTER GET THIS FUCKING BEAN!!!!! EVEN IF YOU DONT YOU BETTER TELL ME YOU DID!!!!! CUZZ IM SICK AND TIRED OF WASTING S.C. BEANS.... 7-8 GOT CRUSHED IN ROUTE TO HAWAII...
haha damn this post made my day....

I tried to tell him.
lmao..Pop and im trying to tell you nicely its none of your concern i didnt trade with you so you dont need to intervene.yes its a pub forum for all to view but whats right is right and you have nothing to do with this like i said i can pull up post that will make you eat your words because he clearly said what he was going to do a month and a half ago.You only know what you were told.I have a box of pms and damn near 3 pages of me and chi chatting about this on club speedy a month and a half ago which you no nothing about and like you say you dont care so why are you worried about this?


Well-Known Member
So is the name changed to sourcush or is it still sourkush hahah
I think its now sc... but i'm still kinda torn on it hah

lmao..Pop and im trying to tell you nicely its none of your concern i didnt trade with you so you dont need to intervene.yes its a pub forum for all to view but whats right is right and you have nothing to do with this like i said i can pull up post that will make you eat your words because he clearly said what he was going to do a month and a half ago.

look I tried to tell you it'd be worth it to wait.

twist it any way you fucking want, you just screwed yourself by not waiting.


Well-Known Member
as in matter of facts i can pull up posts from the other site club speedy where chi is telling me his boy got the bubba clones and he will ovewrnight it out of his pocket a month you wnt a link poplars since you want to be right guard?

He also admitted the way he shipped it was iffy and he should have sent it in a make shift envelope so you cant feel the pen and tht he will plug me with one of the 8 sk beans he has..on club speedy he said he had 8 left not 9.dont know where the extra 1 came from
lol@u tryna put me on blast... Last time i sent in a makeshift envelope.. 8 of them got crushed in route to the tropics... My man from the tropics said when he opend it it was like sand in there!!!! I have lad sourcush beans then.. Over 50!!! But that still burned me!!!!!!! These beans are like lil soldiers and everyone of there lives count!!!!! And tryna hook people up and bless them with a great experiance there has been many soldiers m.i.a.

The Snowman

Active Member
lol@u tryna put me on blast... Last time i sent in a makeshift envelope.. 8 of them got crushed in route to the tropics... My man from the tropics said when he opend it it was like sand in there!!!! I have lad sourcush beans then.. Over 50!!! But that still burned me!!!!!!! These beans are like lil soldiers and everyone of there lives count!!!!! And tryna hook people up and bless them with a great experiance there has been many soldiers m.i.a.
hook me up man 8-) i'll do a journal on them and show all the haters how dank they really are :-P
Like i said i didnt trade with you so you dont need to tell me nothing about it.lmao its funny how you were saying its irrelevant nd you are done but now you back talking about it.lmao..TRust me kid i didnt screw myself out of nothing it is what it is if he sends it he kept his word if not oh well a lesson learned.
A man keeps his word others do what they want.I know which one i am


Well-Known Member
a mans word is good when you keep it not when you change it every month.Like i said he told me last month he would send clones out of his own pocket A MONTH AGO,now a mmonth passes i ask about it again and what do you know a different word is wait till i move to colorado.

@ chi how is that putting you on blast when thats what you said out of your words.I just repeated and since you have a right guard here i figure he should know what was said instead trying to run with the qb

man wtf is wrong with you papo??? didnt you hear me what ima doing for ur ass??? wtf you keep talking and making me salty??? calamte tu voca pai...... str8 up