the chitown sourkush thread


Well-Known Member
so wait did he do anything else after the koi pond thread?? something in PM I assume?
so you want to continue then? :fire:

i asked POLITELY for it to be dropped. rollitup has already been involved. you all are forcing me to do things i DO NOT want to do.

for the LAST time. let it go.


Well-Known Member
so you want to continue then? :fire:

i asked POLITELY for it to be dropped. rollitup has already been involved. you all are forcing me to do things i DO NOT want to do.

for the LAST time. let it go.
whoa there buddy I"m not starting anything. I'm just wondering if he said shiit I wasn't aware of or if its for everything that already happened.

it is what it is I don't care, I just wanted a lil clarity is all.


Well-Known Member
damn dude that SK is so dank even the stems get my fingers sticky as fuck!!! I should make butter w/ the stems or something hahahaha


Well-Known Member
Pops, you should or Howak send aREAL discription and report on th real SK, to Marijuana reviews, ms. chubbs needs a look!


Well-Known Member
so you want to continue then? :fire:

i asked POLITELY for it to be dropped. rollitup has already been involved. you all are forcing me to do things i DO NOT want to do.

for the LAST time. let it go.
One person upsets you, and your gonna take out out on everyone? Why threaten the while thread? Lst I knew this was a forum, not a courthouse


Well-Known Member
One person upsets you, and your gonna take out out on everyone? Why threaten the while thread? Lst I knew this was a forum, not a courthouse
if it's only "one person" why are you getting involved? kinda makes it 2 now, doesn't it?

why can't you just stop, is the real question. it's over as soon as you stop bringing it up.



Well-Known Member
whew that sk is powerful man. I blazed this other strain I grew (bubblegum x thc bomb) got me high as fuck, but then I blazed sk 30 mins later, omfg. totally made the high deeper and idk. fuckin effective medicine, this.

time to get back to trimmin SK!!


Well-Known Member
i dont understand what happened? i talked to chi this mourning and then i come back 5 hours later and hes gone wtf


Well-Known Member
My bad boss, I just remember the"or others will follow" like I said, your world, we just breath in it. My bad brah, no harm, no foul:)


Well-Known Member
that sounds much much better . . . .

now ima blaze some SK, just filled 2 quart jars full of dank well-trimmed SK :D


Well-Known Member
damn, sour kush is the only strain I've ever had that has me stoned before I'm even finished puffing the vape!!!!

edit: I'm stoned as fuck. this is epic.

yep yep chitown if you create anything that even gets on the same level as this, I'd be amazed bro. it sounds like everything in the universe was working for you at the right time bro because this shit is too perfect... a cross 1 in a million chance I'm betting . .. . idk but for real this is such a rare sort of high, so effective every time . .. .

end ramble... night all


Well-Known Member
so out of 4.95 oz trimmed, there is 1.8 oz of sugar shake (didn't calculate the trash leaf.)

that sugar shake weighs quite a bit, lots of trichs!