the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
please do come to Michigan, Oakland County is where you need to be. they LOVE MMJ there, and guys like you wil fit right In!
this is the jackass well one of the jackasses who thinks that the weed of the 60's and 70's is better then my sourkush....


Well-Known Member
hell yea ..... i want to grow some just need a spore stamp or something i just got a book on growing them shits got the whole history of shrooms all the way back to 3500 B.C they have been used
i got some spore syringes that a couple years old but should still be viable cuzz they in fridge.... they some cubensis.... i have a few cc's of coasta rican and a full 10 cc's of the pesh{pacific exotic spore hawaiins} there at a buddies house maybe i can plug u up with them


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";5577618]Nice, i haven't shroomed in a while, those thing looks tasty :weed:

That would be legit if you started growing them, i've been wanting to myself :bigjoint:[/QUOTE]

i can teach you to grow many many pounds in around 3 months of time.... get some straw, paturized dung, spores, couple innoculation bags, pressure cooker, and many many big totes


Well-Known Member
fucking hot out brothas................. i already kniow when i watch the local news tonight many people will have been shot/.killed in chicago today fucking 85 man.... i feel like grabbing da cold steel to.... lol or maybe ill just turn on the a/c..... its about time for clones to go out almost...... nother week or 2 just to be fully safe


Well-Known Member
My guy grows em. He was telling me how he kept selectively isolating the best of the best, until after generations you have like your own brand of amazing shrooms, kinda like breeding I guess. Sadly there isn't much of a market for em in this town. He said you can make some big bank off em if you isolate a good strain.


Well-Known Member
My guy grows em. He was telling me how he kept selectively isolating the best of the best, until after generations you have like your own brand of amazing shrooms, kinda like breeding I guess. Sadly there isn't much of a market for em in this town. He said you can make some big bank off em if you isolate a good strain.
yea some people take spore prints from they biggest single boomer from the flush..... but people on my levle isolate rhzomorphic mycellium ensureing the thickest flushes.... the more cloud like fluffy mycellium is not favored has much has the ropey like rhiz mycellium


Well-Known Member
we gettin some bubble hash bags off ebay... full melt bubble hash will be on the menu!!!! and we still gonna be makking bho, and whipped bho butter to.... its all on da menu... also before fall harvest we getting an automated trimmer.... cuzz im not trying to have arthritis by time im 30 lol..... fucking 500 bones for that trimmer


Well-Known Member
i got some spore syringes that a couple years old but should still be viable cuzz they in fridge.... they some cubensis.... i have a few cc's of coasta rican and a full 10 cc's of the pesh{pacific exotic spore hawaiins} there at a buddies house maybe i can plug u up with them
hell yea that would be the shit and its legal to get spores mailed in my state and to have ...let me know somthing if you get them from your buddys house


Well-Known Member
AND WHAT NOW?! 1k pages of wealth. A millenium of awesomeness. Sadly, I ain't toked in a week, but I'll raise my Viking Fjord vodka in salut!