the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
Good stuff man, and I agree. I stop in here when things are so hectic I can't think straight, it helps keep me focused. And I know what you mean about helping others get their op's going, even to the extent that I cut my own throat in the process but that's just how I am. I like to help.


Well-Known Member
hey howak heres my auto grow 9 weeks in. [video=youtube;PvdhgAGiTeA][/video] i like autos myself and im a very experienced smoker. im always dabbin so it takes a lot to get me ripped. i think autos have come a long way in potency and taste in the last 2 years.


Well-Known Member
hey check out this glass blower hes bad ass the eyeworm (2nd set in the video) is mine i should have it saturday or monday these are the 1st dabber/dish sets he has ever made great prices he also has a website with all his other glass


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";5658297]Damn, thats way legit, the first set was pretty cool too :D[/QUOTE]
yea i was goin to get the 1st set to but i went with the 2nd set the 1st set is $10 cheaper and its 5inch long the eyeworm is 6inch long i will have it tomorrow will make a video using it when it gets here


Well-Known Member
lol you stay buying some new shit!

dude im gone off that sk bubba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i waked and baked now i fucked up my whole day..
hahah i love nice new glass and this guys prices are unbeatable
hell yea .... i stil got 2 nice bags of sk i may smoke some tonight


Well-Known Member
just got done puttin 4 plants outside i put 1 blue monshine,2 unknown sativa x sourkush and 1 weak looking sourpower so far i will put more out in about 1week or so just want to see what these are going to do 3 are in pots and i planted one in the ground


Well-Known Member
great to see u posting regualry...... cant wait for my lil hommie poplars to get back!!! free poplars!!!

howak though most people will say not to top autos such has lowryder, easyryder, bluestreak, ect. i would top your auto cuzz its sativa dom... i dont think it will be done in no 60 days like the ones i previously mentioned... so therefore it would prosper from being topped...i thinnk the haze side of things will give it enough veg time and flower stretch to get some kind of justice from topping... do a test top one leave the other has is....