the chitown sourkush thread

its efficent... a big frying pan with a lil water, with a pyrex glass plate that u would u know leave left overs in and shit to microwave later... its does work son
yep ,you got that shit down. I just try to find some way to suspend the glass /in/ the water but not touching any of the metal. because if it touches the metal it spoils the double boiling process somewaht.
tools of the trade:

have had that zong for over 3 years yo. the ash catcher and the bowl are new as of this year and last year, same with the glass on glass diffuser, but the original zong is actually made out of the real equipment used to make zongs.

apparently it's a 25 thousand dollar scientific piece of equipment that PULLS and PUSHES the glass at the same time to create VERY strong bends. as a result each bend in this zong is actually STRONGER than any part of the zong..... I've accidentally clanked it against glass, metal, porcelain, all sorts of shit, ,, the shape of it helps it stay in my lap without faling too..

thought I'd share what gets me high every fuckin day... the pipe in the background I use at night when I need to slow down for my lungs before I go to bed :)

the hemp wick on the table is humboldt traders hemp wick, fine flame :)
damn... how the fuck do people survive?
same way as before... jus gettin by at best in most cases. there is no hope for tha D...thats what happens when your entire economy is based on the auto industry... the popuplation is about 1/3 of what it used to be in the city now...most people moved away or up north more...N Mi is still the bomb!
same way as before... jus gettin by at best in most cases. there is no hope for tha D...thats what happens when your entire economy is based on the auto industry... the popuplation is about 1/3 of what it used to be in the city now...most people moved away or up north more...N Mi is still the bomb!

you talking about the u.p.? how is it up there? there jobs? police strict? i saw there rent is cheap has hell...
you talking about the u.p.? how is it up there? there jobs? police strict? i saw there rent is cheap has hell...
i never been to the UP tbh.... thats pretty far north, im talkin like an hour or so away from the city . furthest north i been was jus past gaylord.... pretty nice land up there to.

last tiem iwas in Chitown was a nitemare..had to deliver a tool to OHare .... jeeeezuz H that place is fuckin mental lol .. pretty sweet city tho
i never been to the UP tbh.... thats pretty far north, im talkin like an hour or so away from the city . furthest north i been was jus past gaylord.... pretty nice land up there to.

last tiem iwas in Chitown was a nitemare..had to deliver a tool to OHare .... jeeeezuz H that place is fuckin mental lol .. pretty sweet city tho

yeah chicago is a big ass city.... with millions of people... most of them are fucked up... highest gang membership per capita in tbhe world... more then l.a. more murders then l.a. and new york... they got bullitproof police cameras all ver and it aint stopping shit... people still getting shot in front the cameras.. drugs are still being sold in the open air in forn the cameras... welcome to chicago... a truely gangsta city... truth is ive seen it worse.. in the early 90's we were getting over 900 murders a year... thats about the time the crack shit hit our city... it hit us late cuzz the gangs kept it out of chicago because at the time the powder heroin and powder cocaine was more lucrative... tell me why we have the strikest gun laws in the nation but our nation leads the country in gun violence? lol crook county baby!!!
yeah chicago is a big ass city.... with millions of people... most of them are fucked up... highest gang membership per capita in tbhe world... more then l.a. more murders then l.a. and new york... they got bullitproof police cameras all ver and it aint stopping shit... people still getting shot in front the cameras.. drugs are still being sold in the open air in forn the cameras... welcome to chicago... a truely gangsta city... truth is ive seen it worse.. in the early 90's we were getting over 900 murders a year... thats about the time the crack shit hit our city... it hit us late cuzz the gangs kept it out of chicago because at the time the powder heroin and powder cocaine was more lucrative... tell me why we have the strikest gun laws in the nation but our nation leads the country in gun violence? lol crook county baby!!!

lol our last 3 govners all in the joint!!! and thats why mayor daley backed down cuzz the feds were watching him for years and they got too close... we know wtf u doing daley with your ohare bullshit... big time constructions companies paying you big time bux for you to give them the contract.. we been mobbed up like this since the beginning... since the city was established