the chitown sourkush thread

lol@shields,and gsp. fighters who don't know how to finish fights to save their lives :lol: and ellenberger hasn't even been tested against top talent. koscheck? lol! don't even start

GSP hater?? Who would u pick for a gsp vs. silva if gsp moved up? they are both so technical n smart. i didnt watch this one. how did cheick do ? diaz stands no chance against gsp either.
you are the only one involved in any of this. i have no idea what your problem is. PLEASE stop harassing me. thank you.
keep tellin yourself that. I'm NOT gonna stop doing anything.

if you think I'm harrassing you maybe you should hang out somewhere else. I could give a fuck about what anyone else on this whole SITE thinks let alone this thread.
the match i wanna see is spider silva v.s. john bones jones... cuzz if machida cant beat him via decission noone can.. including bitch ass rashad evens
well... a 7.5 year relationship has come to an end.... im sinlge again.... feels weird...
Sorry to hear that my friend.:sad: You know what they say though; women are like busses. If you get kicked off of one, just hang out for a few minutes. There will be another one along in about 15 minutes! lol! Keep your chin up bro. See if you can call up some skank to give you a sympathy BJ.:hump:
Sorry to hear that my friend.:sad: You know what they say though; women are like busses. If you get kicked off of one, just hang out for a few minutes. There will be another one along in about 15 minutes! lol! Keep your chin up bro. See if you can call up some skank to give you a sympathy BJ.:hump:

lol i dont know how we made it 7 years plus...... we break up every week.. unfaithfull to one another.... violence..... we just got accustomed to this shit over the years.... thank you for your kind words
whoah. sorry to hear this. i hope it's for the better. i'll friend you again in case you need anything. :hug:

lol thanx........ man it was a bad one... id be ashamed to tell you all the shit we put each other threw bro..... lol her parents dont like me, my ma dont like here.. lol its fucked up... im taking it better then i thought... she is already going out to clubs and shit and having dudes buy her drinks... she is just a whore