the chitown sourkush thread

Lol, thats harsh. My girl is hot n takes pics of herself constantly showing off her sexiness. Yet, she is no dumbass. That's an unfair assumption.
I could care less fair or not.. that's what I and most intelligent guys see when girls take pics like that of themselves.

if they don't want to be interpretted like that, perhaps try a different camera angle, and look on her face... I definitely don't feel wrong in saying my clear interpretation.
I could care less fair or not.. that's what I and most intelligent guys see when girls take pics like that of themselves.

if they don't want to be interpretted like that, perhaps try a different camera angle, and look on her face... I definitely don't feel wrong in saying my clear interpretation.
Ok well all fairness aside. If you were to try and approach a pretty women, with the assumption that she's dumb, she'll play you to the left and leave you looking stupid. I am intelligent. and when i see a girl in a pic like that all i think is, "damn, i'd fuck" and even further more i never question some-ones brains. you know the saying "Never judge a book by it's cover"..

Your clear interpretation is wrong is no clear at all. It is a clouded opinion. Even though u stated it as a fact.
Ok well all fairness aside. If you were to try and approach a pretty women, with the assumption that she's dumb, she'll play you to the left and leave you looking stupid. I am intelligent. and when i see a girl in a pic like that all i think is, "damn, i'd fuck" and even further more i never question some-ones brains. you know the saying "Never judge a book by it's cover"..

Your clear interpretation is wrong is no clear at all. It is a clouded opinion. Even though u stated it as a fact.

I'm just saying this is how they look to me. and I don't care if I miss out on the best woman of my life by that misinterpretation. I don't NEED a woman in my life.

also, I'm not saying any woman who just looks good, I'm saying women who do poses like that and have that fuckin dumb look on their face like I"m hot shit. I'm just sick of that egotistical side that women are embracing more and more, its like I would MUCH rather appreciate a woman based on how epic her mind was and personality rather than some fuckin look she can throw at me.

but besides that, women try to fuckin say that its all about enjoying their sexuality... or embracing it... I don't see why it has to be embraced in a public level, I refuse to date any chick that's gonnna post pics like that. it shows something about her personality. if she feels the need to be seen like that, there's probably something else going on under the surface that I'm not gonna want to fuck around with.

but it's cool I'm used to being looked at as the dumbass shitbag douche.
i agree with some of that.

But you do NEED a women, i promise you will sooner or later. Mom's dinners, n palmalina won't work forever. it's human nature.
i agree with some of that.

But you do NEED a women, i promise you will sooner or later. Mom's dinners, n palmalina won't work forever. it's human nature.

moms dinners, even though I live with my mother I find it is I who does most of the cooking if not ALL of the cooking. big misconception.

what I need, is good community. some consider one good woman all the community one needs, I prefer good friendship, I don't know why but when people focus on their little relationship, they end up making a little micro life for themselves, kids, extended family... but ironically, your FRIENDS, that were with you no matter waht, don't seem to take much presidence in your life compared to say, your chick and kids and their family.

certainly it is for some people.

but you can't tell me I do NEED a woman, if you are gonna try and tell me that you don't have a damn clue about who I am as a human being and as a spirit.
Never go bacc, its never the same. and don't even touch the pussy only bad things come from that. Ex's are ex's for a reason. they can be forgiven but why when the possibility of it happening again are that much bigger.

famo this chick never did shit wrong to me.... we just stopped talking like that.... not like this last bitch!!!! thats one bitch i wont fuck with anymore... even if she had the last pussy on earth... but this chezcoslovakian chick pictured above is proper....
moms dinners, even though I live with my mother I find it is I who does most of the cooking if not ALL of the cooking. big misconception.

what I need, is good community. some consider one good woman all the community one needs, I prefer good friendship, I don't know why but when people focus on their little relationship, they end up making a little micro life for themselves, kids, extended family... but ironically, your FRIENDS, that were with you no matter waht, don't seem to take much presidence in your life compared to say, your chick and kids and their family.

certainly it is for some people.

but you can't tell me I do NEED a woman, if you are gonna try and tell me that you don't have a damn clue about who I am as a human being and as a spirit.

awww dont turn on me like that folks..... u just told me the other day on facebook i should get another girl... i havent had sex in over 2 months and im tired of fucking my hand...

I could care less fair or not.. that's what I and most intelligent guys see when girls take pics like that of themselves.

if they don't want to be interpretted like that, perhaps try a different camera angle, and look on her face... I definitely don't feel wrong in saying my clear interpretation.

ima keep it 100 with yall since yall my niggz... she aint the brightest chick in the world... but most of em aint... she got a good heart doe.. and some big ass tittays... and azz
I'll . Trouble I have to disagree with you on one thing the x- part.. My wife now was my x like 10 years ago.. Now she is the mother of 2 of my sons. Shit is way better than before.. It's all in the person don't matter if it's a x or not. I'm living proof;)
I'll . Trouble I have to disagree with you on one thing the x- part.. My wife now was my x like 10 years ago.. Now she is the mother of 2 of my sons. Shit is way better than before.. It's all in the person don't matter if it's a x or not. I'm living proof;)

hell yeah pai she finna slide on da chi tommorow.... i havent seen her in 8 years!!!!!!!! she aint just gonna let me smash its gonna take a good long time before i get da pussy i already know
Shes got a good looking body but damn she needs to grow some real brows. Stencil brows look too fake imo. Its still worth a chase chi aint like ur tryin to wife her lol
[QUOTE="SICC";6951522]Bitch lookin like a fake ass Khloe Kardashian LOL[/QUOTE]

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww snapp my nigga!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! werew u been g
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww snapp my nigga!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! werew u been g

Just chillin my nigga, posted like a mutha fuccin mailbox. Been lurkin like a mutha fucca lately. You kno how it is G, just doin my thang. Hope all is good on your side of the hood.

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