the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
iam cookin some marijuana spaghetti with a little over half of the vaped bud i have (the stuff that has not been vaped more than 1 time ) my dad made some the other day and said it got him high as fuck so iam givin it a try hahahhahah


iam cookin some marijuana spaghetti with a little over half of the vaped bud i have (the stuff that has not been vaped more than 1 time ) my dad made some the other day and said it got him high as fuck so iam givin it a try hahahhahah

be sure to let your dad try some sk.. amd tell him its from chicago.. so my city can be on the map for something other then corrupt politicians and gang warfare


Well-Known Member
be sure to let your dad try some sk.. amd tell him its from chicago.. so my city can be on the map for something other then corrupt politicians and gang warfare
ooo yea he has tried it and loved it hahahah:bigjoint:i hooked him up with a few beans of the ob x sk he was real happy bout dat hahah:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Chi\ak47 is youir genetic only for selectivr growers, or could I aquire beans from you, I know its not on seed banks and was wondering


Well-Known Member
watch out who you give sk beans to chi, unless you want this strain to become commercialized.

I've already turned down someone for clones and I'm sure other people will have a harder time saying no than I do.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3846120]so where are those pics Pop?

i wanna see those beasts :D[/QUOTE]

been preoccupied, getting shit together because I want to see if I can start these in march :D outside.

already took clones and such, SK seems to be VERY easy to clone.

also have been collecting pollen off of the SK males too :D. already have quite a bit but I"m gonna go until I see a nice thick layer of pollen haha.

anyways I"ll try to get some pics up soon. its just hard because of all the other shit I have to get together right now.


Well-Known Member
been preoccupied, getting shit together because I want to see if I can start these in march :D outside.

already took clones and such, SK seems to be VERY easy to clone.

anyways I"ll try to get some pics up soon. its just hard because of all the other shit I have to get together right now.
yea i understand, the suspense is just killing me, and ChiTown im sure haha

I cant wait to see them outdoor's, thats gonna be killer!


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3846139]yea i understand, the suspense is just killing me, and ChiTown im sure haha

I cant wait to see them outdoor's, thats gonna be killer![/QUOTE]

:eyesmoke: Hell yeah dude, and i agree with poplars, I vote to keep SK on the DL, and keep a nice strain as non-commercial as possible



watch out who you give sk beans to chi, unless you want this strain to become commercialized.

I've already turned down someone for clones and I'm sure other people will have a harder time saying no than I do.
lol yes thats the plan. it needs to be kept v.i.p. i dont just give it out to noone. and im glad i gave it to the people i did. i have not one regret. .


pop when you get a chance bro update some pics...... because i have never vegged the sk longer then 6 weeks.......... and on that veg i never topped even once. so im thinking your more then 6 weeks veg now right? gotta be you been counting right lol? anyway man you have taken h er farther then i have..... and this i gotta see!!! and come harvest time for the outdoor sk monsters.... i wanna see that too!!!!

and to the 3 people on here that have the sk please do not just blindly be giving it out... has you can see it is something truly special!!!! so enjoy and leave it up to the breeder to do the blessings... has you can see i dont just give it to anyone... and has for next in line..... there is one more cat i owe some sk to..... and he deserves it.... he is a very popular grower from the tropics....... and has his phd in thc!!!!! AND I FOR ONE WOULD FUCKING JUST LOVE TO SEE HOW MY SK GROWS RIGHT UNDER THE EQUATER!!!!!!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
pop when you get a chance bro update some pics...... because i have never vegged the sk longer then 6 weeks.......... and on that veg i never topped even once. so im thinking your more then 6 weeks veg now right? gotta be you been counting right lol? anyway man you have taken h er farther then i have..... and this i gotta see!!! and come harvest time for the outdoor sk monsters.... i wanna see that too!!!!

and to the 3 people on here that have the sk please do not just blindly be giving it out... has you can see it is something truly special!!!! so enjoy and leave it up to the breeder to do the blessings... has you can see i dont just give it to anyone... and has for next in line..... there is one more cat i owe some sk to..... and he deserves it.... he is a very popular grower from the tropics....... and has his phd in thc!!!!! AND I FOR ONE WOULD FUCKING JUST LOVE TO SEE HOW MY SK GROWS RIGHT UNDER THE EQUATER!!!!!!
And it's right ABOVE the equator,.... Unless you're standing on your head:hump: lol